
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

A surpising turn of events

"Gengar, use thunder!" Koga commanded. Rex nodded, smart move to play with the still active rain dance to maximise the accuracy of the move. But Rex wasn't going to stay still.

"Marshadow, use agility and acrobatics!"

Marshadow dashed to the left using agility to evade the massive thunderbolt that came barrelling down from the dark clouds above. Then it did some cartwheels and front flips and landed in front Of Gengar before smashing into it with a strong knee to the stomach area.

Gengar was forced to slide backwards while hugging its stomach in pain. but the barrage was far from over, with a flash, marshadow disappeared and reappeared behind him before doing a low sweep that kicked Gengar's legs from under him.

Koga who was seeing Gengar get thrashed couldn't let this continue. Just as Marshadow went in for a punch Koga yelled.

"Now fly up!" he commanded. Gengar as if awoken levitated into the air suddenly and avoided the devasting punch. With no target all of a sudden, the punch landed on the ground creating a small vibration that developed into a miniature earthquake that shook the gym. after all, acrobatics was a move that doubled the power if the user wasn't holding an item.

"Quick, use agility and get close!" Koga yelled. Gengar also flashed and appeared behind Marshadow like a reaper. Rex raised an eyebrow.

"Marshadow, use shadow punch!" he commanded. But when Marshadow swung his fist overall he hit was an after image. Gendar was above him.

"Gengar, Hypnosis!"

Instantly, a silent wave of energy rippled out of Gengar's head and landed on Marshadow. Before it could do anything, he was already in a deep sleep. Rex knew where this was going, after all, he had fallen for it once before. Next up was surely dream eater or Hex.

And that was what happened, Gengar used Dream eater to gain back his health. And unluckily for Rex, Marshadow only stood there dumbly continuing to sleep. Rex grit his teeth slightly. there was nothing he could do. He couldn't use telepathy since marshadow still hadn't reached the stage of mastering aura. And Rex himself wasn't good enough yet to use telepathy on any Pokémon he saw.

He could only pray that Marshadow woke up soon.

Koga on the other hand was ecstatic and made sure to capitalise on this rare opportunity.

"Gengar use Hex!"


Purple chains shot out of the ground and bound Marshadow before they exploded. instantly, a cloud of smoke and dust filled the air as Marshadow was seen shooting out the side leaving a trail of smoke behind him.


He smashed into the wall where he stayed unmoving. Rex who saw this tried to calm down and assess a way to awaken Marshadow. And a rare and honestly ridiculous idea came to mind which he tried to squash but halted the next moment.

'Maybe it's worth a try.' He thought to himself before cupping his hands around the sides of his mouth to increase the volume of his voice.

"Marshadow! If you wake up now, I'll let you roam the city without supervision for a day!" he yelled. Soon, an awkward silence filled the gym. Rex's face was beet red at this point out of embarrassment. Everyone understood that Marshadow was a pervert, so they naturally understood what Rex was insinuating.

Elesa, who was in the stand, was giggling none stop. She tried to muffle her laugh with her hands but failed as her stomach started to hurt. Rex, with his super-hearing, naturally heard her and looked at her with a reproachful gaze. As if saying 'should you be supporting me?'

Elesa gave him a pitying look before continuing to laugh again. But she was cut off when a massive beam of green light shot towards the roof.

This caught everyone's attention, as they looked over at the beam of solid light, a small hand stretched out. Followed by another hand, then a foot and finally a head that was burning with vigour.

Rex was stunned, 'did he just go super Saiyan?' he asked himself. It was only logical, Marshadow was covered in green flames from head to toe, his eyes burned with golden flames as his chest heaved up and down liked a crazed lunatic on crack.

Before anyone could react, a shockwave spread out and Marshadow was gone. Where he stood, a massive crater was formed.


it all happened too fast. Before anyone could even understand what was happening, Marshadow had dashed across the field at a speed far surpassing the speed of sound and decked Gengar right into the ground creating another crater. But that was far from the end, marshadow picked gengar up by his head and tossed him into the air before beginning a barrage of supersonic punches.

He transitioned between fire punch, thunder punch, ice punch, shadow punch and focus punch. All at a speed to fast for the naked eye to receive. It was all over in a matter of a second. All they saw was Gengar being smashed backwards repeatedly by himself as if he was being shot but bullets.

Before long, Gengar was seen in a massive pit on the ground at least 5 meters deep. At the rim of the crater, Marshadow's chest was heaving up and down at a fast pace as if more adrenaline was being pumped into him. like someone was overwinding him up before letting him loose.

Marshadow slowly turned and gazed at Rex as if asked him to keep his promise. But Rex was too stunned to even register what happened. He was too shocked at the sudden outburst. What kind of speed and power was that?

He then got a prompt from the system that shocked him further.

[System has picked up traces of a legacy within Marshadow's body. But it is missing something, like a piece or a key. This legacy is unlike that of normal ones, the system believes that it is hidden somewhere. The System speculates that it might be located in the dimension Marshadow used to get to this region. I suggest the Host sends Marshadow there to obtain it.] it revealed.

Rex was flabbergasted. The system clearly told him that Marshadow wasn't able to get a legacy. But now it seemed that it was possible. Was it due to the outburst from earlier?

[correct. Energy levels spiked; it was as if he was about to evolve, but something was missing result in this happening. It is recommended that Marshadow travels back to the mysterious domain and obtain the legacy.]

'Why can't I go with him?'

"This Domain, based on the readings the system has gathered, is shown to only support ghost-type Pokémon. Any other lifeform that doesn't conform to this will be cast out or destroyed. The host cannot enter.]

'What does he need to do to get the item? How do you know it's an item?' he asked.

[It is not definitive that it is an item. Maybe it's a requirement. An intangible one. But Marshadow, due to being the only one that can search for it, must find it by himself.] it said.

Rex sighed; this was a large revelation. And it seemed he would have to part with Marshadow for the time being. He didn't know how long it would be for, but there were still one or two months before the league began. So, he hoped it would be completed before then.

He then looked at the glowing green Marshadow who was also looking at him.

Rex Beckoned Marshadow over with a wave of his hand.