
so lucky you came

Veera: is a talented Mafia and also a successful businessman. He is insensitive to all girls and is only interested in men. His heart suddenly opened after a one-night stand with Kasem. Kasem: an accountant who started his own company and ran it. After three years of being rejected by his first love, he still hasn't resumed a new relationship. Since meeting Veera has opened up many new things that have never happened to him The story revolves around the love of Veera and Kasem, despite many obstacles and prejudices, they still find each other among thousands of people.

DaoistKXRJnw · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter 8:

Thinking that after moving in with Veera, Kasem will not be able to come to the company as often as before. Fortunately, every day, Kasem still comes to the company to work, but the difference is the supervision of the bodyguards. Fortunately, Kasem also negotiated with Veera that just one person is enough because Kasem does not want to disturb normal life, Kasem does not like people talking or paying attention to this and that because there are The man in black stood in front of such a company. Veera initially disagrees because one person is not enough but in the end he agrees on the condition that Kasem also has to be careful and pay more attention.

-Diny: I thought Kasem would insist until the end but...

-Sam: So every day will be like that. Too cool.

-Ken: It's going to be a bit annoying.

Kasem: What are you guys talking about?

-Gin: About those people in black.

-Kasem: Don't pay too much attention to them, it won't be too much trouble. He was also as restrictive as possible.

-Lya: So you've accepted?

-Kasem: Not really, I'm not sure about this relationship either. You know nothing about him.

-Sam: You'll find out gradually.

-Kasem: I said the same thing he said. Haizzz

Kasem thought Veera was worrying too much until he met that girl. Today, Kasem decided not to go to the company but work online. Normally, Kasem and Veera both go to work, so they don't come home at noon, now Kasem is at home, so he goes to the kitchen to make rice with Aunt Nahm and then brings it to Veera's company.

-Aunt Nahm: Uncle Kasem just wait outside and then I'll bring it to you when done.

-Kasem: I can't do anything while sitting, so I can help with one hand and take it away.

-Aunt Nahm: So will you have dinner with Mr. Veera?

-Kasem: Yes, but I will divide it into two boxes, maybe he's busy, I'll eat it separately.

-Aunt Nahm: Normally, no one brings rice to the company for Mr. Veera, so when you get there, Mr. Kasem calls Karawek so he can bring you up.

-Kasem: I can bring it up directly without bothering Karawek. Is it that difficult?

-Aunt Nahm: I think where you will understand.

Going to Veera's company, it must be said that this person is not ordinary. To meet Veera, Kasem had to go through many rounds of interrogation. If Kasem was a girl, Kasem would have to go through more rounds than this. Upon entering, Kasem saw countless girls standing on the left side of the hall, curiously asking the front desk.

-Kasem: Why are there so many girls there?

-Receptionist: Well, the girls come here for many different reasons to be able to meet the general manager. So there will be separate areas to deal with such as: pregnancy, giving rice, meeting, one night stand...

-Kasem: Why are there so many reasons? But he is so pompous, so professional.

-Receptionist: So, have you come here with an appointment or not? Is there any work?

-Kasem: I came here to deliver food. I didn't make an appointment, but I came from the CEO's house.

-Receptionist: Then let me contact, ask again. For reasons like this, many people have already used it. Because before the general manager let people bring rice from home.

-Security: But this is the first time a guy came and said to bring rice to the boss.

-Kasem: So is there anyone who can come in without an appointment?

-Security: Only Miss Manee.

-Kasem: Manee? Who is that?

-Receptionist: I haven't been able to contact the secretary on the general manager's floor, so I'll bother you to wait on the other side.

-Karawek: No need, Kasem, follow me.

-Kasem: Karawek, why are you here?

-Karawek: Aunt Nahm informed me that you were coming, Lop also informed me that you were in the hall.

-Kasem: Now I understand why to call you.

-Karawek: After seeing Kasem, just take him directly to the boss's room. (Karawek informed reception and security)

-Kasem: There won't be a second time. Did Veera know I was coming?

-Karawek: I haven't informed the boss yet, but the boss has no appointment this afternoon, so it won't be a waste of time if you bring rice.

-Kasem: I'm just convenient.

Karawek just smiled and Kasem felt shy. Out of the elevator, Kasem accidentally ran into a girl.

-Manee: Who is he, how do you have to pick him up here? Is there an appointment in advance?

-Kasem: So who are you? If you can go up, so can I.

Is it a secretary?… Not exactly the same.

-Karawek: Mr. Kasem, this is Miss Manee, she is a friend of your boss. And this is Mr. Kasem, the boss's lover.

-Manee: Lover? Just for entertainment, not worth it. Veera's lover that is my position. Normally Veera doesn't have fun at this hour.

