

Eric woke up, his eyes droopy with sleep, he turned on his lamp reluctantly and squinted, he grabbed his phone from the night stand then turned it on and opened Discord, entering his chat with Kenny.

—------------11:38 am, Sep 19, 2023----------------

cartmanbrah: hey ken whats your class schedule they just came in/

oiledupwomen69420: here

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oiledupwomen69420: no judging my userr alsooo oh my lordd

oiledupwomen69420: im tryna get into a good college so you better not talk to me all throughout class

cartmanbrah: we shall see you skinny bitch

oiledupwomen69420: ill beat your face in fatass

cartmanbrah: 🫢 not if i do it first

oiledupwomen69420: fuck you

cartmanbrah: fuck you too


Cartman smiled at his phone, hes thankful for Kenny and their friendship, he doesn't think he's as close to anyone as he is with Kenny, their playful arguing and bickering was comforting to him, and since they have known eachother since preschool they have always been inseparable, plus Kenny being the only kid in their whole grade really that he could stand.

Cartman shuffled out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower, he's always been hygienic, just very inappropriate with his jokes which led people to think he was gross. "Goodddd morning america!!" He said out loud to himself as he exited the bathroom, he then put new clothes on, the clothes consisting of a red hoodie with baggy jeans, as he usually wore. His phone then rang and he picked it up, it read "incoming call from oiledupwomen69420." He groaned and picked it up.

"Hey Ken whats up."

He said into his phone, Kenny's profile picture on Discord was a screenshot from some random hentai.

"Heyy Eric can I come over?" Kenny said.

"Sure, why? Also why like the day before school starts?" Eric asked, making a confused expression.

"So your mom can take us to the mall and buy us clothes, and uhh other stuff duhh." He said in an average shop addicted teenage girl tone.

"Pfft dude your such a dick, but sure if you can convince her."

"Trust me I can." Kenny smirked behind his screen.

"Alright but also Clyde might have to come because my moms always wanting me to interact with him more since he's my step brother now. But I don't think Scott has to come because he went to the mall with his friends like a week ago."

"I dont give a shit, you're the only one who really cares about that stuff, I find Clyde kinda cool to hang out with."

Cartman rolled his eyes.

"Alright be over in like 30 minutes max, see ya"

Cartman said hovering his finger over the hangup button waiting for kenny to say it back.

"See ya."

Cartman then hung up the phone and smiled, getting up and exiting his room to make some eggs for him and Kenny for when he comes over. Since he knows damn well Kenny never eats breakfast and if he does it's a cheap snack bar from a gas station. Once he entered the kitchen he swiftly opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of eggs that was sitting idly in his fridge. He was almost out but he had 3 left which was perfect. He wasn't very fond of Clyde's dad but at least he had a job and brought more money into the house so he could get more stuff, which was enough for Cartman to allow him to live in the house.

He cracked the three eggs into the frying pan and turned on the stove, they both liked their eggs scrambled, so he began to wisk the eggs in the pan they started cooking and beforw he knew it they were finished, he put a little less of the eggs onto kennys plate on purpose and he set them down on the table, clyde and his dad went out for a bit but they would be back in about 30 minutes. Before he could think about anything more he heard the door open.

"Hey dude." Kenny said and he grinned at Eric, at this point he didnt even have to knock since they were so used to him coming over every few days. His boots muddied the floor a bit, but soon enough he took them off. "I cooked up some eggs for us." Eric said, he had jazz hands directed towards the food, to give off the impression he was revealing it like a expensive new thing on sale. "Sickk." Kenny said, sitting down and picking up the food with his fingers instead of using tupperware.

"Gross." Cartman said sitting down at the other end of the table. "What?" Kenny said. "Why are you eating your food with your hands..?" Cartman asked with a slight disgust in his voice. "Whats wrong with eating your food with your hands?" Kenny asked, pretty knowing of why but ignorant of it. Cartman sighed in disbelief. "Nevermind." Cartman smiled tilting his head up to look Kenny while eating. Kenny looked back and they shared eye contact for a few seconds before Eric subtly looked back down. "Are you excited for school?" Kenny asked "The fuck you think?" Eric said, groaning. "No im not excited." Before Kenny could answer Liane walked in and greeted them. "Hello honey!! Oh and hello Kenny!" She said politely.

