
Prep for war

"How dare you barge in here" Sabar snarled, "Wait why are you here?"

"I was teleported here" Melo answered

"That doesn't excuse your rudeness" Sabar angrily

"That's enough Sabar" King Vadis commanded

King Vadis got up from his throne and walked towards Melo

"Before we talk I need to know" King Vadis said

"Know what King Vadis?"Melo asked

"Did you defeat the demon King?" King Vadis remarked

Melo bit his lip and couldn't even look him in his eyes. The feeling of disappointing the king hurt him. To him, he felt like he owed the king because he took him off the streets.

"No, I was teleported here before I could finish them off" Melo sadly

"Them?" Sabar questioned

"There were three demon lords," Melo said

"Three of them" King Vadis surprised, "How's that possible"

"That doesn't excuse your failure," Sabar said

"Tch" Melo turning his head away

"Hey look at me damn it," Sabar said

"You're not my dad," Melo said

"That's enough of that" King Vadis said

Hours passed as the sunset and night arisen, Melo explained the situation to the King and Sabar. The look of concern was evident on their faces but that was eliminated when they heard how weak they are.

"Okay I understand the situation now," Sabar said

"Those boys are strong but they lack training" Melo said, "Allow me to take some men with me so we could deal with them and the kingdom once and for all"

"That sounds like a great idea," King Vadis said

"Thank you sire" Melo pleased with himself

"Now about that matter you wanted to discuss," King Vadis said

"Yes sir," Melo said

Melo once again explained the situation to king Vadis

"Oh we know" Sabar laughing

"Then we can't let those children fight the demon lord," Melo said

"No, you just have to finish your mission," Sabar said, "Also there are three exceptionally strong children here''

"Really, that's good at least" Melo relieved

They finish up the conversation and Melo decides to go to his quarters. He passed by an opening where you could see a tower. On top of the tower were three children watching the starry sky. That night had different constellations and shooting stars flying across the sky. You could even see meteor showers, it was supremely beautiful. The three children were Jadon, Zion and Uchenna, their smiles and wonder were burnt into Melo's memory. Melo started to sense strong magical powers. They were coming from the tower that the kids were on. He noticed the magic was coming from the kids then something evil came from inside one of them.

"What is that?" Melo asked

The evil seemed to disappear after it was sensed. This worried Melo a lot but he didn't approach the kids because he didn't want to interrupt their fun.

In the demon king's castle, Migeru was on his knees in between his friends. Tears streamed down his face in a state of shock. They were in a different place in the castle from where they were in the beginning. They stayed there for hours before the princesses found them. When the princess found them, they were pleasantly surprised to see them in such a state. Shaya walked up to Migeru and stooped down to eye level.

"Look at you" she mocked, "Crying like a child"

"Shaya don't.. he has been through enough" Asai begging

"Yeah, they might be annoying but they spared our lives," Layla said

"Are you guys serious?.. they killed dad" Sheya screeched

"We know but he lost someone too," Asai said

"Well you could pity if you want," Sheya said

"Hey you pathetic bastard" Sheya said, "Answer me damn it"

Migeru looked up at her teary-eyed and said

"I'm sorry"

As he said that he fell forward landing on her chest. Shaya looked at him with hatred but then her hatred started to slowly fade away. She noticed his trembling body and shaky hands. She reluctantly started to rub his head to calm him down.

Morning came around and Migeru was already standing over his both friends. He felt responsible for what happened. The images of the fight replayed over and over again in his head. A holy light filled the room as Ria appeared floating over Migeru and his friends. The goddess watched all the pain he's going through and felt partly responsible for it. She put her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him but filled with anger he pushed her handoff.

"This is your fault," he said

"This was to teach you a lesson," Ria said

"Which was what..die" Migeru snapped, "Because it worked"

"Your friends are not dead" Ria softly

"Don't" Migeru holding back tears

"They are" Ria reassuring him

"Stop it," Migeru said

His magical power began to build up inside him. The whirlwind of emotion inside begins to slip out little by little. He felt like his emotion was choking him as he tried to hold them back. The dream he had for a long time turned into a nightmare that was too real.

"They're okay," Ria said

"STOP IT, STOP GIVING ME HOPE" Migeru snapped and his magical powers exploded with his emotion. Ria, feeling the full force of his magic, was excited by his strength. Then she noticed something flickering in his eyes but she couldn't make it out.

"Be a little quieter, I'm trying to sleep damn it" Aneru bothered

Migeru calmed down and turned to look at his friend. He rushed over to him then hugged him.

