
Side Tracked

The general led the children into the Kingdom which most of them never visited.They looked in awe whispering among themselves. Some of the Altarian people waved and smiled at them.

It took a few minutes for them to reach the adventures guild. The building was shaped like a sandcastle that was falling apart. It was a wooden building painted yellow with the guilds mark over the door. The mark was a sun being clasp by two hands.

When they entered the building was mostly emptied except for the middle-aged man standing behind the bar. He had an eye patch covering his right eye and was naturally grey with signs of early balding.

With an almost sinister smile, he welcomed them into the guild. Everyone gathered around the bar confused. The man scanned all of the children around him then shook his head.

"My name is Virgil Reily and I'm the guild master of keepers of the sun guild. I heard a lot about you guys. I'm sure your commander already told you about the task I have for but I'll go into more detail. There's are some monsters in the basement that I need to get rid of. I would have asked adventurers to take care of it but they're too busy to handle it- so I got your commander to bring y'all here to help me. Not only you're getting some combat experience- you'll be admitted to the guild and be paid for your work. So we both win in the end. Any questions?" he concluded

"Yeah what happen to your eye?" Jerome asked

"How could asked the man that. Learn to mind to your business" Jaycel rolled her eyes at him

"Why don't shut up girl. I bet you wanted to know too" He snapped back

"Nah, you can't be talking to me so"Jaycel

"Nah Jerome that's your mudda Nah" Josiah instigated

"Cut that immediately" the commander demanded

"Yes daddy" Jerome straighten up

"Jerome stupid" Jaden laughing

"You guys in really embarrassing" Natalia shaking her head

The guild master let you deafening laughter because they reminded him of his guildmates. He took off his eye patch revealing a blinded eye with a long scratch over it.

"I got this from elder dragon in adventuring days, The beast blinded me with its lightning then nearly took my eye. Even though I won that fight I barely made out alive" he said

The entire class had a look of surprise on their faces. They have only thought about the glory part of adventuring, not the downsides.

"I don't think I want to be an adventurer anymore yes," Zion jokingly said

"I bet you don't but this was all my fault. I overestimated myself and got what I deserved. I think that's enough of that let's head down towards the basement shall we" Virgil leading the way

They headed down some stairs deep underground dimly lit by torches. There was a metal door that led into a large area with another door at the end of it. The students looked around seeing rusted gear and swords.

"Okay this is where you shall begin your mission but before you leave I'll cast a spell that would boost your defences," The commander said before pulling a green gem out of his pocket. Jayden, Zion and Uchenna all knew what that gem was actually.

The commander told them to look directly at the gem so they would get the boost. As he activated the gem- the three of them turned away to protect themselves from its influence.

The green light dimmed down and everyone felt stronger. There were no changes to anyone's personality. Nothing seemed to change well nothing noticeable at least- this lead the three friends if they overreacted.

The door was open and the children headed inside the basement. Virgil grabbed the commander's shoulder with burning in his eyes.

"I know that's a mind flare crystal where did you get it?. More importantly, why did you use on it those kids" Virgil asked

"It was a command from his majesty to help them. I'm sure they will need it for what's to come" The commander explained

"If that thing wasn't well made it could corrupt your mind. The mind flare crystal is more powerful than you think" Virgil stressed

"Don't worry about okay, everything is going to be fine" The commander ensured

On the other side of the door was a large cavern- the ceiling of it was so high there were flying creatures above them. It finally hit them what this was, this a dungeon and a big one at that. They headed deeper into the cavern until the class came upon different paths. Everyone decided to group up and headed down different paths.

Through a magical screen, Ria and Albatross watched the kids enter the dungeon.

"Why are we watching your kids again?. I thought you were going to prove to me Migeru was a threat to everyone" Ria getting bored

"You want to see one of your champions die. I thought I would spare you the sight by alright." Albatross confidently switched back to the upturned carriage.

The bandits looked through all the suitcases and bags that fell out of the carriage.They found jewellery, gold, diamonds, fancy clothes and even Migeru's gaming counsels. Inside the carriage, Migeru and Shaya finally shake the cobwebs, Migeru felt stares at him but he already knew what was coming

"Yeah yeah, you were right and I'll make sure they don't steal your stuff" Migeru groaned before kicking open the door and sticking out his head.

The leader of the bandits had green scales, web hands and claws. His hair is yellow with a black gradient. Even though he had lizardmen features you could tell he was still human. He approaches Migeru with confidence and swagger then he smiled at him.

"My name Rico and your name," He said

"My nam-" Migeru stumbled

"Doesn't matter anyway, I'm going to take all this stuff and maybe I won't kill you" Rico interrupted him

"Excuse the fuck out of you" Migeru feeling offended, "I am one of the kings of the demon kingdom and is that guy wearing my jewellery" Migeru pausing to look at someone wearing his jewel incrusted rings and necklace. To the side of him was someone else wearing his diamond earrings.

"No one here cares about your status and what are you doing" Rico looking at Migeru with the hit of fear

Migeru cocked the pistol he summoned when Rico started talking. He started shooting down the bandits sending them into panic mode. He killed the people wearing his jewellery. Then took aim at Rico and fired but he dodge out of the way.

Rico ran towards the remainder of his men while being fired upon. When he got close enough, Rico activated a magical device teleporting them back to their base.

Migeru cursed to himself before climbing out the wreckage. He knew that Shaya would be upset with him and he was right. When Shaya got she chewed him out for being too carefree.

"Did they take everything" Shaya panicked, "I think they stole the bracelet, my mother gave me"

Migeru used his magical sense to track the location of the bandits. Then turned towards Shaya.

"Okay I've found them let's go" Migeru sounding serious

"You're actually going to help get it back" Shaya confused

"Yup, let's get going" Migeru heading towards a forest

Shaya was taken aback at first but then chased after him