
we dig up rabbit holes for fun : chapter 3

Who knew such a 'gentle and generous' man would be so sinister , oh no it was his mistake for he fell to hard into his dark abyss who took on the clothed disguise of love....but deceit, deceit is all he was being given.

he was lied to.

no this isn't love this is an obsession, it was more of a feeling of regression, the regret he felt in his heart was no joke. It swelled up to an extent where it now took control over every space left in the poor entity's only source of life. it was no longer breathing. it rigged it up of emotion.A forever injury that could never be healed.

from a red beating heart which previously pumped blood continuously with nothing but satisfaction and joy is now a mirror of the self guilt he felt ...a dark lifeless object, a tifle to be exact. It was just a plaything in the eyes of his so called 'beloved' .

The said antecedent used his love to the extent where there was no longer room for repair.

since he has" fallen so deep" there was no turning back now he has to drown in it.












"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!, WHY CANT I FUCKING MOVE?!, WHERE THE FRick AM I?!, oh and heads UP IM FUCKING BROKE SO I DON'T GOT SHIT IN MY ACCOUNT so if you could pls piss OFF and let me go I would be grateful " as Oasis exclaimed switching his tone from time to time to show how terrified and annoyed he was.The nervousness he possessed could not be expressed furthermore even if he wanted to .

But all the man who stood in front of him did was squint a little due to how loud the captured was speaking but the disdained expression on his face soon turned into that of a smiling person's, cause yes he was smiling at the helpless man in front of him.

" you are still as loud as ever huh ... Oasis"the latter exclaimed with a fond smile but not one Oasis was fond of for sure .

" well I'm sorry BUT R YOU KIDDING ME !?" the former exclaimed with a mixture of anger and panic lacing his tone but the ever so beautiful smile not fading away from the latter's face and this angered the former even more.The sensational feeling of wanting to beat this so called bastard up was building and now becoming evident.

It made him feel like he was being ignored for this thought only made him hate the latters guts even more." you still haven't answered my questions yet" he grieved finally calming down only by a byte .

" well since you ask so sweetly I shall answer all your questions my dear Oasis, but I think it's best to start with my name....it's Axel,

and your home now......my dear oasis "He spoke gently smile not wavering but the former on the other hand wasn't liking the sound or the looks of that.

the former looked at him with mixed emotions not sure of which one was best to be conveyed but the one which came to his head and made it's way straight first to his face was no other but disgust he looked at the latter with nothing but disgust in his eyes he wondered and pondered on that one question how can someone be so calm about commiting a crime like this . But he wouldn't call it a crime himself if he the victim in question wasn't considered a being to the ever so capricious society.

But even so it sounded so psychotic if you ask him but it's not like there was anything he could do .Now here he was with this scornous

man and his new found hatred for the stranger who will soon change his life in such ways he could never imagine .We wouldn't want to spoil it would we.
