
Solar Moon

Mara doesn’t know where she comes from, who or even what she is. All she knows is the small village of the family who adopted and raised her since she was a baby. Her burning desire to discover her identity outweighs anything else in her life, but how much can she truly discover without leaving the comfortable safety of her shielded Lycan village? Ander is the strong King of the Lycan who is sure of his destiny and what he must sacrifice in order to fulfill his duty to his people. Over the centuries he has overcome any obstacle or villain who wished to foul the rise of the Lycan. Can the path that leads to his success also be the one that gives Mara the answers she desires? Or does fate have something else in mind for them...

phoenixstonereads · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Lycan Blessing

"I agree, it sounds like the right move to go and find your brother, but I am staying here." It was taking everything inside him to control his temper. Just the thought of leaving his mate here in this place, unprotected, unmarked had him clenching his fists in anger.

"I cannot leave you here," was the best he could bite out, without actually biting her. This wasn't exactly ideal for him either, but he wasn't fighting it.

"It is not safe. Word will get out that you are my mate and there are those who will use you to exploit me." Why was this so hard for her to understand?

"You mean like kidnapping?"

"Yes." Finally, they were getting somewhere. He stood up believing he had finally gotten it into her head and held out his hand expecting her to take it. She didn't.

"I can take care of myself." She said it like she really believed it and crossed her arms to punctuate it. He couldn't control himself any longer. He lunged down picking her up and then pinning her to the wall.

At first, she was too surprised to do anything. Then she glared at him directly in the eye as if her sheer will would make him let her go. She didn't try to physically fight back or wiggle her way out which came as a pleasant surprise to him. Her body was loose as she relaxed into the wall as if this didn't bother her at all. Even so, he held her firm in the iron cage he made with his body.

"You were saying?" He couldn't help the smugness in his voice. If things were not so dire he would enjoy the challenge his female presented. There was nothing more Lycans enjoyed than a chase. As angry as he was he couldn't help becoming aroused. His primal instinct was telling him he'd caught the object of his desire. And now it was time to enjoy it.

"Uh, I think you've made your point my liege." Her father tentatively pointed out. The intent glare still coming from her face said otherwise.

"I don't have to go with you. I'm not Lycan, you can't command me to obey." Oh, can't I? She was still testing his patience. He almost admired her tenacity. No one had ever dared to question him before in any matter. Yet this female was determined not to accept the facts before her.

"You would also be putting your family and everyone else here in harm's way. This village is not easily defensible and those who would come for you would not hesitate to cut down anyone in their path."

Great now he was using her family against her. The problem was, what if he was right? If he believed, then perhaps others would believe she was his mate as well. She could be putting everyone in danger and the only way not to would be to do as this guy says. Fuck, this was beyond frustrating. She couldn't stand him. At the same time, she couldn't let anyone be hurt because of her.

"If those reasons aren't enough, I should also mention the extensive archive of historical and modern-day texts that have been collected in the Taabe. Much larger than your resources here, I'm sure. If you have any interest in research, perhaps finding out more about yourself or possible origins, I can assure you, you would have a greater possibility of doing so there." He saw her eyes widen for just a second before returning to her stare down.

She found this intriguing. Finally, he'd found a weakness, something she wanted, that he could use to steer her to his will. " And as my mate, I would want to help you in any way I could."

He'd had her at putting her family in danger and now this. Could she possibly find some of the answers she was looking for there? He'd said not all who lived there were Lycan. What if her parents were there? What if they had a good reason for giving her up?

"Fine, but don't think this means I'm agreeing to be your mate," she gave Ander a pointed look to make sure he knew she was serious, "I'll go pack my things." She'd resigned to her fate - for now. Until she came up with a better plan. Her previous one of hiding wouldn't do any good now.

"Not necessary. Everything you need will be provided for you once we're home." Ander freed her from his grip.

"As I said, I'll go pack my things." She couldn't let him get used to her giving in to everything. Besides some things weren't replaceable. She shoved past him and headed out of the office and then towards her and Kota's room. To her dismay, he followed.

When they got to her room she stopped in front of the door. She could sense Kota was inside. What she wouldn't give for some alone time with her sister to help her brainstorm a way of this dilemma. "I guess there's no point in asking you to wait outside?"

"Glad to see you're catching on," She didn't have to turn around to know that cocky grin was already beaming on his face. Very well. She opened the door to find Kota laying on her bed as expected. She was probably waiting for Mara to get back and dish the deets. The eager look on Kota's face turned to one of shock and submission when the Lycan towering over Mara came into view behind her.

Welp. This is awkward. Was she supposed to introduce them? Or just let them both wait there in uncomfortable silence while she packed. Ugh. " Alpha King Ander, this is Dakota, my sister. Dakota, this is Alpha King Ander." Her sister bowed her head and Ander nodded in her direction.

"The Alpha here has gotten it into his head that I'm his mate and therefore a danger to you all so I will be leaving to the Taabe for a yet undetermined amount of time." She went to her closet and got out a bag. No suitcase of course, because she'd never gone anywhere before.

"Indefinitely," he interjected, "You will live with me permanently." He watched as the two girls shared a look, no doubt conveying some message to each other. He'd learned a long time ago how women seemed to have a completely different way of communicating with each other that no man would ever be able to understand, not even with all the magic in all the realms.

She began taking things out of her closet and stuffing them in her bag. It became quickly apparent that not everything was going to fit. "Just take what's immediately necessary, my men can collect the rest for you later."

"As if! No way am I letting their grubby paws go through my things!" He simply shrugged as if the matter was already decided. Wow, dictator much? She needed to talk to Kota now.

"OMG Kota, I need your help with something in the bathroom," Mara said sardonically, not even trying to hide her obvious intentions. She grabbed Kota's hand and all but dragged her to the bathroom shutting the door behind them.

When it became apparent that Ander was going to give her a moment of privacy with her sister they moved to the back wall and tried to keep their voices low. Kota could barely wait before the questions started flowing. Mara already knew the answers before she even had to ask.


"I don't know."

"And why-"

"I don't know."

"But how-"

"I don't know."

"I-I can't believe it ... " Kota trailed off grabbing hold of Mara's hands trying to offer some comfort she could see was desperately needed. She knew her sister put up a strong front but had to be freaking out as much as her.

"Yeah, well I don't believe it, but right now it seems I have to go along with it." Mara paused debating how to say this next part. "He and Dad both said there are people in the Taabe who aren't Lycan. People who could be like me." She looked at her sister to see how she would react to this news.

"You mean like - your parents might live there or something?" Mara nodded. Or something. She had no idea what would be waiting for her there. Would it be like here? Or completely different?

The more she thought about it the more she realized how fast this was happening and she did not understand at all what she was getting into. She wanted to find a way to pump the brakes on this whole thing but she knew Ander would only allow her so much time before he came barging in.

"Then you have to go." Mara looked surprised when her sister said this. "If you have a chance of finding answers… of finding your birth family, then you have to take it. Just remember I'm your family first. You can't replace me."

"Like that could ever happen," Mara pulled her sister into a tight hug. For the first time in their lives, they were going to be separated, not knowing when they'd see each other again.

"And don't worry about your things. I'll pack them for you. No grubby hands allowed." A small smile emerged on Mara's face. Just knowing that she had someone she could rely on throughout this madness made it seem a little more manageable "Thank you, sis."

The only thing Kota could do now to help her sister was to invoke a blessing of the ancients. "What the quest provides, may the spirits guide."