
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Ketchum or Ketchup


The world was consumed by an impenetrable umbra, a void so vast it seemed as if reality itself had been rent apart. Machamp and Mordred were suddenly expelled from this black abyss and hurled back onto the unforgiving, icy floor of the cavernous expanse, landing with a thunderous crash that echoed off the stony walls. The onlookers, their fellow comrades, could only watch in stunned silence, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe.

Parallel to this, a slender thread of pallid light spiralled erratically through the air, making its trajectory toward a lifeless form slumped pitifully against the jagged, scorched wall. The figure was charred almost beyond recognition, a testament to a fierce battle waged and, seemingly, lost.

Without warning, a jolt of life surged through the singed figure. He jerked upright, his movements desperate and wild. His breaths came out in sharp, ragged gasps that echoed ominously throughout the cavern. Rex, for that was his name, swayed precariously as he tried to steady himself, ignoring the smears of soot on his tattered clothes.

Confusion painted the faces of the Pokémon around him, their worry replaced by bewilderment as Rex managed to somehow scrambled onto unsteady legs. His dark eyes, wild with unexplained urgency, scanned the concerned faces around him before briefly glancing at the disappearing whirlpool that had spat him out. He pushed past them, his gaze locked onto the formidable form of Mordred, standing stalwart amidst the chaos.

"Mordred," he commanded, his voice a gravelly whisper that belied the urgency in his eyes. "We need to leave—right now! Get to the VIP room at the League Stadium."

Mordred, though taken aback, didn't question his trainer. His spectral eyes blazed with resolute determination. The Pokémon stepped forward, his body rippling with raw, ethereal energy. The air seemed to vibrate with an unseen force, a visual hum resonating from Mordred.

He began to channel his power, the unique ability that had transported them with ease on many occasions. A low growl emanated from deep within him, building in intensity until it echoed ominously off the cavern walls. The stones under their feet trembled, particles of dust rising into the air as an oval-shaped rip in the fabric of reality started to form in front of them.

It shimmered and wavered, like a mirage in the desert, as if it was a mere illusion. However, glimpses of a plush interior beyond the shimmering void attested to its reality. Within seconds, a swirling portal, crackling with jade-green energy, had fully formed, leading to the luxurious confines of the VIP room at the League Stadium.

Together, Rex and his Pokémon prepared to step through the portal, leaving the scarred cavern behind, their hearts pounding with uncertainty of what lay ahead.

As the portal closed with a sharp hiss, Rex exhaled the breath he had unwittingly been holding. Only know did the pain shooting through his body register, his face twisting into a grotesque caricature of his usual frown. His bubbling flesh and raw muscle caused him to collapse onto the ground, the last of his energy used to issue his previous command.

Mewtwo, who had been levitating nearby with an expression of deep concern etching into his features, abruptly materialized at Rex's side in a mere blink. An ethereal, intense emerald radiance poured from his outstretched palm, directed steadfastly toward Rex. As swiftly as the light met his wounded form, the skin began to weave itself across the scorched, exposed musculature. The charred blackness lent a morbid purple tinge to the overlying skin, appearing akin to an extensive, grotesque contusion.

Fragments of shattered bone realigned with an unnerving crack, accompanied by the burgeoning growth of new muscle. It spiralled from the joints like invasive vines, integrating with the newly restored skeleton. Amid this spectacle, his Pokémon observed, their expressions carved from worry and simmering anger.

Mewtwo, having exhausted his abilities, gave a silent nod to the pallid but wholly restored Rex. He then diverted his wrath toward the recuperating Machamp, whose body had already initiated its innate self-repair process.

"What transpired? What inflicted such extensive injuries? Where did you vanish to?" a torrent of queries flowed relentlessly from Mewtwo, each a verbal assault crashing against Machamp's resolve.

Before the four-armed behemoth could muster a response, the door yielded with a subtle sigh, revealing a gleaming humanoid figure, eyes aglow with a threatening scarlet luminescence. What met its arrival was a formidable assembly of monstrous figures, standing as vigilant protectors of their human companion.

"Calm yourselves," the android intoned, its voice a chilling monotone, gesturing towards the now-resting Rex. "We share a common objective," Gaia articulated, pausing before the Pokémon. "I have arrived because I possess the means to dispel your confusion."

With suddenness that startled the Pokémon, a beam of light erupted from its ocular sensors. As they braced to retaliate, their attention was redirected by a familiar figure illuminated by the projected light. The figure of Rex, poised alongside Machamp against an imposing, bipedal polar bear.

