
Return of Heaven's Favored – Part 10

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Uh huh," Ji Chicheng nodded his head. Then he continued to scrutinize Ji Anning before mildly saying, "You got craftier.."


At a time like this, should he not reciprocate by commending she had gotten prettier?

Heh! Since when had Ji Chicheng complimented anyone?

On the topic of being wily, Ji Anning started feeling compunctious. Occasionally when she got nettled by the snobbish young lady's bullying, when no one was looking, she would do as she did earlier. Resorting to subterfuge, she pulled small stunts on them.

But like a phantom, he caught her red-handed repeatedly. He kept appearing when she least expected.

He never spilled the beans on her. All he did was fluster her.

But it doesn't mean he'll never blow the whistle on me. Ji Anning mulled. She fawningly gave Ji Chicheng a fake smile, "Haha…"

She expected him to turn and go his way. Surprisingly, he scanned his eyes up and down somewhat measuring her up, "Your taste in fashion has improved."

Ji Anning, "…"

Damn, was this considered ridicule or flattery?

But should she feel honored? That the aloof and arrogant Little Uncle would notice her fashion sense…

She lowered her head, looking down at the Chanel dress she donned. At this exorbitant price, of course, I've a finer taste now.

Ji Anning griped privately. When she raised her head again, the man was already nowhere in sight.

She stuck her tongue out and turned to go upstairs hurriedly.

In the dining room…

"Chengcheng, come sit over here."

The second Ji Chicheng came through the door; the dour-faced Old Master Ji beamed from ear to ear. Waving him over, he pulled out the chair on his left.

The love and favoritism he showered his youngest son with were always made blatantly, without the slightest evasion.

Everyone had gotten used to it.

Ji Chicheng turned to smile at Old Master Ji. Under everyone's complicated gaze, he headed straight for the chair Old Master Ji pulled out and sat down.

After he got seated, Old Master Ji pushed the glass of milk before him towards him, "Chengcheng, have some milk. If it's cold, the kitchen help can change it."

A song went by "I Have Eyes Only for You". At this instant, all Old Master Ji cared about was his youngest son. A dining room full of descendants were getting disregarded as he superciliously flooded him with concern.

This old man was uncharacteristically amiable at the dinner table.

So the entire meal went on in an uncommonly relaxing and convivial manner. Everyone was aware it was attributed to Old Master Ji's favorite son, Ji Chicheng.


Ji Anning went upstairs and took a shower. After taking off the pricey dress, she slipped into a regular T-shirt and jeans combination. Carrying her backpack with her hair bunned up at the crown to expose her fair neck, she gave off a lively impression.

She felt much more refreshed.