1 Hating People

Genevieve Wendolh. You look at her you see a girl. Average not too pretty, but she isn't wicked witch ugly. All around average. Everything about her, from her grades to her hair and her height. She's you average plain Jane.

If you were to look at her the only words that would pop into you head are plain normal and not special.

I'll prove to you just how normal she is if you still don't believe me.

Genny lives in the suburbs, on a street with 15 identical houses with shiny cars and flower beds.

Her mother Samantha Wendohl, works at the college library. She works short hours, and spends the rest of her time carting her children back and forth or cleaning. She's your normal soccer mom. Skinny hiding her wrinkles under makeup and sunglasses. Khakis and monochromatic clothes.

David Wendohl works as a college professor, he teaches math. Nothing special not physics or chemistry not even algebra just math. He's the soccer coach and drives a 4 door sedan. Genny's brother Wesley Wendohl is your average jock. Plays hockey soccer and football, enjoys harassing women and bullying second graders. He literally takes candy from babies.

Jarnold is agreeably the most strange of the Wendohl's. I mean his name is a combination of Jared and Arnold. He doesn't play sports, and doesn't enjoy reading. Jarnold pretends. He is always anyone but himself because who would want to be Jarnold.

The Wendohl's are an almost completely normal family 2 children, a dog, and a Jarnold.

Who am I kidding, the Wendohl's are a completely normal family. They are your average suburb plain Jane's, two kids two fully functional parents and a dog. No Jarnolds. The perfect family with completely normal children living in completely normal conditions.

Unless, David, Samantha, Wesley and Digger are asleep.

Just wait, and don't hate me because I lied.

Every night, Genny Wendohl sneaks up the stairs. Past her perfectly normal brothers room avoiding their normal dog, and up the ladder to the attic. An old chipped plate her mother would never miss clutched in her hand.

"Jarnold, Jarnold Ellijaman Wendohl" Genny calls into the attics gloom every night. She'll crawl farther into the dark still calling for the not so normal son of the very normal family. Then he will crawl dusty and smelly from the darkness in all his weird glory,

Jarnold Ellijaman Wendohl.
