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Josephine Angelo was the daughter of a well known wealthy businessman, Angelo Carlson. She was the firstborn among three siblings and an only daughter. She was born in Ireland though her family originally came from Orlando. In the city of Orlando, many people knew her father but she was more like a forgotten princess, because she chose to travel around with her bestie, Karen Wells who also came from a wealthy family. She was on her way home when she got a call from Karen who was still at Rome, their last trip.

"Hey, Jo, how u doing? "

"I'm fine Karen, just inspecting Orlando, i think it feels so good to be home"

There was a giggle at the other end of the call

"I'll say the same for me"

"So when are you coming back from Rome'

" Probably next tomorrow. Don't worry i'll pay you a visit when i come"

"Okay, we'll talk later"

Josephine hung up and few minutes later she was in the arms of her dear mother, father and two brothers

"Look at you, you've grown so big" Her mother commented.

"My darling daughter, you look so tired, you can go upstairs and freshen up. Tomorrow you will be meeting someone" Her father said.

Josephine went upstairs with her immediate younger brother, Mikel.

"Mikel, who was dad referring to?"

"Wayne Williams, Karen's cousin and dad's friend's son"

"Why do i have to see him?"

"I don't know yet. You know what? I think you should just rest your bones tomorrow will tell"


As Josephine closed the door she whispered to her self "Home at last " and slept off.