"Ow, ow, OW" Aneru groaned

"You're awake, you're awake" Migeru crying

"See I told you," Ria said

"YOU" Aneru pissed

"Oh no" Ria sighed

"I have a broken arm because of you" Aneru roared

"Yeah you do have that now," Ria said

"I swear to--" Aneru paused, "Wait"

"Swear to who?" Ria teased

"Well played" Aneru reluctantly

Migeru finally got control of his emotion and smiled at his friend

"Welcome back to the land of the living"

"What happened to Maikeru?" Aneru asked

"Well..he's, he's" Migeru stumbling


He looked to the left of him to see everyone looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"There's context to this" Maikeru assured them

"Yeah we going to put a pin that..how," Migeru asked

"I don't know," Maikeru said

"Dope" Migeru shrugging, " Now back to you" pointing towards Ria

" I'm sure you're angry," Ria said

"Angry is an understatement but ok," Aneru said

"You guys need this lesson" Ria continuing

"On what..how to hate you," Maikeru said

"On how you guys aren't invincible," Ria said

The boys stayed quiet when she said that because they knew she was right. They were absolutely destroyed yesterday. That feeling of helplessness will forever be edged into their memories.

"You guys have potential so don't waste it" Ria continued. "I know being here is your dreams but you need to be strong"

"So what now?" Aneru asked

"Amon's daughters will train you," Ria said

"See there's a problem" Migeru interrupting

"Okay I'll humour you," Ria said, "What's the problem"

"They hate us," Migeru said

"Yeah they do" Maikeru jumping in

"Don't worry, I already talked to them" Ria said

"If you say so," Migeru said

The girls walked into the room and stood in a line. The tension in the room thickens as they enter. The boys look at each other worrying about what they are going to do in the name of training.

"Hey there fellas," Layla said

"Hey" they collectively answered

"Are you ready for tortu- I mean training" Shaya smirking

"I just remembered I have chronic back pain from that fight so" Migeru backing up

Shaya grabbed him by his collar and dragged him out of the room

"Come here you cry baby," she said

"Hey that was one-time" Migeru protested

"Well my hand was broken so I going back to sleep," Aneru said

"Yeah have a whole in my chest," Maikeru said

Ria waved her hand in the air healing them both

"Hey hands not broken" Aneru happily "My hands not broken," he said now terrified

"Yeah no more hole in chest" Maikeru celebrating

Both Layla and Asai dragged them out of the room. Their screams could be heard all the way down the hall. Ria laugh to herself as she followed them as well

Now in the divine realm, a day hasn't passed as time moves slower here. Lesser angels were helping excavate Lestia from the fallen tower. She was buried for at least four hours now. Some more time passed before she was dug out from the rumble and she was absolutely livid. She immediately headed to Albatross's home on the southern side of the realm.

"ALBATROSS" she screamed

"Yes Lestia" He sighed

"You didn't punish Ria" Lestia said

"You did provoke her" Albatross said

"So what she threw me into a tower" She complained

"Sorry Lestia" Albatross

"You're so useless" Lestia said storming out the building

Very much enraged she flew heading towards her house until she got a wonderful idea.

"If I can't hurt, I'll just get her back in a different way" Lestia grinned to herself

After two weeks passed and the most strange thing happened in the human kingdom. Everyone member of the classroom got extremely strong magical powers which surprised the Sabar. Only in extreme cases one can gain magic powers even if they had no powers to begin with. Melo was immediately commanded to train them for a day before leaving the next day.

On that same day, Migeru, Maikeru and Aneru have been training and they have mastered some of their skills. Everyone was gathered in the training room, and they seemed to be getting ready to start a sparring session.

"Okay Migeru you will be fighting Aneru" Asai said

"That's not fair" Migeru protested

"Well that's how it is" Asai said

"How strong is he now?"Migeru asked

"He can lift a four storey house with one hand" She mumbled

"Yeah this is gonna hurt" Migeru sighed

"Don't worry about it, I won't hurt you" Aneru assured him

"That makes me feel better" Migeru sarcastically

They began to square up with each

"The rules are simple," Layla said, " No battle god, No strong magic or weapons"

"You win by knock out alone" Sheya finishing up

"You may begin'' Asai commanded

Migeru and Aneru rushed towards clashing in a test of strength which Aneru won. He threw Migeru across the room violently but he was able to recover quickly. Migeru cast a spell on himself putting his physical ability on par with Aneru, feeling more confident he once again rushed in. The two begin to trade blows back and forth before Aneru tries to sweep his opponent's legs. Migeru jumps over him, kicking him in the face. Aneru rolling across the floor uses the momentum to flip up his feet. Migeru being the aggressor closed the distance almost instantly. He hit him with a forearm across the bridge of his nose which stunned him a little. Off-balance and stunned, Aneru still headbutted him in the jaw.

