
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

A telepathic greeting

The air in the stadium seemed to freeze, not just from the icy terrain but from the palpable tension between Blossom and the enigmatic Mewtwo. Blossom, momentarily taken aback by Mewtwo's daunting presence, quickly regained her composure. She knew she had to rely on strategy, not just strength. Her eyes, reflecting the ice below, were a mirror of her cool, calculating mind.

"Mewtwo, the Unknown Challenger," James's voice rang out, "versus Blossom, the Phoenix of Strategy!"

Blossom took a deep breath, her mind racing through her knowledge of Pokémon. Mewtwo was an enigma, but she had to find a way to turn the unknown to her advantage. She whispered a quick command to Samurott, whose eyes sparkled with understanding.

Samurott lunged forward, its movements graceful yet powerful on the icy terrain. It launched a Hydro Pump, the water cutting through the cold air towards Mewtwo. However, Mewtwo, with an almost imperceptible flick of its fingers, deflected the attack with a Psychic barrier, the water droplets scattering like diamonds in the stadium lights.

The crowd gasped, the display of power from both Pokémon electrifying. Blossom's mind whirred; Mewtwo was not only powerful but also incredibly fast and responsive. She needed to outmaneuver it.

"Mewtwo, use Psychic!" Rex commanded. The air around Samurott shimmered as it struggled against the Psychic hold, but Blossom was ready.

"Dodge and use Ice Beam!" she called. Samurott broke free, sliding swiftly across the ice. It unleashed a beam of freezing light, turning the battlefield into a canvas of light and shadow.

Mewtwo, caught by surprise, took the hit, the ice crystallizing upon its body. But it was far from defeated. With a burst of psychic energy, it shattered the ice, its eyes burning with an otherworldly fire.

Blossom knew she had to keep changing tactics. "Samurott, let's switch it up! Use Blizzard!" The stadium was engulfed in a storm of snow and wind, reducing visibility. Blossom hoped to use the environment to her advantage.

Mewtwo, however, seemed unfazed. Rex's voice, calm and confident, cut through the blizzard. "Use Aura Sphere!" A glowing orb of energy formed in front of Mewtwo, cutting through the storm like a beacon, heading straight for Samurott.

Blossom's mind raced. Every attack was a test, every move a lesson. She was learning more about Mewtwo with each exchange. "Counter with Razor Shell!" she yelled, hoping to use the close range to her advantage.

The clash of moves was spectacular, a symphony of ice and energy. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, witnessing a battle that was as much about wits as it was about power.

Blossom, realizing physical attacks were less effective, decided to switch strategies. "Samurott, back off and use Water Pledge!" Water rose from the ice, forming a majestic column that surged towards Mewtwo.

Rex smirked. "Teleport, Mewtwo." In a blink, Mewtwo vanished, reappearing behind Samurott, its psychic power charging for a decisive blow.

Blossom's heart raced. This was it. She needed to anticipate Mewtwo's moves. "Samurott, now!" she cried.

In a move that stunned everyone, Samurott spun, its horn glowing with a fierce energy, meeting Mewtwo's attack with a powerful Megahorn. The collision was like a meteor strike, sending shockwaves through the stadium.

As the dust settled, both Pokémon stood, panting, their energy spent. The crowd erupted in cheers, admiration for both trainers evident in their roaring applause.

The icy mist swirled around Mewtwo, Rex's smirk suddenly deepened, catching Blossom's attention. Her heart skipped a beat, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of her stomach. What was this new development? Her mind churned with worry, strategizing for what might come next.

Then, it happened. A voice, unlike any other, thundered through the stadium. It was both baritone and light, abrasive yet soothing. It resonated not just in the ears of the spectators, but deep within their minds, sending shivers down their spines. All eyes, previously darting between the two formidable Pokémon, now fixed solely on Mewtwo. Its eyes, piercing and intense, focused on the panting Samurott and Blossom.

"Mewtwo... it's speaking?" James's voice echoed, mirroring the disbelief and awe of the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing something extraordinary!"

Green light began to seep from Mewtwo's pores, enveloping it in a dense, ethereal cloud that clung to its form like a supernatural mist. Blossom, her eyes widening in shock, barely managed to voice out, "Recover." her shoulders dropped in disbelief.

