
Dungeon Crawl Pt1

The stench of blood, piss and tears reeked throughout these pathways. You could hear the crawling and growling of the monsters. The feeling of death followed the classmates close behind. The rocky formation gave the monsters places to hide but every group walked through with the confidence of an unknowing fool.

Since everyone split up it has been quiet for a while now. What felt like hours passed by with nothing happening. Most of them grew restless because of the lack of action, everyone started to wonder if this was a dungeon.

"This rel boring boy" Josiah groaned

"Ent boy, I thought we were going to fight some monster or something. This boring boy" Jerome agreeing

"We both of alyuh shut up already because I'm sure if a monster pop up right in front of us both of you running first" Jaycel rolled her eyes

"Please don't call anything on us please Jaycel because I'm not trying to fight anything right about now ok" Destiny shaking her head

"Jaycel what shit yuh talking if a monster show up now," Jerome said

"We go deal with it bad" Josiah finishing his sentence

"Done know" Jerome high fiving his friend

"Both of you are stupid" Jaycel rubbing her eyes in frustration

They walked deeper into the cave and there was a deep canyon. They were at the bottom of the canyon. Everyone started to examine the area noticing broken skulls and melted armour. One of them noticed that there was a green substance on the walls.

It gave off a foul stench that even flies won't buzz around it. Then everything around them started to shake. As the beast inched closer and closer the more violent the shaking became. On top of the canyon was one giant long slender leg then another one appeared. Within moments there were eight legs on top of the cliff pulling up a giant body. Its head peaked out showing its gigantic fangs dripping with green liquid. It had fourteen sets of eyes piercing through their souls, the main body showing off its dark green coat.

On the back of this thing were ripe sacks full of poison. It looked like sacks filled with pus. With every step, you could hear the poison slushing around- it took its position on the wall staring at them.

"Noooo noooo" Jaycel backed up

"Smithy that's an acid spider right?" Jerome asked

"Yeah boy" Josiah answered

"Why the hell is so big" Destiny in a shaky voice

"No, I not fighting that thing," Jaycel said

"Jaycel it's just a spider' Josiah said

"That's poison acid spider" Jaycel pointed out

"Yeah so" Jerome shrugged

"If it doesn't burn you to death with the acid the poison will get you" Jaycel explained

"Jerome for real though, I don't want to fight that thing" Josiah admitted

"I out of here because I not fighting this spider" Jaycel walked towards the exit. She noticed the entrance to this place was gone. The panic started to set in for her, her chest tightens and her breathing became erratic.

They have been trained to fight these things since they got there. But at this moment all that training seemed to disappear. The spider loomed closer stalking them. It opened its jaws and shot out a huge stream of poison at them- almost instinctively Destiny's powers activated, causing the poison to fly over them. She was surrounded by a red barrier with red strings of fate around her.

"Fates puppeteer" she cast as the strings wrapped around her fingers turning her hair red

This snapped everyone out of the shock and they sharpen up except for Jaycel who was still a little scared of the spider

The spider launched another attack at them but Josiah's body glowed green as he sucked some air and launched the same attack at the spider. The streams of poison clashed sending sprinkles of it everywhere. The spider leapt into the air so fast it was barely seen. Josiah was so stunned at its agility that his friend had to tackle him out of the way

The beast landed right in front of Jaycel staring at her. Its chelicerae dripping poison and shifting around. The fear imprinted itself on her face, she fell to her feet suffering in silence. Then the fear just seemed to disappear and Jaycel spat in its face. The spider didn't take kindly to that and it lunged at her but she was somehow able to roll out of the way. Jaycel got up to her feet and looked at destiny who smiled at her.

"Path in time" Jaycel cast and her eyes turned blue. You could see a clock ticking forward. Now she could see every possible outcome of the spider's movement and action in an instant.

The hairs on the spider's legs not only harden it also sharpen. It swinging its legs at Jaycel. In every movement and direction, the spider swings its leg she saw coming at that moment. It tries to feint an attack by going for the head but going for the side instead. Without even being bothered with coming at her head, she grabbed the one coming to her side and snapped the leg.

The monster screamed in pain but its suffering wasn't over yet. Jaycel ripped the spider's leg off and smacked it. She jumped into the air and started swinging for the fences. The spider was sent flying into the wall then she dropped the leg- the sting of her bleeding only started setting in.

Josiah started excreting poison out of his skin, he pooled as much as he can into the palm of his hands. He formed a giant scythe of poison and leapt into the air trying to finish off the spider.

As soon as launched toward the spider Jaycel cried out "JOSIAH STOP" Just as she said that the spider launched poison from the sack on its back. It looks like pus being shot out of a cannon. The poison came steaming hot blasting him leave him with burns. He drops to the ground with a terrifying thud, his veins started popping out of his skin. They started turning green and his eyes started darting around. His breathing became heavy and sluggish as he was in excruciating pain.

His friends rushed over as quickly as they could. The spider venom sack filled up very quickly. It stalked them but stop when he saw Jaycel smiling, it couldn't comprehend what was going on. It turned around and saw Jerome looking at it, as soon as they made eye contact it started turning to stone. It only took a couple of seconds before it turned into stone completely.

As soon as the spider was defeated, Josiah's body returned to normal and he shot up.

"Did anyone else hear that?" He asked

"Hear what ?" Jaycel

"A voice says I have a poison immunity now but he's french" Josiah

"Well I have a voice too but it's a female," Jerome told him

"Whatever yes," Josiah said getting up

"You people have no idea how many times you were supposed to die," Destiny said

Having no other choice but to climb the canyon, they headed up. When they got there it was barren. They walked until they came to a door that seemed out of place. They open the door and saw a path leading off somewhere, it had greenery surrounding it. It took a while before they decided to enter and headed deep inside the door closed and faded away

I know I'm late and it's part time assasin week but I'm job hunting at this point in time. I'll try to post chapters when I can and I hope you can understand. My dream is to do this full time one day but until then I got to get a job.

I hope enjoyed this chapter, please show me some support by giving power stones and gifts if possible. You can also share this around to.

Thanks again for reading

Taku999creators' thoughts