"Come on Aneru you could do this" Asai cheered

"We both know Migeru is winning" Shaya snickered

"Wanna bet?" Asai asked

"Twenty gold" Shaya said

"Deal" Asai agreed

"Come on Migeru stop playing around with him" Shaya cheering

Migeru, hearing this, decided to pick up the pace a little. He kicked his friend in the leg multiple times. Aneru fought through the pain and punched him in the throat, coughing and wheezing, Migeru tried to catch his breath. Aneru also decided to go a little harder. He kneed his opponent in the stomach then punched him in the kidney. Migeru spat up some blood in the process, and then Aneru elbowed him across the face. Migeru felt the effects of this and took a few steps back then ran in with a jumping knee strike catching Aneru off guard. On wobbling legs, Aneru was open for attacks. Migeru kicked him across the chest, sending him skidding across the room.

"Okay, is it time to get serious yet?" Migeru asked

"You know that you're only one bleeding" Aneru getting up

"Just come at me" Migeru snarled

Aneru hesitantly decided to fight seriously against his friend. He steeled himself and used a skill he learnt

[ Omni boost]

He raises his abilities but mainly his speed. He moved so fast that he could barely be tracked. With mind-boggling speed he appeared in front of Migeru, launching a punch that nearly went through him. Now off the ground, Migeru felt all the air rushing out of him. Everything in the room seemed to be spinning suddenly. Aneru grabbed his head while in mid-air and smashed his face into his knee. Blood scatters everywhere, staining the floor. Aneru then smashed his face into the ground with a thud. He jumped backwards away from the body to create some distance. Face bloodied, Migeru got up wiping and spitting some of the blood. Migeru caused his hands to burst into flames then ran towards throwing punches and kicks. Aneru was trying to not get hit with fire, Migeru threw a fake then tried a spinning elbow. His opponent saw this coming and dodged it but Migeru caught him with another one. Aneru was caught off guard by the elbow a little and Migeru took advantage. He used his fiery hands to hit him in the stomach, when he did that fire blasted out of his back. He proceeds to hit him in the jaw with a vicious uppercut and fire blast out the top of his head. Then he hit some body shots with the same effects. Aneru keeled over and spat up blood, wherever Migeru hit had a bad burn.

"Ah Ah" Aneru wailed

"This one of magics I created" Migeru smiled, "I call it strikes of Prometheus"

"That sounds so cool" Aneru groaned as he gets up

"It also hits you internally so you might have some internal bleeding," Migeru said

"I have noticed," Aneru said

Aneru slowly got up as blood poured out his mouth, The air around him seemed to change and the same happened around Migeru. The two seemed to disappear but wherever they were it seemed to have sparks flying. In the air, they clashed fist and a burst of air pressure blew throughout the room. They suddenly appeared back on the ground. Immediately they ran into each other, deflecting each other's attacks, Migeru went for a head kick but Aneru grabbed his leg, tripping him. He then double stomps Migeru in the chest. Wreathing in pain, Migeru rolled out the way when Aneru tried to stomp him out. He springs up to his feet and gathers himself as quickly as possible. Migeru changed his thigh to metal because when Aneru threw a punch, he picked him up on his shoulders and dropped his neck on the metal thigh. Aneru immediately clutched at his neck as rolled across the ground, Migeru sat on the floor in exhaustion. They both struggled to get up to finish the fight. The agony filled their entire body as they rushed towards each other. Punches and kicks, even knee strikes were being thrown as these two tried to finish the battle. Aneru used a right hook but Migeru countered it by flipping him. Aneru with great skill landed on his feet and he threw a quick back kick at him. The kick landed right under his jaw with a loud slapping sound. Migeru's weight was shifted backwards as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He then crumpled forwards and knocked out on the ground.

"I win, Good work Aneru baby" Asai smiled "Pay the woman"

"Hold on look," Shaya said

Aneru fell forwards knocked out as well

"Damn it," Asai said

Ria entered the room at that exact time

"Hey, the humans are on the move...what happened here?" Ria asked