
Chapter 15 : They Won't Win


This part is written by Leo aka Jenna's ex boyfriend, just so there won't be any misunderstandings.

I could not get her out of my mind. I could never get out of my mind her smile and the big green eyes that trusted Andre with their life. I could not. And as the police car was driving me away from her, I saw a sense of relief on her face. And I felt betrayed. And pissed. And I wanted to kill him. Andre. Maybe even her. After she will see him suffer.

I wake up in a small cell at the police department. They say, that they will transfer me into a real jail after they will decide what I even did. I didn't do anything. And even if I did, they will never get me to prison. Dude, I have a mafia family.

I slik my hair back as I hear footsteps approaching my cell really quickly. It's a middle aged man, maybe older than my dad, I have never met before, but have seen him on many photos around the Bianchi mansion. Nuncio Ianuzzi. The rival family's leader. " What do you want?" I ask rudly, letting him know, I know about his betrayal. " Calm down there. I am giving you an offer, Leonardo." his voice still has a slight Italian accent. The word offer wakes me and the thing starts to interest me a bit. " Oh yeah? And what is this special offer you are giving me?" He licks his upper lip, leans a bit forward to the metal bars and continues quieter :" Look, I can get you out of here. You know son, Bianchi will never do it. He hates you. He thinks you are a shame to their family and I can fix that," I swallow down a lump that got stuck in my throat and shake my head, but then I give up :" Ok. So, how would you fix that?" he smiles just like we would be sitting in a cafe and have a conversation about the weather." You can become his enemy. Join me and I promise you, he won't live for long." I grin when I imagine Andre finaly being humiliated. After all these years I will finaly be the better one. I squeeze my arm through the bars and shake his :" Deal."