
Pink or Red?

"You are invited to our family dinner tonight." I look at him with confusion and say :"You mean, tonight, TONIGHT?!!"

I have already met his parents awhile ago, and I did not enjoy our meeting. It was extremely awkward because I came to their villa in sweatpants...Yeah. To their VILLA. They are very, very rich. I came there in sweatpants because Leo told me that we are going to have netflix and chill, because :" My parents are out of town," but then it turned out that I am gonna have a dinner with his fancy parents.

"Yeah, I mean tonight, tonight." He must have notice the fear in my eyes and hugs me :"They are not that bad are they?" I do not know how to answer to that. He presses his lips against mine and slowly pushed his body against me. Something has changed. Between us. The energy, you know. "Please come! I will make it up to you, ok?" I bite my lip : "Fine. I am going to come. So... What should I wear? My pink dress from the prom or the red one from our first date?" He smiles at me and says :" The red one is the one that shows your shoulders right?" he asks me. I nod. He says, with excitement:" I bet that my uncle is going to love it!" my jaw drops :" Your uncle? Your uncle is going to be there?!" "Yeah. And couple of my cousins. Do not be scared because they are Italian." Italian?! Great. Just great.