
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Convenient apearance

Rex "and who might you be sir?" he said with a knowing smile indistinguishable from a normal one

man "oh where are my manners, my name is Samual Oak, commonly known as Professor Oak," he said while extending a hand towards Rex

Oak "and what is your name young man?"

Rex "my name is Rex Peirce," he said grasping Professor Oak's hand tightly

after a brief handshake Professor oak voice was heard

Oak " what a marvellous name, not very common, but a good one indeed. you were very good in that battle just then, you calmly analysed the situation and gave effective commands. that bide by raticate was quite unexpected but your Machop took it pretty well." he said in praise.

Rex "it was a good learning experience, I must take into consideration all aspects in a battle to avoid such scenarios again," he said seriously.

Rex "by the way professor what were you doing out here"

Oak "oh that, I was observing a group of rattata's before a raticate jumped me," he said while chuckling.

Oak "I was running away when I ran into you, so thank you for helping me out" he genuinely responded.

Rex "it was no problem at all professor, all I did was take care of a nuisance," he said humbly

Oak "I thank you nonetheless, I'm heading back to my lab would you like to tag along?" he offered.

Rex "what a coincidence I was just going over to look for you since I wanted to ask if i could help you with taking care of pokemon while observing them, it can prove useful to me before I start my journey," he proposed.

Oak "oh then it's settled I just so happen to have a spare room you can use for as long as you want, as for taking care of pokemon, that will be a big help for me as well," he said cheerfully before turning around and leaving alongside Rex

--2 hours later. in the lab--

Oak "here we are Rex this is where all my research is being done, and just over there is where all the pokemon hang around," he said pointing to the big open area out the window.

Rex only nodded in acknowledgement before proceeding to follow oak as he got a tour of the lab and the relevant facilities.

Oak "in a couple of months the young new trainers will be coming here to receive their brand new pokemon to start their journey, among them is my grandson Gary. I should get you to meet him, he's mildly arrogant due to his grades in school and always get into fights with a boy who is also receiving a pokemon starting his journey."

Rex "sure I wouldn't mind," he said while looking at the equipment on the bench, on the far left he could see a Pokedex.

Rex made his way towards it before picking it up

Rex "professor is this the Pokedex?" he asked

Oak "yes it is and that is what I give to new trainers to help them with their journey." he said

Rex "i see"

Rex put it back down before moving towards other objects.

Rex 'i don't really need a Pokedex since I have the system which is much more detailed. i will need a trainers Id though since without it I won't be able to enter the Kanto league.' he pondered before turning towards professor Oak.

Rex "Professor, I was wondering how I could get a trainers Id?"

Oak "oh those? you need to have completed trainers school or have a pokemon to have one, why, don't you have one?" he turned to Rex and asked

Rex "no I don't, I was wondering if you could help me get one"

Oak "sure that should not be a problem but you will need to do either a crash course that will last a couple of months or you can skip it and i get you one later," he said

Rex 'hmm i think it would be best if do the crash course, although I'm confident in my ability i would not hurt to attend this crash course of his to learn some things' he thought before answering.

Rex " that is no problem I should be able to fit the crash course in while staying here helping you," he said while nodding.

Oak "Ok that's fine, for now, take your Pokeball and leave it on top of that machine and i'll heal Machop for you. you can go and get settled in and then ill show you around the paddock and tell you what you will be helping me with" he said

Rex only nodded, placed his Pokeball on a rectangular shaped machine and then walked towards his room.


author: you can never have too much knowledge!