With a graceful swipe of his hand, Mewtwo cut through the mist, revealing his form, unblemished and as imposing as ever. His voice, echoing in their minds, was calm yet heavy with meaning. "A good pair... trainer and Pokémon... who love each other so fiercely."

The crowd was silent, hanging onto every telepathically delivered word. Mewtwo's gaze on Samurott elicited a defiant bark from the Pokémon, its loyalty to Blossom unshaken.

"You are brave yes, courageous," Mewtwo continued, a grin playing on its lips. "A ferocious tenacity... Nevertheless... it will not save you." His gaze shifted, giving a side glance to Rex for a command.

Rex, enjoying the moment, nodded slightly. The silent communication between trainer and Pokémon was chilling.

James's voice broke the hush that had fallen over the stadium. "The bond between a trainer and their Pokémon is the heart of battle! But what happens when an unbreakable bond faces an unstoppable force?"

Mewtwo, acknowledging Rex's signal, turned back to face Samurott. "Let's end this," its voice resonated, a mix of challenge and respect.

Blossom, her resolve hardening, nodded to Samurott. "We're not done yet! Use Aqua Jet!" Samurott, responding with fierce determination, charged at Mewtwo, surrounded by a torrent of water.

"Barrier!" Rex's voice was calm, confident. Mewtwo raised its hands, creating a shimmering psychic shield that repelled the Aqua Jet effortlessly.

"The clash of titans continues!" James exclaimed. "But how will Blossom counter this display of psychic might?"

Blossom's mind raced. She needed to outsmart Mewtwo's incredible power. "Samurott, use Swords Dance, then close in with Night Slash!" she called out, hoping the speed and precision of the attack would penetrate Mewtwo's defenses.

Samurott's movements became a blur, its form slicing through the air with grace and speed. Mewtwo, however, was ready. "Counter with Psystrike!" Rex commanded.

The two moves collided, a spectacle of light and energy, the very air around them crackling with power. Samurott fought valiantly, but the psychic force was overwhelming.

As the dust settled, Samurott struggled to its feet, weary but unyielding. Blossom's admiration for her Pokémon's bravery shone in her eyes. "You're doing great," she whispered, a silent promise of unwavering support.

Mewtwo, still standing tall, looked at Samurott with a hint of understanding. he stared at his own hands, feeling the electricity beneath his skin bubbling, wanting to escape. Was this... excitement?

The stadium, now a cauldron of suspense, waited with bated breath. 

"Use Shadow Ball, Mewtwo!" Rex's voice cut through the tension. Mewtwo extended its hands, gathering a swirling mass of dark energy, which grew larger and more intense by the second.

Blossom knew this could be the decisive moment. "Samurott, dodge and use Secret Sword!" she called out, her voice steady despite the mounting pressure.

Samurott leaped aside as the Shadow Ball hurtled towards it, narrowly avoiding the attack. In the same fluid motion, it summoned its energy and unleashed a radiant beam of light shaped like a sword, aimed directly at Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo, Teleport!" Rex was quick to respond. In a blink, Mewtwo vanished, reappearing away from the trajectory of the attack.

James's commentary mirrored the crowd's amazement. "Incredible! Just when we think we've seen it all, these trainers and their Pokémon surprise us yet again! The agility! The strategy!"

The ice beneath their feet crackled, reflecting the intensity of the battle. Mewtwo, now facing Samurott directly, prepared for its next move. Blossom, realizing the critical juncture they were at, gave her next command with a mix of hope and determination.

"Mewtwo, let's change the pace. Engage in close combat!" Rex's unexpected command echoed across the stadium.

Blossom's eyes widened in disbelief. Close combat? With a psychic powerhouse like Mewtwo? She braced herself, unsure of what to expect.

Mewtwo, with a grace that belied its power, moved towards Samurott. The audience gasped, a mixture of excitement and disbelief rippling through the stands. James's voice, filled with astonishment, captured the moment. "Ladies and gentlemen, are we about to witness hand-to-hand combat from Mewtwo? This is unprecedented!"

Elesa who had been silent this whole time finally leaned forward, her eyes pinned on Mewtwo. "I was led to beleive as most of you, that Mewtwo was a long range psychic type. A glass cannon. This... if it can engage in close combat, then this changes everything."

