
Chapter 3

Perc didn't have much to clean up. A few clothes had been hiding under his bed, and he stuffed them into his closet. His bed had been messy, since he hadn't cared to make it after he woke up, and he fixed that. He checked the bathroom, but everything had been clean. Then, he saw the toilet seat up, and rushed to put it down, since he wasn't an animal. Or a monster. He picked up any pieces of trash he could find and threw it all away. Before he could do anything else, though, he heard screams. Screams of fear and shock. He ran towards them, uncapping Riptide, but wasn't expecting to find what he did. The Athena cabin's windows, strangely, were crying rivers of water. "Annabeth!" He put his sword up, and charged into the cabin, but he couldn't breathe no matter how hard he tried. And he was a son of Poseidon, God of the seas! He should be able to breathe underwater. But he couldn't. The water ran up his nose, ripping air from his lungs, and making him cough and choke. He only had about five minutes before he was out cold. But he saw a flash of blonde hair, and stormy grey eyes full of terror. Annabeth! It had to be her! He swam forward, ignoring the way his muscles turned into sandbags, and made it to the bathroom. The sight he saw confused him. His girlfriend, Annabeth, lying on the ground, clutching her head, muttering to herself, "Get away from me! Make it stop, make it stop!" And she was in her own little bubble of air, which was usually what Percy could do, but somehow, and for a reason that made no sense, she had his powers. He reached the air bubble, and held her to his chest, trying to calm her with promises and good memories. Thankfully, she came around, but he didn't remember a lot after that. He knew he had coughed, and choked, of course. But nothing after that except darkness.