
Chapter 26 Brother-in-law, We Were Wrong_2

Translator: 549690339

Teacher Cang was also puzzled, why was this boy staring at her, she didn't even know him!

However, Shen Cangcang did notice one thing, that the martial arts moves this boy practiced were very similar to her own, as if he was the kind who knew a bit of everything when it came to fighting techniques.

Teacher Cang hesitated for a moment but still instinctively placed her fists by her waist, taking up a gesture only those who had learned it would recognize.


Ji Yun quickly caught on.

To deal with this formidable guy, he could try using judo.

No no no, not entirely judo, but to skillfully use close-quarters techniques, grappling techniques!

Ji Yun, of course, had learned judo from Shen Cangcang, and he especially enjoyed learning judo from her, mainly because it was too easily distracting, and Ji Yun had spent the longest time exploring this area!

"Looks like your skills are just for show, I overestimated you," Chin Feng said, relaxing his body and adopting a casual attitude.

"I just think that winning this way isn't very interesting," Ji Yun said, shaking his arm.

"If you can beat me, you'll be Lixue Middle School's boss," Chin Feng said.

"School tyrant? I'm a top student who's going to chase the school beauty to college, hang out with you punks playing house?" Ji Yun said mockingly.

"Then you tell me," Chin Feng said.

"Huang Xin, Jiang Hua also took the money, right?" Ji Yun asked.

"Ah, yes, he also took Luo Yao's money. It was Jiang Hua who told us to deliberately say the cigarettes were fake to pick a fight with you," Huang Xin hastily replied.

At this point, Huang Xin already wanted to give Luo Yao a beating.

This Ji Yun guy, able to spar with Chin Feng, how could his brothers who hang out in bars all day suffering malnutrition compete with that?

"That bastard Jiang Hua, he actually betrayed us??" Wu Kai, hearing this, became absolutely furious!

"Jiang Hua and us grew up on the same street. He was bullied when he first started selling cigarettes; it was us who stood up for him. And now, for a bit of money, he sold us out... I heard you and Jiang Hua are quite close," Ji Yun said to Chin Feng.

He had to sever the relationship between Jiang Hua and Chin Feng.

Only in this way was there hope to avoid the serious brawl two years later.

Moreover, today, in front of Wu Kai, exposing Jiang Hua's cunning and selfishness would presumably lead them to associate less in the future.

"I really hate those who don't know the meaning of loyalty. Fine, if you Ji Yun can beat me, I'll give Jiang Hua a beating and even take a photo for you," Chin Feng said.

"No need for that, just don't associate with Jiang Hua," Ji Yun said.

Jiang Hua knew Chin Feng was the school tyrant and made every effort to please him, hence the two established a relationship in the first year of high school.

"Alright, just another stinky cigarette seller, the cigarettes don't even taste good, mainly because I don't like people who betray friends anyway," said Chin Feng, not caring in the slightest. He never saw Jiang Hua as important.

"I hope you keep your word," Ji Yun said.

"I'm a man of my word, otherwise you can ask Elder Sister Cang Cang," Chin Feng said.

Ji Yun looked at Shen Cangcang, and with some reluctance, she nodded.

"What if you lose?" Chin Feng asked.

"You decide."

"Kneel and bow to each of us here, and every time you see us afterward, greet us respectfully with a 'Brother!'" Chin Feng said.

"Deal!" Ji Yun agreed instantly.


This time, Ji Yun no longer chose to be passive.

When Chin Feng attacked, Ji Yun also immediately retaliated, except Ji Yun wasn't counting on his punches and kicks to inflict any damage on Chin Feng's ironclad body, but to get as close to him as possible!

Iron Mountain Lean!!

Too bad there were no suspenders, otherwise the power could absolutely increase by a few more points!

Chin Feng immediately responded with an elbow strike to Ji Yun's forehead, but Ji Yun had already changed tactics, using a judo move to grab Chin Feng's collar and then fall backwards, hurling Chin Feng violently to the ground!

Chin Feng slammed heavily onto the ground; it was quite a scene!

Judo is all about using the opponent's force, and the stiffer the body, the heavier and more painful the fall.

Moreover, Chin Feng was just a half-baked fighter, only skilled at brute force, with no clue how to counter moves.

Clenching his teeth, Chin Feng struggled to his feet, only to have Ji Yun immediately close in on him again.

When faced with an enemy sticking close, it becomes very difficult to use fists and legs effectively, like being entwined by a snake.

Ji Yun's judo techniques could be said to be a true transmission from Miss Tifa, and against an opponent who was too fierce, he was sure to be thrown in a way that left him unable to get up again!

Another side throw!

After being tripped by Ji Yun, Chin Feng was tossed to the ground like a sack of sand!

This second throw left Chin Feng unable to rise for quite some time.

Shen Cangcang, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but show a look of surprise at Ji Yun's moves and techniques.

How come this boy's skills are so similar to hers??

Back in middle school, whenever Chin Feng acted up, Shen Cangcang would use these few moves to make him behave, which made Chin Feng fear her conditionally, and even after becoming the school tyrant in high school, he couldn't shake off that shadow.


Another heavy fall!

Chin Feng was in so much pain all over his body that he found it difficult to get up.

"You... you..." Chin Feng stammered.

"Still want to fight?" Ji Yun asked with a smile.

"No more, no more, brother-in-law, I was wrong," Chin Feng quickly gave in.

"Brother-in-law?" Shen Cangcang asked, puzzled.

"Elder Sister Cang Cang, stop pretending. I won't believe those moves he used to throw me aren't from your teachings. You should have said he was my brother-in-law sooner. If you're annoyed with me and want to vent, there's no need for all this beating around the bush. Just call me from upstairs, and I'll throw myself around a few times to cheer you up, Elder Sister Cang Cang!" Chin Feng said.

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't even know him!" Shen Cangcang was extremely annoyed.

She herself was still puzzled, how this boy's moves resembled her own so closely.

Once Chin Feng said this, everyone in the venue's attitude towards Ji Yun changed.

So that was it!

No wonder they all surrounded Ji Yun, yet Ji Yun wasn't afraid at all!

If even Chin Feng didn't dare to mess with this person, how could they dare to bully him?

"Brother Yun, we were wrong," Huang Xin and the others who understood the rules of the underworld all too well, admitted defeat and immediately apologized.

"Not Brother Yun, call him brother-in-law!" Chin Feng immediately scolded angrily, insisting on this as a way to show respect.

"Brother-in-law, we were wrong," Huang Xin and the others corrected themselves instantly.

"Ah ah ah, are you guys crazy? I don't know him!!" Shen Cangcang shouted.

However, sometimes it's helpless for a girl; the more she tries to explain, the more people believe it to be true.

Of course, the most shocked person was naturally Wu Kai.

He had personally witnessed what Ji Yun had done during this break.

What, again... again... another one??

The saliva he had left on Lou Yu's cheek wasn't even dry yet.

Qiu Mo was still waiting for him under the banyan tree!

And here was yet another hidden gem, a beautiful senior school sister whom even the school tyrant feared!!

In such a short period of time, he handled everything so orderly!

This precision in time management was simply master-like, perfectly passing through a field of flowers without a single petal sticking to him, yet also picking all the dew from them!

Shoes unworn, a decent person's shoes remain unworn indeed.

My role model, brother-in-law!

Ah, no, that's wrong, damn it, Ji Yun!!