
solar paradox

hmmm I'm not going to say much but it will be a horror-fantasy type novel and if you want to know more read it

Damionthevillian53 · Horror
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

the beginning

Chapter one

The beginning








It starts out on the streets of Luna City

Where you meet a 16 year old girl named Mika

Dyed red short hair

Dark skin

Piercing on both ears and nose


Red stripe tattoos

Pic here

She is at work bored just waiting till closing time so her sister can pick her up

Everything silent the only sound is the clock ticking "tik tik tik" mika starts to look around the store.

Video games, comics, and toys everywhere Mika starts to wonder why she works here

She looked around the place then she bumps into something knocking over a stack of games that was meant to go to the basement.

She leans down and starts picking up the game until something catches her eye

A specific game that feels like it's calling to her with the name "solar paradox"

She stares at the game a little longer until she gets a call

It's her sister Mimi calling her

Mika answers the phone "hello" Mika said and she waits for an response

"hey we are outside to pick you up hurry up and close up the store" Mimi says from the other side of the phone

Mika gets up not before stuffing the game into her pocket and leaving

She gets the keys and walks outside and closes up shop as she turns around and walks towards the car she smiles at her sister

She gets in the car and looks at the two people in front one was her sister in the passenger seat.

Orange long dyed hair

Pink heart glasses

A sweater with no sleeves

And a happy smile

Pic here

Her sis turns around "so you have a nice day at work chump" her sis laughed and smiled while in the driver seat was her older sister boyfriend Max.

Dark skin


White Hoodie

Dyed white hair


Pic here

Max turns and asks " are you two ready because we have to go" he says as he starts the car and drives them home.

A couple of minutes later...

They pull into the driveway and get out the car as they walk towards the house Max pulls out the house keys and unlocks the door. They all walk into the house closing the door behind them.

Mika turns towards them and says "hey guys I have something I found in the store it's pretty strange" Max and Mimi look over as Mika grabs the game out of her pocket. When Mika grabbed it out of her pocket Max instantly recognized the game "woah where did you find this " Max says with a hint of excitement in his tone "is it important babe? " mimi says with a hint of confusion.

Max looks at her "it is important because this was banned in every country and no one knows why, people believes it's from the disappearances of the game makers" as he says that his excitement turns to sadness Mika and Mimi wondered what was wrong and they became concerned.

They lean down and they touch his shoulder and tell him everything is ok "what happened" Mika asked with a concerned look max wipes his eyes and look up at them "sorry it's just i have a twin brother he worked on the game with a few friends and he is one of the missing people".

Mika stands up and walks over to the TV and hooks up the consol, Mimi and Max stands up and asks what she was doing and she looks over her shoulder at them" maybe if we plug in this game and play we can find out what happened to your brother and maybe even get him back" Mika says with a smile on her face as she put the game in the console Mimi sighs and agree with mika then both the girls look at Max he smiles and shake his head and they each grab a controller as the game starts up. they look at the screen and there are multiple classes to select some already selected they pick their classes.

Mika: dark transformation mage

Mimi: element soldier

Max: necromancer slime

Mika and Mimi looks at max "necromancer slime?" they say with a confused face as they wonder what type of class Max picked then max looks at them and shrug "it sounds cool" Max says with a smile on his face but while they were all distracted the screen started glitching and suddenly a large source of energy hit Max and he falls down Mika and Mimi were shocked after what just happened they get up to check on him but they see another person in the distance next to Max.

Blonde long hair

And white fox mask with red lines

Black shirt

Red plaid overlay

Pic here

Max opens his eyes and sees the mysterious person then rushes to get up and move in front of the Mika and Mimi trying to shield them.

The mysterious person speaks up "hello please don't be alarmed but I need help my name is Damion and I am the god of mystery" he says trying to calm them down and slowly walks towards them suddenly Max realizes something " wait you look like that missing boy from the poster aren't you from the khione family" then Damion with a big smile says yes and looks at max " you look familiar too someone I know now that i think of it you look like one of the people that showed up in my world I think his name was Darry" Max with a shocked look on his face knows that damion is talking about his twin brother.

"you said you needed help earlier maybe we can help" Mika and Mimi nod as they stand up and walk towards Damion and Max. "Yes I need help in my world there are gods that are trying to lure humans to their deaths and we need to stop them before they can gain full power and extract the crystals of solar light".

Mimi seems surprised when he says that "crystals of solar light!?, I think my father had one on his necklace he said it was special and can bring me good luck" she lifts up the necklace on her neck realizing she has one

She suddenly seemed determined to help because it can probably lead her to her father's location. Damion who is happy that they agreed to help snap his fingers and their bodies started to glow and they got transported into the game world.