
Solace: a Scavenger’s Story

I’m sorry but the first two chapters are out of order!

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15 Chs

A Wolf Like Me

The predator and the scavenger gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed to be an eternity; Rey was so fixated on the handsome wolf before her, she hadn't noticed the bioluminescent forest dissolving into a fog. Neither beast nor beauty felt afraid of the other and Rey couldn't help but feel as if the wolf was someone that she knew. The intoxicating moonlight was highlighting the chiseled facial features of the wolf and the scavenger felt as though she'd wandered her way into a dream. Gazing into the golden eyes had sent her straight into a love spell or trance like state; the nocturnal sounds of the forest doing their part in the lullaby. Completely bound by the magnetic force surrounding the magnificent beast; Rey reached out and stroked his soft head. "Rey.." the deep rich tones of Ben's sultry voice came directly out of the great wolf in front of her. The realization made her swoon and dropped her to her knees; she began weeping uncontrollably. "Please.." Rey whispered "Don't toy with me anymore..." The great beast had circled himself around Rey protectively and she sobbed even harder; unable to believe that this was Ben. She buried her face in the fur around his neck; still not paying attention as the forest and the Bantha caravan had disappeared from view. Unwittingly, Rey had crossed the threshold of another portal between worlds. The moonlit conduit was filled with love, fog, and the familiar feeling of the Dyadic force she was once a part of. The scavenger felt his love all around her like a blanket of stars.

"Rey.." the hypnotic baritone continued as if his lips were against her ear, "Don't be afraid, I feel it too." And Ben Solo truly did! His borrowed wolf senses had detected the sweet fragrance of her hair as soon as she had approached the door to Mortis; which had randomly appeared on the road to Mock. Projecting himself through the many conduits of the force was still very experimental at this phase in his training; he had to be sure she was safely out of the haunted ruins of Solace but also close enough to bring her through the portal. Each tear she cried burned like acid through the fur of the wolf form he was now; his spirit ultimately swearing an oath to never leave her side again. He found a way for them to be together forever but she would have to truly let the past die and be only his, forever. The closeness of her face now was beyond intoxicating as he could feel her pressed up against him; even as wolf and woman their bodies were still one unified force.

Keeping her face smothered deep into Ben's fur; Rey refused to pull away from her soulmate. Even though she had only been close enough to smell him a few times; the wolf seemed to bear the same delicious scent. The scavenger had scoured the galaxy to find him and she'd do whatever it took to stay with him there or anywhere. For the first time, Rey didn't give a damn about anyone or anything else and wanted nothing more than to be with him forever. No sorcery or entity could ever duplicate the rare feelings that their force bond always evoked within her; these thoughts caused an overwhelming desire to look into the eyes of her beloved. Once again her eyes fell helplessly deep into the golden orbs of light that burned like hot embers in the fog. She forced her landslide of usual questions back from soiling the moment and she chose to wait patiently for Ben to speak again. "I found a way.." Ben's voice came out quietly and filled with an unexpected shade of shyness, "For us to be together..You-you just have to trust me." The boyish tone in his voice was all Rey needed but she stole a glance at their hazy surroundings anyway and was quite surprised to see they were practicing levitating in thin air. The foggy frigid atmosphere was reminiscent of the trip to the summit she'd taken with the Bantha. The wolf and the scavenger continued to lock eyes as the enchanting fog carried them over the threshold of another world.

The overwhelming urge to sweep her up and hold her tightly in his arms was beyond irresistible; even for a creature whose physical characteristics made it impossibly awkward anyway. "We must conserve our energy," his voice sounding more like a familiar command from Ren, but softened as he added "I promise to explain everything, later." "Please trust me, Rey." She had been through so much hell in her life already and a lot of it on his account. Fighting the sickening guilt creeping into his stomach, Ben held Rey's inquisitive gaze, once again enraptured by the deep alluring ocean she contained in her eyes. Her pupils like tiny islands. The depths still demanded answers that he knew she deserved to know but Ben was struggling to maintain enough focus to remain there with her at all. He knew it would take everything he had in him to lead them to where they were headed.

Deep in meditation; at the tallest peak in the ethereal realm of Mortis, sat the original form of Ben Solo. A wild unpredictable terrain, Mortis was the perfect training ground for this advanced Jedi. The daytime was plagued with scorching unpredictable rainstorms and savage beasts only to be healed with moonlit mountains and lush forests by nightfall. Ben was personally summoned here for advanced training by a force ghost who appeared to him on Kef Bir; only moments after he had hurled his lightsaber into the sea. The symbolic death of Kylo Ren; -that "piece junk" hardly worked anyways. He had been sitting there in the aftermath, struggling to build the courage his father told him he had already. He knew what he had to do; for himself, for Rey and the galaxy that he never truly cared for. He would do it for Her, he firmly decided; because she loved him and he knew it. The force ghost of his grandfather Anakin had arrived in that moment of decision. A younger man, he had never met but knew in his heart to be him. "Ben.." Anakin's face was warped with intense emotion, "I wish someone had told you the truth about me." Ben Solo's heart now surged with a new hope. "I can help you save her and yourself."... "It will be the most intense and final training of your life."

Rey hadn't  really thought of her friends in two whole days and it oddly didn't seem to have an effect on her right now as it normally would. She was long past feeling that this was a dream her focus began to adjust to their new surroundings as the mysterious fog that carried them there slowly began to dissipate. The wolf that carried the voice of her beloved was sniffing the air and that brought Rey's attention to the fiery sky above them now, dark red clouds that seemed to threaten rain at any moment. The fog finally lifted revealing a barren wasteland much like the city limits of Solace. Rey's heart sank at the loss of the lush green forest that was like the sweetest dream she'd ever had. "What is it, Ben," she cautiously asked her calculating but perfect counterpart. "We must find shelter immediately," Ben's voice commanded again with tone of Ren, "Climb unto my back, we're running out of time!"

Rey swallowed the heart that was in her mouth and expertly mounted the massive wolf; gripping him firmly between her thighs. Rey was convinced she felt the body of the wolf trembling as she leaned forward gripping its dark gorgeous fur between her fingers. She kissed Ben's furry cheek as he charged forward at full speed; Rey didn't care where they were headed. She felt as though her life had finally started to make sense; her friends would never understand. The scavenger and wolf rushed through the ominous, vermilion wasteland both seeking thrill in the possibility of unknown dangers that could be out there lurking for them. They sweetly sought solace within each other; through their force bond and the dyadic duo was more powerful than ever as they continued down the road to their hopeful redemption.