
Day Seventeen: Heartbroken

What a depressing title it is but it summarises what happened today very nicely. I arrived at the airport five minutes before the agreed time with Jack but you can't blame for wanting to get back to business as soon as possible! I saw Jack's version of a 'getaway car' which made me laugh as it didn't blend in at all with the surroundings. I was about to approach them when I saw Sophie Holmes get out of her car and walk towards Jack. She gave Jack his suit and Lee his wings but then thought that it would be appropriate to kiss Jack? When the frustration built and I thought I might explode - I took a deep breath. I wanted to shout, have a tantrum and beat my hands on the ground like a toddler. I wanted to vent, let it out, but I didn't want to say words I don't mean, be hurtful. It's just so easy to be cruel in that moment and then the damage is done. So many times I've wanted to unsay things, take it back. I'm learning how to deal with it, but slowly. Jack noticed me when Sophie had walked off and seemed pleased to see me but the smirk in the corner of his mouth made it seem as though in that moment he was both his adult self and childish self simultaneously.

Jack suggested that we should drive to meet the others who were just further along the floor but if he had looked closer, he could have seen that my perfected mask of pretence was crumbling down and raw emotions were taking over. I refused to get in the car and instead walked to meet the others. It was so nice to see the others again and I met Paul Roberts who was also on our side. Lee decided to expose me in front of the others because he could clearly see that I was not ok and so he reassured Paul that I was not usually this quiet but something had occurred which made me act like this. Jack was still completely clueless to why I was so upset and before anyone could say anything else an alarm went off and someone started yelling from the speakers. He told us that they were evacuating the airport and we all looked at each other and said "David."

David's team had followed us here, with the Secretary's permission to capture us, the renegades. Lee ran into the airport, Eagle Eye and Storm took to the rooftops and Jack and I confronted David. Believe me, I wanted to be anywhere but there. The guilt flowed through me again when I saw David's face and before I could apologise profusely to him again, Jack had been tied up by Ben! At that moment in time, I rather enjoyed it. I had no idea that Ben would show up today, I thought he was still in Queens. But I suppose life is full of surprises. David then threatened us to turn ourselves in because we are a team, but Jack had other ideas and lifted his tied up arms in the air and Eagle Eye shot his arrow through it, freeing him. Then the fighting began.

And when I say fighting I mean fighting. I raced inside to join Lee and as we were running along the airport floor I couldn't help but feel completely exhilarated by it! I had been followed by Ben who then tied up Lee and before he could do the same to me, Lee managed to get his 'wings' to drag Ben out of the airport. Once Ben had been dealt with I proceeded to untangle Lee which was rather hard work! Then we dashed back outside to join the others.

Jack called all of us to follow him and David did the same with his team until we came head-on with each other. There was a moment of silence before. "Team, attack!" We raced towards each other, each of us was filled with feelings of anger and betrayal. I ended up having to fight Ben which wasn't fun for either of us but in the end, Jack came along and stopped Ben before he could knock me out. I then raced away to help the other and Jack and Ben ended up having a deep chat about something, but I still haven't been told what it was about. This fight lasted for a solid twenty minutes and by the end, we were all so exhausted. Obviously Ben had told Jack something about me, maybe why I was sad as he tried to patch things up with me during the fight but I told him that it could wait until afterwards. David's team weren't giving up and so, in the end, we agreed that only Jack should run towards the helicopter and attempt to get out of here whilst the rest of us would try to hold off David's team for as long as possible. Despite all the obstacles in his way, Jack managed to escape and the rest of us were captured by David but instead of sending me to a special prison along with the others, he took me back to the Compound with him? I suppose I shall find out soon!