"Hello Mrs Cartman…" he paused for a second. "Can you please bring me and Eric to the mall todayyyy pleaseeee" Kenny asked desperately. "Oh I don't know.." they both turned to her and made praying hands. "Pleaseeee!!" They both begged. "Okay well I guess I haven't taken you guys to the mall recently and schools starting tomorrow." They both felt accomplished and high fived eachother, making a loud clapping sound. "But, you have to bring clyde." Eric groaned but Kenny just said a passing "alright."

Once going to the mall was decided they talked for a few more minutes and finished up their food, then Clyde and his dad returned home. Clyde entered first and saw Kenny and Cartman sitting together. "Hey guys!!" Clyde said. "Hey Clyde, I think we are going to the mall soon." Kenny said, smiling. "Let's go! I've been wanting to for a while!!" Clyde said, doing a little jump. Kenny and Eric looked at each other with clear humor in their eyes and let out a small giggle then looked back "Momm!! We are ready to go to the mall!!" Eric said to his mom who was sitting in the living room watching some weird reality show. The show was downright weird but he ignored it, as long as his mom doesnt make him go on one of those shows.

"Alright, let's go." Liane said, turning off the show and getting up, grabbing her purse from the arm of the beige couch. They all got up and exited the door all clearly pumped to go shopping. Clyde's dad however stayed and Scott was in his room listening to music or something as per usual. It was sprinkling outside with rain and it was fairly cold. Kenny said to Eric, grinning and softly hitting his shoulder against the Erics. "Sure, I mean who can let down the opportunity to go shopping? Especially if you don't pay with your own money." Kenny nodded in agreement and they entered the car, they both sat in the back so they could talk to each other while Clyde sat in the front with Liane. Cartman was on his phone almost immediately, scrolling through tiktok, Kenny looking over his shoulder and watching along with him. They saw a funny Tiktok and burst out laughing.

Clyde asked what was so funny and Liane kept driving. "Ohh nothing." Cartman said, still letting out a few giggles. They probably shouldn't tell the others because it wasn't the most PG joke, but the chuckles they kept doing nonstop didn't do any justice for them. "Just say the joke, boys." Liane said. They both looked at each other with slight despair "I'll text it to you Clyde." Cartman said, saving everything. Clyde made a happy face and opened his messages with Eric. Eric then downloaded the video and sent it to him. Clyde almost immediately laughed.

The car then stopped signaling that they made it to the mall, they all then exited the car. It was cold and rainy outside so they were all wearing hoodies or jackets. Once they entered it turned a bit warmer but not enough to take them off. "Can we go to Urban Outfitters?" Kenny said, his boots mudding the floor of the mall. "Of course!" Liane said and they started walking there "But I wanna go to Lids" Clyde pleaded and Eric groaned. "Me and Kenny can go into Urban Outfitters and you can go to Lids with Mom." He said, grabbing Kenny's hand. "Alright boys, have fun, just know you can only get one shirt and pants each!! I'll add 200 dollars to your debit card Eric so you can get it yourself." Liane said, smiling and then walking out with Clyde.

"Sick" Cartman said and they started looking around the first floors racks of clothes. After about 5 minutes of looking Cartman finds a Lady Gaga hoodie. "Dude look!" He says with clear excitement in his voice, he lines up the hoodie to himself, it's a bit big just like he liked it. "Cool." Kenny said, he listened to a bit of Lady Gaga but he wasn't as big a fan as Eric was. "I'm so happy, oh my god." He said holding on to the hoodie and they continued shopping. Kenny stopped. "Would it be faggy to get a crop top?" He said grabbing one from the rack.

