
Part 1

Have you ever had a dream that changed your life, well this is how my life changed .

" the king needs water" said the mistress

Now I'm a daydreamer I just can't help it.

"what did you say"

"don't play dumb girl get the king some water"

"OK malady."

On the way to the well I tripped and fell to the ground and smacked me face on the cold herd cement. I got up and got some water. As I ran through the halls I bumped into the prince and got water all over his shirt and pants. I was so embarrassed so I ran. The prince ran after me

"Stop!"yelled the prince

When I lost him i stopped running i had to lean against a wall for support and pull out my journal and wrought a small poem

"Sadness Why must it come? Why must it stay? Is it going to follow us Will it ever go away Sadly we do not know And with that, our sadness grows".

"Can i help you"

I looked up and gasped i try to get up


"let me help you."

he took me to the nurse, but i did not want help

"let me go" i yelled

"but you are bleeding dear"the nurse said in a calm voice

"i don't care"

"well i do"

I looked up and it was the prince. He had my notebook and was reading it "what are you doing with that"

"i found it"

"just because you found it doesn't mean you can read it."

I got up, took my book and left the room screaming. Just then the king and queen went to the prince's room where everyone was at

"what's going on in here"

"a girl was hurt but didn't want help"

"where did she go"

"the servant lounge"

"OK let's go."


"hello malady what are u doing here"

"we came to see a girl"

"which one"

"i don't know son which one was it"

"that one with the brown hair"

"OK sweetie come here"

"can i help you"I asked as I walked up to the king and queen

"No but we can help you"

"i don't need help"

"yes u do come with us if it is OK"

"oh yes she can go"as we walked up the stairs the queen asked what i was doing down there"

"i live their"

"you mean you are a servant"

"yes malady"

"you didn't say she was a servant" the queen said in a whisper to her son

"you shouldn't care"

she changed the subject

" we will not be here we will be in Egypt getting your sister"

"i see i am not needed i will be g-"

"STOP!" yelled the prince "I said was going to help and that's was i'm going to do"

"I DON'T need your help!"

" I don't care if u do or not i'm going to HELP." He took me by the hand and lead me to a dark room

" Where am i ?"

he puts his finger to my lips and leans close"Do you trust me"

"of course i do"

"OK tomorrow i am choosing sector 2 i want you to leave the erudite and come with me can you do that"

"sure i can but why"

"you are in danger and..."

before he finished the door opened a guard walked in and grabbed my arm

"Time for bed"

"I will take her down to her room" the prince said in a strong voice

¨If you say so¨ the guard said rolling his eyes


"Yes sir"

"Ok have a nice night."

the prince walks me to my room we take a little "detour " to a strange room