
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Arriving at Cinnabar island & Secret lab

The next day went by just like all the others, Rex and Elesa spent time hanging out with their Pokémon. Today was the last day before they would arrive a Cinnabar Island. Rex spent the night on the seafloor like the past two days training alongside Gyarados. It was a very productive time for both of them. Rex was able to sense Aura outside of his body completely and finally stepped through the 3rd layer of his training. He was now on the last stage of his training before he could form weapons out of aura, use telepathy and other abilities aura users could use.

Upon getting through the last stage, he made his way up to the boat again and stepped into his room to find Machoke sitting there looking at him with a wide smile. Rex replicated it and they fist-bumped each other.

They could feel each other's aura at a maximum of 100 meters away which was quite large. The last stage involved being able to manipulate the energy in the surroundings to do your bidding. It was going to be hard to accomplish but the system said that it was similar to the second stage of manoeuvring the energy in your body. So it wasn't that long of a stage. It was more of a stage you got faster but took lots of time to master since it had a much bigger threshold.

He went to sleep soon after and didn't wake up until the sound of the cruise ship reverberated throughout the entirety of the ship. Rex got up with a jump and rubbed his eyes for a second before getting up and changing into his black three-piece suit. He walked down to the breakfast area and looked around in an attempt to spot Elesa. He soon found her in an elegant green dress and shades as she held her phone in her hand seemingly reading something.

Rex made his way over and said hello before sitting down opposite her.

Rex "What are you reading?" he asked as he buttered his bread before taking a bite. Elesa looked up at Rex before turning her phone around to show him. On it showed the news about Jess's death and the burned house. The police reported foul play. An ongoing investigation was being held but no clues have been found so far.

Rex wasn't so surprised about it since it had been a good few days since the accident took place. He also wasn't surprised at the lack of evidence. After all, the system took out all the surrounding camera's records of his stay and anything that might prove to be suspicious that may lead to him.

There was simply nothing to be worried about and therefore, upon seeing the news acted surprised a curious and then shook his head.

Rex "it's a shame they seem to have found nothing so far," he said. Yesterday he had reviewed the data the system had given him on the people he wanted searched, including Elesa who came out clean which set his mind at ease. There were no team rocket members which was also good and therefore had a good time worry-free.

Elesa nodded her head with a frowning expression.

Elesa "I wonder what happened, who might have done that and for what reason?" she voiced, seemingly asking herself more than she was asking Rex. He only shrugged.

Rex "there could be a multitude of reasons, many of which we might not think of, we can only hope that they are found soon," he said convincingly before finishing his breakfast and getting up. The PA system turned on.

{Ladies and Gentlemen, we are happy to inform you that we have arrived at Cinnabar island, we hope you enjoyed your stay and please leave a review for future customers, have a happy journey.} The PA system turned off and everyone made their way to their room to pack up their things. Rex being in the military for so many years didn't have too much to pack up and quickly walked out. He carried a small suitcase for show and was actually empty apart from a spare pair of boxers and a grey suit since everything else was in his inventory.

He soon met up with Elesa again at the gate where the boat and land would meet.

Elesa "I wonder when we will meet again?" she asked while looking at him.

Rex "Well, I owe you another battle, don't I? we will meet again very soon. I will be stopping by saffron city sometime in the near future. I don't know if we will meet there or some other place but until then, have a safe journey," he said before kissing her cheek and walking away with a small bag hung over his shoulder.

Elesa held her cheek with a flushed face. She stared at his back until his silhouette disappeared into the large mass of people.

Elesa "I look forward to it…" her whisper fading as she walked away with a gentle smile.

Rex who didn't know any of this walked into an empty alleyway that blocked the street view and took out his road bike and got on it. The roar of the engine could be heard as if greeting Rex after a long time apart. Rex caressed his bike with a smile before rushing onto the road with a wheelie and speeding off toward the city where he would stay for a day.

He was thinking of visiting the abandoned mansion where Mr Fuji once worked, who knew If there was anything interesting there that could be of use to him.


Rex woke up the next day nice a refreshed. He took a cold shower which the system analysed the benefits of. It increases blood circulation, increase the healthiness of hair and skin, and tempered his willpower. It was difficult to be in ice old water for ten minutes. He had been doing this since he got on the cruise as a new extra little training for himself.

