
Chapter 4

The three friends standing back to back watching their opponents.Shaya not wasting any time tossing boulder-sized fireballs at them. Migeru reacted quickly, pushing down his friends to avoid them. The fireball flew over them, scorching their faces. The magic of the room shifted as Shaya gathered it within herself and fired a blast of magical energy. Migeru, thinking fast, put his hands in front of him casting a spell.

"Creation magic: Prismatic barrier"

The barrier formed around them deflecting the magic. Once inside the barrier, the friends felt safe until Shaya started to rain fireballs upon them. Migeru focusing on the barrier so it won't break, Aneru and Maikeru started to plan their counter strike.

"So what's the plan?" Aneru asked

"I don't know" Maikeru shrugged

"Guys I don't want to be that person right now" Migeru grunted, "But you can hurry the hell up please and thanks"

"You got it easy so chill out" Aneru snickered, "You're a strong boy"

"I hate you so much" Migeru huffing

"I have an idea" Miakeru with a goofy smile on his face

"We're going to die cool" Migeru sarcastically

"Aneru power up and take those demons" Maikeru commanded, "Migeru take out Mario's sister"

"Yeah...wait you did not" Migeru unamused

"I did so deal with it," Maikeru said

"I'll restrain them" Maikeru finished explaining the plan

Aneru's eyes switched from brown to blue with rings in them. A female voice spoke in his mind " Battle God activated". At that moment Aneru could feel the blood pumping, every pulse and muscle tightening in his body. His strength has just started increasing rapidly and that's not just physical strength. At that moment his agility, processing power and senses all continue to rise.

He looked at Migeru letting him know that he was ready. Migeru watched as the fireballs hit the barrier. He timed the last fireball just right enough to mix the fireball with the barrier, sending back a ball mixed with the two magics. Shaya was blasted with it and was knocked back into her sisters. Without missing a moment Maikeru released some magical power. It had a purplish aura to it turning into chains. The chains rushed out ensnaring all the princesses. Aneru, feeling supercharged, punched the floor in front of him, destroying it. The demons feel down with that part of the room. There's a giant hole in the floor where the demons were but the building of strength within Aneru was still continuing.

The boys drop to their knees breathing a sigh of relief. Migeru, sensing a huge power surge behind him, turned around. To his surprise it just kept going at an alarming rate. He looked towards Maikeru to see if he senses as well,he shakes his head confirming he does. They both turn around to look at Aneru; his power just keeps building and building.

"Hey, buddy can you feel that?" Migeru asking Aneru

"Feel what?" he asked

"Can you feel yourself" Maikeru interjecting

"MAIKERU!!" Migeru screamed

"What" Maikeru defensively

"Phrasing" Migeru stressed

"Shut up" Maikeru pointing at Migeru, " So could you?" asking Aneru

"In what context we talking here," Aneru said

"See" Migeru snarkily

"Shut up" Maikeru holding in a laughing

"No I can't feel, How can I feel myself" Aneru dramatically continues to explain how that doesn't make sense

"Okay okay dam" Migeru extremely annoyed, "Your power just keeps going up so can you like turn it off"

"Why didn't you just say that" Aneru takes a deep breath in turning off his skill but his strength didn't drop. It remains at that level as it was when his skill was last active.

"This skill is op" Aneru surprised

"Hey, what are you going to do with us?" the princess asked

"You guys still here" Maikeru confused


"Oh yeah" Maikeru remember the chains

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" They screamed in annoyance