
Solace: a Scavenger’s Story

I’m sorry but the first two chapters are out of order!

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15 Chs

Bringer of Chaos

A wave of shock and fear broke up the crowd around them and a harsh clatter of something iron hit the stone floor. One of the Jawas lay dead next to a rusted and crude dagger; the other was frozen stiff and staring down the business end of Lowbacca's lightsaber. One of  the two Twi'leks swiftly dove to the floor for the ancient relic and was quite surprised to see Maz's wrinkled orange fingers already laced around the hilt. "Thank you, Nerra, this belongs to me." Oola's brother, Nerra, blushed nervously and straightened himself out. The pair of Jawas somehow managed to break into Maz's private chambers, undetected. With a snap of the pirate queen's wrinkled fingers, a flock of her personal guards popped up; seemingly out of nowhere. "Search the premises!" Maz commanded as she walked backed to the table where Poe had ordered another round. Lowie put away his blazing bronze lightsaber and grabbed the mortified Jawa by the waist; proceeding to dump him upside down to make sure that he wasn't holding anything else that didn't belong to him.

Awkwardly handing off the disheveled Jawa to one of the security guards; Lowie checked in with Oola and Nerra to gather more information about the incident. Poe and Maz raised their glasses to their lips as if  to wash away the moment from memory. "This is the dagger of Mortis," Maz countered cautiously to Poe in a low voice. "I've been hanging on to it for the better part of a century-just in case she returned." Poe downed the last of his frothy ale which left a creamy residue on his stubbly mustache. "She ?..." Poe wondered out loud. "The Mother of Darkness, Queen of the Stars and Bringer of Chaos." Maz sighed heavily, "This is the only weapon in the galaxy that could kill her." The ancient pirate queen appeared to be physically bothered; as if the act of saying her name  could somehow how summon her into existence. "Aboleth is an ancient and a darkly corrupted force; she has escaped countless prisons and used to be an adoptive mother to the Chosen Ones of Mortis; the original wielders of the force." Poe looked around the room anxiously; he was slightly on edge now and only relaxed a little when he saw Lowie return to the table with another round of Maz's magic sauce.

"Good-Good I was just starting to get a bad feeling about this." Dameron joked nervously as he raised his glass to toast the young Wookiee. Settling deeper into her chair, Maz continued, "There has been a shift the in tides of the force; darkness is on the rise." Maz visibly shivered as she tucked away the Mortis dagger into her vest. "I have increased security around here and have my own hired guns out looking for more answers." Maz scrunched her nose and held Lowie's worried gaze "I have two freshly furnished suites with your names on them."

The pilot and the Wookiee woke up fresh the next morning and beyond eager to get to Achto. The Jawa incident of the night before had stirred up the whole resort and Maz had been up all night communicating with the Resistance; she warned them about the thieves and value of the Mortis blade. Aboleth was on the rise and Maz seemed absolutely convinced.

"Lowbacca, I know that you'll know what to do with this when the time comes," She placed the crude and rusty blade in his enormous paws. The young Wookiee surged with pride and curtly nodded at Maz as if he swore an oath. "Poe Dameron, now is your chance for redemption; fight back the darkness before it swallows us all."  With tears in her eyes, she pulled him in close for a long awkward hug, which Poe reciprocated with a welcoming hug of his own.  Stepping back to acknowledge them both, Maz added "Everything you do, everywhere you go; you have the hope of the galaxy with you." She smiled, and wiped back her tears, "The force will guide you to bring Rey home."

Poe and Lowie found an almost brand new x-wing waiting for them on the beach. Once inside the cockpit, it seemed to be somewhat larger to accommodate the Wookiee sized co-pilot. Poe beamed at the reinforcements added to the shields and upgrades on the navigation panel. Preparing to launch the x-wing into lightspeed, Lowbacca was beyond excited to see his Uncle on Achto. Soaking up all the thrill of adventure around him, Poe was filled with the fuzzy familiar feeling of friendship and winked at Lowie as they zipped through hyperspace. In almost a blink, they were descending through the oceanic and foggy atmosphere of Achto. The crew easily spotted the jagged rocky island on the horizon; it was midday now, but one couldn't tell because the sky was overcast with shadowy clouds in the corners. Gazing up at the oddly bright, but sun-less sky; Lowbacca could sense a distinct presence of evil around the island. Threats of rain could be detected in each unexpected gust of wind that wrapped around the x-wing as they approached the landing site of the famous Millennium Falcon. A vicious storm seemed to be on the rise and the ruthless wind stole the air from both the pilot and the Wookiee's lungs as they emerged from the cockpit. Out in the blistering wind, they could faintly detect random shouts of Shyriiwook coming from the backside of the Falcon. Poe and Lowie could not suppress their laughter once they found Chewbacca completely covered in Porgs from head to toe. Rain began to pour in sheets around them and the Porgs appeared to be over-cuddling the Wookiee in absolute fear of the storm. A white flash of lightning arrived in time to confirm this as they all comically squawked in terror.

The young Wookiee's uncle Chewbacca shook off the Porgs in one shake and aggressively tackled him to the ground; almost catching Lowie completely off guard. Excited roars of Shyriiwook filled the salty air around them as the two fuzz balls wrestled in the mud; obviously thrilled to see each other after all this time. Poe stood there chuckling at the two mock-fighting Wookiees, now covered in mud; but turned immediately at the familiar shrill beeps of an old friend. "BUDDY!!" An elated Poe Dameron scooped up his favorite droid in his arms; hugging him harder than the average Wookiee. "Let's get you dry, kid." Dameron said to BB-8 as they boarded the Millennium Falcon. The rowdy reunion of the Wookiees continued until the the rain began to fall significantly harder and sudden crashes of thunder soon followed.

The newly assembled scavenger search party gathered around the holochess table as Chewbacca filled in the details of Rey's disappearance. After a long, thoughtful pause, Poe suddenly perked up "Did Rey bring her Jedi library with her?" Chewie immediately got up from the table to open up a small compartment in the corner. Lowbacca stood up to join him; naturally driven towards the knowledge of the Jedi. Pointing to the short stack of parchments and leather bound books, Chewbacca let his nephew browse the pile and sat back down at the chessboard. Near the bottom of the pile was a dark red leather bound notebook with frayed and burned edges. Immediately drawn to the dark magnetism of the book, Lowie quickly reached out and grabbed it; flipping it over to read the cover. Already deciphering the ancient code of Aurebesh in only a matter of parsecs, Poe heard Lowie curse "Mother of Darkness" in an almost ghastly Wookiee whisper. Deep, in the pit of his stomach, Lowbacca knew that bringing Rey home would require them to follow a few dark footprints.