After hopping out he got changed into a navy-blue three-piece suit with a nice watch, milk chocolate coloured leather shoes, a burgundy-coloured tie and nicely combed hair. It all started with how you presented yourself. He didn't mind the causal white coat and black underneath, but it wasn't too much to his style. Suits would always resonate with him.

He soon walked out of his room and booked the ship that sailed towards pallet town for tomorrow before hopping on his boke and zooming off into the forest. The system had scanned the internet for the location and Rex found out that it was deeply hidden in the forest. Not too many people knew about it, but it wasn't exactly a secret. They simply knew that it was an abandoned mansion.

The secret lay underneath. The system has reported activity underneath the mansion which intrigued Rex instantly. He put on a black Oni mask that he bought a while ago since he liked the design.

Rex "Marshadow, find the room underneath the mansion and the door that leads down," he said calmly as he began to look around without a rush. There was a lot of random papers with any pattern strewn across the floor.

Within Rex's shadow, a pair of red eyes appeared and floated up before forming a small 0.7-meter-tall ghost Pokémon. It nodded at Rex before seeping into the floor with a playful expression.

Marshadow dived under the ground and soon came to an opening where a small, cramped corridor was seen. It was dimly lit, and shelves of documents were stacked on either side making the already cramped room even tighter. Marshadow was obviously not obstructed by this and made his way forwards where he heard the sound of an old man talking.

Marshadow saw a man with grey long messy hair, a worn-out lab coat and broken glasses. He looked like a mad scientist. Marshadow didn't pay too much attention to what he was saying and simply looked for the entry to the underground laboratory looking facility.

He found benches with dead Pokémon on them, some in a big tube with liquid and a lot of information flashing on a bunch of screens giving Marshadow a headache. After 10 minutes of searching, he finally found it and seeped through the door and signalled Rex to come over. Rex had already put the cameras on loop since otherwise it would ruin his chances of getting anything.

He thought about finding the opening via the blueprint in the information that the underground facility kept but it wasn't there, so he was forced to search manually. Rex nodded at Marshadow who went back into this shadow after completing its task.

Rex found the door that looked like a wall and pressed his and on it before the door opened. Rex leisurely made his way down where he soon came upon the same cramped corridor full of notes, documents and who knows what.

He squeezed his way through and soon arrived at the first lab where a dead Pokémon was laying on the table half dissected. Rex looked at it for a good minute before looking away.

Rex 'system search for life signatures pertaining to humans,' he said in his head as he stood there behind a wall with his eyes closed.

[System has found one signature matching Host's description,] it said mechanically. Rex nodded.

Rex 'where is it?' he asked.

[ second room to your left] it said succinctly. Rex didn't waste any time and took out Weepinbell who released a massive cloud of sleeping powder in the air. The old man who was typing away merrily a second ago was now on the floor with his half-closed eyes staring at a man emerging from the cloud of sleeping powder with an Oni mask.

Rex had got the system to design it for multiple uses, such as underwater breathing, stopping toxic gases and powders like just now, and modulating his voice. He felt like batman. It was naturally all done in a rentable factory that had a lot of room.

He picked up the unconscious old man and sat him on a chair before getting Weepinbell to guard him while he walked over to the massive computer system with large screens filtering large amounts of information.

Rex "what is all this?" he asked.

[Information on the evolution of pokemon gathered by some type of organisation. Traces of team rocket have been recorded but there seems to be some form Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar.] It said to the shock of Rex.

Rex "How much can we access?" he asked quickly.

[not much at all, this server pertains to the research material named "code: Mewtwo".] it said

Rex "What can you get from this? Anything interesting?" he asked with a trace of disappointment. It seemed that it was a small server that was once part of a bigger one before being abandoned.

[system can extract information that may prove to be vital in fixing the temperamental issue within Mewtwo based on the Host's memories,] it said to the surprised Rex. This was a big issue he was plagued with after choosing Mewtwo as his last partner. It was genetically modified, a new Pokémon, but a flawed one. It had issues that until recently seemed to be incurable. There was also the issue of trying to convince Mewtwo of joining him, but it seems he's got his answer, two birds one stone.

Rex "How long will it take you to find a solution?" he asked.


An: this was meant to be two chapters separated, but I felt like it was better off this way. I hope you enjoyed it. :)