
Return of Heaven's Favored – Part 7

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Yang Yufang gave her a supportive look and encouraged her to speak up. Then she turned to Old Master Ji and meekly said, "Ruoqian wants me to…"

Ji Ruoqian's face was pallid from apprehension. Seeing Ji Anning about to blurt, she interrupted Ji Anning, "Ji Anning, if any drivel comes out of you, then I'll…"

Before she finished intimidating her, Old Master Ji's eyes swept severely over her, "Have I asked you to speak?"

Ji Ruoqian shivered and swiftly shut up. She lowered her head frustratedly then she nervously fidgeted the edge of her top.

Old Master Ji lowered his eyes. He subtly noted all of Ji Anning's gestures.

On the other end, came Ji Anning's voice again, "Ruoqian wanted me to finish her homework for the summer break. I've been too busy and haven't gotten around to doing them. Now she's upset."

She tattled on her somewhat "tactfully".

"Ji Anning, that's nonsense. How could our Ruoqian ask you to do her summer break assignments? You're nothing but a granddaughter-in-law, a child bride. How dare you be big headed enough to not to know your place at the Jis!"

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman came rushing out from the dining room. With her finger pointing at Ji Anning, she chastised furiously.

She was married to the Jis eldest son and Ji Ruoqian's mother, Lin Yanqin.

As she scolded, she walked furiously over looking more than ready to start a fight.

The castigation was too harsh, and in front of such a crowd no less.

Ji Anning shrunk her neck. With her mouth slightly parted, tears had glazed her eyes. She dodged behind her mother-in-law in terror.

"That's enough. Get lost!"

At once, Old Master Jia flew into a fury and bellowed. Everyone's hearts shuddered.

Lin Yanqin, who had intended to hit Ji Anning, frightfully halted her steps.

The atmosphere was asphyxiating. Everyone peered warily at Old Master Ji.

Waiting for him to mete out punishment.

Stiffening his face, Ji Zhengdao swept his gaze towards Ji Anning. Then he turned to glare at Ji Ruoqian and said gravely, "Before school starts, you must copy 100 ancient poems."

In an unequivocal tone.

Without allowing Ji Ruoqian to fight her case, he cast a stern gaze on everyone else and warned coldly, "If I discover any one helping, then she can forget about going to school."

He threw a cold humph and swung around to head to the dining room.

Knowing that Old Master Ji was exasperated, Lin Yanqin followed closely behind him. It was not a good time to take any further action.

'Grandpa…" Ji Ruoqian looked at the livid Ji Zhengdao from behind. She grudgingly bit her lip but did not have the guts to speak up.

She could only wring her fingers, chew her lip, and stomp her feet.

After Old Master Ji entered the dining room, she turned and pointed viciously at Ji Anning, "Ji Anning, you goody two shoes. You're shameless. Just you wait."

Gnashing her teeth, she threatened Ji Anning. Then she resentfully stamped her feet before entering the dining room.

After everyone had left, Yang Yufang bent over to check Ji Anning's knees. With a twinge in her heart, "Anning, does it hurt?"