End of flashback-

The Kanto grasslands, a stage set for an iconic clash, stretched out like a green quilt beneath the bright, cloudless sky. The squared boundaries of the battlefield, 100 meters on each side, seemed to contain the fervor and excitement of the crowd, reverberating with their cheers and anticipation.

The flag bearer sauntered onto the feeled, raising a peice of distinctly coloured fabric towards each of the two participants.

Ash stood at his end of the battlefield, his cap turned backward - a signature indication of his readiness for battle. His opponent, a muscular figure sporting a confident grin, waited at the opposite end.

The battlefield came alive instantly as Ash's Pokéball burst open, releasing Krabby in a beam of red light. The small crab Pokémon took its stance, pincers at the ready, facing off against the imposing red cloud coalecing into the figure of a Golbat.

"For Ash's first Pokémon," the commentator James began, "he's choosing Krabby. An unusual choice, considering the airborne agility of his opponent's Golbat!"

The crowd gasped in surprise, murmuring to each other about the apparent mismatch. Ash merely grinned, unwavering, a beacon of determination.

"Remember, folks," Elesa cut in, "we've seen mismatches like these before turned into advantages, it's still to early to make assumptions."

"Golbat, use Wing Attack!" The opponent's command echoed through the plain, eager to prove Elesa wrong. The Bat Pokémon sped towards Krabby, a blur of blue and purple against the grassy battlefield.

"Ash needs to react quickly," the James noted. "Krabby isn't known for its speed!"

But Ash's calm demeanor was unbroken, thrusting his fist out towards the impending colosion. "Krabby, use Harden!" The crustacean glowed momentarily, its body solidifying just as Golbat's attack made contact. The audience gasped, then cheered as the Golbat was repelled backward, momentarily disoriented.

"Now, Krabby, Bubble Beam!" Ash commanded, seizing the moment. Krabby responded immediately, launching a torrent of bubbles towards the reeling Golbat. It struck with a splash, Golbat shrieking as it spiraled down onto the grass.

"Ash is displaying remarkable battlefield control!" Elesa crowed. "He's showing us all how to turn a perceived weakness into a surprising strength!"

The audience roared their approval, the energy of the crowd becoming palpable. The smile on Ash's face was one of confidence, not arrogance. He was in his element.

But the battle was far from over. With an affirmative nod from its trainer, Golbat was up in the air again, evidently shaken but not defeated. Ash had gained control, but he would have to hold onto it, and the crowd was waiting with bated breath to see just how this thrilling face-off would unfold.

The onlookers remained hushed, their gazes shifting between the airborne Golbat and the earthbound Krabby. Golbat, having regained composure, flapped its massive wings and shot an intense glare towards Krabby, its resolve renewed.

"Let's up the ante, Golbat! Air Cutter!" The opponent's voice echoed, a distinct note of desperation evident. With a shriek, Golbat sliced through the air, sending razor-sharp currents spiralling towards Krabby.

"He's upping the stakes! Can Ash counter this?" The commentator's voice pierced the anxious silence, eyes glued to the unfolding battle.

But Ash remained unfazed. "Krabby, use Vice Grip!" He cried, pointing skyward. In a surprising show of agility, Krabby leaped, catching the oncoming currents with its pincers and miraculously deflecting them. The crowd gasped, then burst into cheering, the field echoing with their thunderous applause.

"Brilliant! Ash turned a defensive move into an offensive one!" James exclaimed, nearly leaping out of his seat in excitement. The cheering crowd became a background chorus to the thrilling spectacle unfolding on the battlefield.

As Krabby landed, Ash seized the moment. "Now, Krabby! Bubble Beam, once more!" Krabby complied, releasing a second barrage of bubbles, this time more intense than the first. Golbat, still recovering from its failed assault, was hit full force, the impact sending it plummeting to the ground with a thud.

The crowd erupted, the collective sound of their astonishment and delight reverberating across the plain. But Ash was not done yet. With a determined gleam in his eye, he gave his final command.

"Finish it, Krabby! Guillotine!" Like a flash, Krabby launched itself, pincers glowing with immense energy. It made contact with Golbat before it had a chance to react, and the field was enveloped in a cloud of dust.

A hush fell over the crowd, the suspense palpable. As the dust settled, Golbat was revealed, unconscious, with Krabby standing victorious. Ash's command of the battlefield had not only turned the tide of the battle, but also ensured his stunning victory.

"He's done it! Ash Ketchum takes control and steers this match to a breathtaking lead!" James' words resonated amidst the roaring cheers. The spectators were on their feet, their applause a testament to the thrilling battle they'd witnessed.