1 I Might Have Died

Ella sat alone in the cold, darkness of a forest. She was beaten half to death by humans and then left in a bloody heap on the forest floor. Although she was used to being cold, this felt different it was chilling not only her body but her mind and dampening her senses. As her vision was blurring, she could see two figures moving towards her, she could hear what might may be voices but didn't know entirely as her once impeccable hearing was slowly muting her surroundings. Her vision soon faded into black while the voices became louder but softer, it was a weird experience. But soon even her hearing shut off, and she felt a comforting warmth surround her and chase out the frigid feeling, this was the first time she felt such a nice warm thing.

The darkness was seeping away, and in front of her was a man

"Hello, little one," said a raspy but calming voice

"Hewo! Who are you!?" Ella's voice was filled, with pure joy with her previous pain long forgotten almost like it never happened, almost. Now, why was she joyful? You may ask this well it's because this was the first 'person' to not hit or yell at her after seeing her so even this tiny, normal gesture of kindness was new to her.

"I go by many names but you may call me Jack," Jack Said as he lowered himself into a crouching position. "I feel bad for you because you have passed without actually living so I'm going to resurrect you which means you will be alive again." the slight sorrow in his voice washed through the endless fields of white that Ella just noticed.

"But I'm not just going to throw you into your old life I will make sure you are set up with a new start."

"Ummm... I want to live a good life so that sounds pewfect!" Ella gleefully shouted after a moment of thought.

"Ok before I send you back I will give you 3 wishes and will grant it if it's in my power," Jake says quickly 'Damn my Spid- *COUGH* I mean my Reaper Senses are telling me to run