Samurott, responding to Blossom's silent command, charged forward to meet Mewtwo. The two clashed in the center of the battlefield, trading blows with a speed and ferocity that left the audience spellbound.

Samurott slashed with its seamitar, but Mewtwo effortlessly dodged, countering with a series of rapid strikes it its exposed joints. Each blow was precise, calculated, and seemingly impossible to anticipate. Blossom watched, her admiration for Mewtwo's unexpected physical prowess mixing with a growing concern.

"How is this happening?" James's voice echoed the crowd's disbelief. "A psychic-type Pokémon dominating in physical combat? This is truly a clash of titans!"

Mewtwo and Samurott locked together, their eyes meeting in a fierce stare-down. The tension in the stadium was palpable, every spectator holding their breath.

Then, Mewtwo's voice, resonating not just in the air but in the minds of all present, provided the answer. "Because I can anticipate your every move." Its eyes glowed a deep, mesmerizing purple, the psychic energy almost tangible.

Blossom's heart raced. Mewtwo was reading Samurott's mind, predicting each move before it happened. The realization hit her like a wave; they were not just battling Mewtwo's physical strength, but its psychic prowess as well.

Rex, watching from his end of the field, wore a satisfied smile. His blue eyes saw what everyone didn't, a large purple cross suspended far above the satdium, with strings dangling off of its extremities, attaching themselves to Mewtwo's body. it was manipulating its own body with psychic energy. 

"Samurott, keep focused! Use your instincts!" Blossom called out, hoping to counter Mewtwo's mind-reading ability.

Samurott, heeding Blossom's command, began to move more unpredictably, relying on instinct rather than strategy. Mewtwo, however, adjusted swiftly, its psychic abilities allowing it to keep pace with every unpredictable move.

As the battle raged on, the tide began to turn decidedly in Mewtwo's favor. The psychic Pokémon's ability to read and anticipate Samurott's moves became increasingly evident, tilting the clash into a one-sided contest.

James, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and concern, narrated the unfolding scene. "Folks, we are witnessing a rare display of psychic dominance on the battlefield. Mewtwo is not just fighting; it's orchestrating this battle!"

Blossom watched helplessly, her strategies unraveling before her eyes. Every command she gave was anticipated and countered. Samurott, despite its valiant efforts and raw power, was clearly outmatched. Mewtwo's psychic abilities, combined with its physical prowess, made it an unstoppable force.

The crowd, initially buzzing with excitement, fell into a stunned silence as Mewtwo's superiority became undeniable. Rex, from his position, watched with a calm satisfaction. He had unleashed a small fraction of Mewtwo's full potential, and yet, it was performing beyond even his expectations.

"Mewtwo, use Psychic!" Rex commanded, his voice resonant with confidence.

Mewtwo's eyes intensified in their luminescence, and an invisible force lifted Samurott off the ground, immobilizing it in a psychic grip. Samurott struggled, but the psychic hold was too strong.

"Now, finish it with Aura Sphere!" Rex's command was almost a whisper, but it carried across the silent stadium.

Mewtwo, without a hint of effort, conjured a glowing orb of energy, launching it at the helpless Samurott. The attack hit with a resounding impact, sending a shockwave throughout the stadium.

Samurott, released from the psychic hold, crashed onto the ice, defeated and motionless. The battle was over. Mewtwo stood victorious, its aura of power undiminished, a testament to its incredible strength and psychic mastery.

James's voice finally broke the silence. "And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, a display of power unlike any we've seen! Mewtwo, under the guidance of Rex, has proven to be an extraordinary force!"

Rex shook his head, he had nothing to do with this battle. His part was simply a formality.

Yet the crowd, slowly recovering from their shock, began to applaud. The applause grew into a roaring ovation, not just for the victor, but in recognition of the incredible battle they had witnessed.

Blossom, although defeated, held her head high as she returned Samurott to its Poké Ball. She had fought bravely, but Mewtwo's overwhelming power was simply too much. As she looked across the field at Rex and Mewtwo, her expression was one of respect and a newfound understanding of the heights that Pokémon battles could reach.

The battle had not ended yet, but its memory would resonate in the hearts of all who witnessed it, a reminder of the limitless potential and the awe-inspiring spectacle that is the world of Pokémon.


AN: Tell me what you think! Love you all, Happy New Year!!!!