
poppin' poppin balloons with guns

Darkness.....the last thing he saw before HE ended up here,in this dark space or should he call it a room for that is what he could at least image out of such a monotone and serene place.


And where is here?.


nowhere he was fond of ,nowhere he knew or had been to,nowhere for him to figure out and his captor or maybe captors to know.All he could do was sit there and wonder.....wonder "what the hell is going on here"the only thoughts he could accumulate . Both in his mind and soul nothing more nothing less.

He was.....no he is terrified as hell for his life cause he had no idea what was going on no memories no nothing he was helpless. helpless? you may ask No he wasn't tied down to chair in such a way that he could tell the bruises and stings from how tight the ropes were,no he wasn't being nailed to a cross for all he knew fuck the biblical allusion he sure as hell wasn't the religious type,or he wasn't even hanged by chains and being tortured.He was more of paralyzed to say the least and this is what confused the captured even more.so such questions are being asked if ever you may wonder why he asks these questions,that it could be possible to get kidnapped if you live in a place of weak security or you have people who are on your neck but~ the difference is the man in question is a lonely ass motherfucker who has no enemies, friends,allies or allybies he is a loner an introvert to be exact he had succumbed to such a life after the death of his only source of joy. light had left him for the sky and never came back you get what I mean.

The poor man had no idea of how long he had been in the place has it been seconds,minutes ,hours,days,months .....now let's not exaggerate things but still who knows .All these thoughts circled his head almost driving him into internal madness.


The more he waited the more his anticipation grew,the more he wanted to know "what the hell type of situation" was he in but all he could do was wait, wait and wait






"I see ur awake"