"Are you shitting me? Yes!! But whatever rolls your boat I guess." He raised one eyebrow at kenny. "The colors are cool though so I won't rip on you much, you got good taste." He continued, sighing then walking upstairs. "Lets go" Kenny said right out of Eric's earshot. Kenny followed him up the stairs and they entered where most of the pants were. Kenny let out a sound of approval once he saw some baggy jeans hanging up and grabbed them. "What do you think?" Kenny said, holding them up.

"Looks cool, you should get it." Eric said and smiled at his best friend. "Alright." They walk around a bit longer and the cartman sees some brown cargo pants. "Alright I found what im getting." He said and they both went back downstairs up to the checkout, the line was kinda long with 5 people in line so they looked at the little bins with random things in it and the one thing that caught Eric's eye was face masks. "Look at these, and they're only 5 bucks." He holds up the box consisting of blue face masks. "And you call me gay.." Kenny said, letting out a giggle.

"Hey shut up, it will be funny and we can get some good skin." He said as the line got shorter and they moved forward, finally making it to the counter. The person at the desk was a girl in her 20's. They let her scan all of the items and the total came out to be 152 dollars. She gave them a weird look before they left and they gave each other a funny glance before walking out and laughing. "Wanna go find your mom?" Kenny asked, putting his arm around Cartman and looking down at him. Eric's cheeks turned a slight pink before answering. "Sure." He said, holding the blue bag more tightly than he needed too.

They walked down to Lids and saw Liane and Clyde. "Hey guys!" Kenny said, taking his arm off of Cartman. "Hey!" Clyde said, showing his Denver Broncos hat. "Look what I got!!" He said skipping out of the store. "That's pretty cool, I like the flat front." Kenny said, his eyebrows raising but his eyelids staying the same. They then exited the store and went to another store. Kenny and Cartman were walking way too close for comfort for any normal friends but to the boys it was completely normal and platonic to have their hands in eachothers pockets and almost constantly being together without being sick of eachother.

They followed Clyde and Liane to another store and waited for him to pick out clothes he wanted which took about 10 minutes, before they knew it they were out of the mall with all of their new bought belongings. "That was so fun!" Clyde said, sitting in the passenger seat. "Right? Thanks for bringing us Mrs Cartman." Kenny said, also sitting in the car, Eric and Liane following shortly after. "Oh well, of course!" Liane said, smiling to the boy. She then started the engine and they were off onto the wet roads. Eric leaned his head onto Kennys shoulder and turned on his phone and he handed Kenny one of his earbuds so they could watch videos on his phone, and that's the exact thing they did all the way back to the Cartman's house.

The car stopped and they all exited the car, they then all entered the house and Kenny and Eric immediately went to his room with their bag from the mall. "Let's change into our new clothes." Eric said when they entered the room. "Alright, I'll change in the bathroom." Kenny said and he took his new clothes out of the bag and entered the bathroom. Cartman changed quickly into his clothes in his room, they fit nicely to his body and this made him satisfied.

Kenny then knocked on the door and Eric opened it for him, immediately shocked with what Kenny was wearing. The top fit to his chest perfectly and it showed his slim waist and ribcage, and it definitely awakened something in him that he had towards Kenny but he didn't want to think about it right now, because oh my god. "You good bro?" Kenny asked, Eric let Kenny into the room quickly. "Oh! Uhm.. Yeah." He said, biting his inner cheek, trying to suppress how much he wanted to kiss his best friend.

"Alright gaywad." Kenny said, chuckling. "Hey, I'm not gay." Eric said, not getting the comment was a joke. "Relax dude, I'm joking." Kenny said, patting Eric's shoulder. "Wanna take some photos for my story?" Kenny asked, taking out his phone. "Oh, sure." Eric said, awkwardly smiling. Kenny put his phone on the .5 option and took a .5 of them, he put his arm around Eric while taking the photo and they were both smiling and Kenny was winking at the camera. "Alright sick, what do you wanna do now?" Kenny said, looking down to the shorter one. "Well we got face masks right? We could do those." Eric said, looking up to Kenny.

"Sure, we are gonna need to get photos of that too "