
my friends don't walk they run

"Oasis AREN'T YOU GONNA COME DOWN!!"the voice exclaimed grabbing the attention of the latter "will be right there mom!" the said boy replied back a little less louder than the voice earlier. infront of a mirror stood a average heighted man with a nicely slicked back hair and a well put on black suit, there he stood in a nicely cleaned room with cream colored walls and a neatly dressed bed with beige colored sheets.I would love to go further more into detail but this will only be needed here for now. He adjusted his neck tie as he heavily let out a sigh of relief,"finally done alas."he smiled to himself as he exited the room closing the door behind him .

"awwww my baby boy looks so cute" a slightly feminine voice exclaimed as she hugged the now could be called man . "thanks mom but your kind of ruining my suit here no offense though" he spoke smuggly but true with his words "ya brat stop avoiding my affection" she whined as she ruffled his already done hair "MAA you just ruined my hair!" he spoke with a slight shout "no worry's it's better this way"the woman whose said honorifics is his Mom spoke as she chuckled Abit "common let's get going" their abridged conversation ended as they exited the

building .