
Solandis : A Delicate Flower

A delicate flower born in a place full of thorns. Broken and sad, they go on a journey to find the other half that everyone have. Grasping their last hope for happiness, will they find what they are looking for?

astralwrites · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter 01

​ʚ Chapter One ɞ

"Look at that cosplayer! She looks so pretty!" A fan exclaimed, pointing their index finger towards the individual that is surrounded by a huge crowd trying their best to take a photo,

"Nah, she looks average." A man is his early 20s uttered with a nonchalant voice, his facial expression screaming boredom as he looks around the convention center.

A huge convention center built in the middle of the city, a perfect place for someone to visit if they are into cosplaying and other artsy stuff. Zachary isn't into that stuff, but he owed his friend and so he is standing inside the center, bored to his death.

"Come on~ Show some excitement! I know you're somehow enjoying this!" George uttered, frowning at his friend who just stares at him with blank eyes,

"Go enjoy yourself. I'll be outside. I don't like crowded places anyway." Zachary mentioned, turning his heels and walked towards the huge doors and didn't wait for George to reply.

The walk is something you can compare on an action movie. A lot of pushing, accidental pulling—because someone misidentified you and thought you were their friend— and a lot of shoving and yelling. It was indeed, a journey. Not to mention the sweaty smells of the fans literally shoving their pits in your faces as they tried to get noticed by their faves.

As soon as he took his final step towards the outside world, relief washed over him as he breaths in the fresh air, far from the nasty smell his nose refuses to inhale inside. He walked towards his car that is parked a few meters away from him, pulling out a pack of cigarette before biting one of the package and lighting it with a lighter.

Leaning against his car door, he puffed his cigarette, watching the grey smoke come out of his lips naturally, the smell is nasty but he was used to it, after all he's been smoking since his entered high school, and he's in college now.

He looks up, staring at the clouds above him that moves so slow that they barely moved unless you stared closely at them. He puffed another smoke before he threw the used cigarette on the ground and pressing the tip of his shoe to extinguish the fire.

"Geez, you could've thrown that in the trash bin. It's literally a few inches from you." A voice scolded him, clicking their tongue that ticked Zachary off.

Turning around, he sees the same person that George was fanboying about a few minutes ago. Zachary let out a scoff, crossing his arms around his toned chest before turning his back on the cosplayer.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me with your staff? Go ahead, honey." Zachary mocked, shaking his head and a chuckle escaped his mouth,

"Oh boy. Aren't you surprised that someone that looks like a girl has a voice of a man? This is new." The mysterious person asked, tilting his head as a habit of his when asking someone, and a bitter smile etched on his face,

"I am, actually." Zachary admitted, glancing at the guy from head to toe, realizing the effort the cosplayer put into their outfit,

"Oh. Of course. Well, you're gonna make fun of me now, huh?"

"Nah. I don't do such stupid things." Zachary turned towards the cosplayer who is still holding onto their plastic staff,

"Uhm… I'm August. It's nice to have someone not making fun of me just because I'm into these things." August introduced himself, sticking out his hand and smiling genuinely,

"Hm. Nice to meet you too. Zachary." He accepted his hand, pursing his lips as his way of smiling.

"I hope we get to talk again soon."



"Where the heck did you go?! I thought you went home without me." George remarked, a wide smile spreading across his face,

"Did you have fun?" Zachary asked the younger as they walked towards his car, occasionally bumping his hand against George's plastic bags filled with merchandises,

"I had tons of fun! Thanks for coming even though you didn't spend so much time inside." George enthusiastically waved his hands in the air as he grinned, spinning around while laughing happily,

"I see that. The nasty air and hot atmosphere was killing me, that's why."

Silence wrapped them like a warm blanket as Zachary helped George place his bags inside the trunk of the car. A satisfied smile spreads across their faces before George shut the door close, getting inside while humming a random song.

Zachary got in and slipped on the seatbelts, constantly glancing at George who was slowly drifting to sleep beside him.

A small smile made its way to Zachary as he started the car, reversing it before he started driving back home. Night time was already coming in fast, and they've got a long journey to go.

He stopped the car under the red light, gently tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he started to think of what happened today. He met someone. Someone who he thought he'll never meet. At least, not now.

He was glad he knew his name, but he didn't know his last. Maybe it's for personal reasons?

'I guess I'll never know huh.' The man thought, unconsciously sighing out loud as his gaze switched towards George who is sleeping beside him, softly snoring as his head is against the window shield.

'He's like a child. Getting excited at conventions when he detests school programs as much as he loves them.'

But somehow, deep within the auburn colored haired man, with tattoos on his right arm, he knew he wants to meet the cosplayer he met today.

Somehow, he feels this deep connection he never felt for someone before.