
Day Twelve: The Aftermath

So yesterday was a write off because it was another day where no one spoke to each other. But today the consequences were revealed to us and spoiler alert, it is pretty bad. As I was passing through the hallway on the way to the kitchen, I saw Jack go into Storm's room. Storm hasn't spoken to anyone or left her room since France, even Vixen can't make her feel better which is surprising! As I was debating whether or not to go in and join them, I was joined by David who told me that we were all needed in the meeting room now as the Secretary of State was here! Instantly knowing that this was not good, I raced into Storm's room and was greeted by a look of surprise on both of their faces when I told them the news. We then headed off to the meeting room where all the others were and the Secretary was, with a face of thunder, who told us to sit down immediately. He then proceeded into a lengthy speech about how the UN is preparing to pass a set of rules which are targeted at the Freedom Fighters. At first, I had no idea what any of this meant but he then exemplified on this and pointed out that the rules will mean that the Freedom Fighters are now run by the state! My eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise. Noticing my reaction, the Secretary then played a video to us which outlined the reasons why they have decided to this. This video contained clips from New York and France. There was a silence to my soul. I felt the chill in my blood, coldness bringing the synapses of my brain to a standstill. The number of innocent lives that have been taken is unbearable to consider but have to be in order to pay the respect to them that they deserve. The Secretary then handed out the book of rules and told us that there was to be a meeting in Italy in a few days where the rules are to be legalised. The Secretary then left us but with the threat that if we didn't agree with the rules, we would all have to retire. David was sat at the back of the room, silent and Jack interpreted this as David having already made up his mind. The Freedom Fighters are divided. David supports the rules because of New York's devastation, while Jack has more faith in his own judgement than that of politicians. So far David has Natalie and Vixen on his side. But I have to agree that I am with Jack on this one, regardless of my crush on him! Team Jack is Lee, Storm and myself but I am sure we will manage to find more Freedom Fighters to join us! Right, I have to go now as David said he would come and talk to me tonight and I am sure he is going to try and persuade me to join his side. I never thought I would see the Freedom Fighters so divided. Honestly, since I have joined, the Freedom Fighters have descended into chaos. So yes I am feeling pretty guilty right now!