-Kasem: If I could move, I probably wouldn't be here. I also don't have time to come here to have fun. She looks more like that.

Manee: You…

-Karawek: Miss Manee, if you're done, I'd like to take Mr. Kasem to meet the boss.

-Manee: If you don't leave now, one day you will leave without saying goodbye.

What a confident girl, but what she says may be true. After knocking on the door Kasem entered the room Veera was working, seeing him on the phone, Kasem just gently placed their lunch on the table. Through the glass, Veera saw Kasem, not surprised but motioned for Kasem to wait a moment.

-Veera: You don't need to go to the company, I can come and have lunch with you.

-Kasem: I just want to go out to change the atmosphere, so it's convenient to bring you rice.

-Veera: If you want, next time let me know first.

-Kasem: But you are so flowery, many people are lining up to see you.

-Veera: Should I take this as a compliment or irony. You should also feel lucky to be able to come see me in person.

-Kasem: It's not just me, is it? The girl from earlier…

-Veera: Manee is my friend. She no longer has a mother, and I am an orphan, so we sympathize and grow up together like that. Manee misunderstands my interest as love and is crossing the line. I'm trying to get her to understand our relationship properly, to let her know that she and I can't be a couple.

-Kasem: I see, you don't need to explain so carefully.

-Veera: Also, I have no interest in girls

-Kasem: Not interested but below…

While Kasem was caught off guard, Veera approached Kasem and kissed him. Once again Kasem didn't protest but enjoyed the kiss. But unable to go any further, Kasem pushed Veera and stopped the corrupt hand that was trying to get inside.

-Kasem: I won't be your lunch. Want to eat?

-Veera: Just dodge until you can't dodge anymore.

-Kasem: Just now, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you seem to be referring to some orphanage.

-Veera: Ukm, once every three months if I am not busy I will go to the orphanage, where I grew up, to visit the aunts and see what the children there need.

-Kasem: You look so cold… Can I go with you?

-Veera: Okay, I'll let you know in advance so you can prepare.

-Kasem: May I buy presents for the children? What do the kids like?

-Veera: Just do as you please, this time gift is for me to take care of. I just bought according to what was told and let Karawek buy. So you can ask Karawek for more ideas.

-Kasem: Then you eat, I'll go buy something.

-Veera: I bring my share here, then eat and then leave. I don't need to be in such a hurry.

-Kasem: That's fine.

Before Kasem left, Veera pulled out a black card as if wanting Kasem to use it to buy things but Kasem refused because Kasem also worked so wanted to buy with his own money.

-Veera: From now on, I don't need Karawek until I'm done, so let him go with you.

-Kasem: If so, I'll just go nearby so if you need Karawek he can come back in time.

-Veera: There's also Rui and Kit here who can handle work, so you can go where you want.

After lunch, Kasem went for a walk and looked around the toy stores.

-Kasem: Karawek, what do the kids there need?

-Karawek: The children only like ordinary toys, the rest of the year they buy books for the children to learn.

-Kasem: Even though they are orphans, they are very eager to learn.

-Karawek: This is what the boss wants the children to try, even though they don't have enough parents, they have to become the best so that no one has to say anything about the children at the orphanage.

-Lop: The boss told us that the present is a better version than us of the past, we in the future will be a better version of the present. So every day we have to make a better version, we can definitely do it by always thinking positively.

-Kasem: He must have suffered a lot. Then show me how to choose the clothes that you always prepare.

Kasem found some fun toys for the kids when told by Veera. Kasem also bought some food and supplies for the orphanage. When I'm ready, I'll pack it up carefully. For some reason, Kasem was happy to get there quickly, probably because that's where Veera grew up.

-Veera: Why are you so excited?

-Kasem: I don't know either, just felt like going there. But why do you want the children to be better, they are still at a playful age. Although I have heard from Karawek and Lop but…

Veera slowly approached and sat next to Kasem, looked at Kasem's face and replied

-Veera: Me and other children, if we don't strive ourselves, no one will help. Those who have enough parents will always be a solid support, and the children in the orphanage do not have them, so it is absolutely impossible for others to be pointed out because of that lack.

Kasem seemed to feel a little anger in Veera's voice, feeling that he had said the wrong thing, but took the initiative to come closer and hug Veera.

-Kasem: I don't mean to talk about it too much. My fault.

-Veera: I'm not talking about you so you don't need to feel guilty. Sorry for not holding back my anger in my words. If I scared or worried you, I'm so sorry.

The more he listened to Veera, the more Kasem felt that he shouldn't have inquired into this matter. Just like that, Veera held the Kasem leaf in her arms and fell asleep, ending a long day. Every day Veera just needs to see Kasem every morning, sleep with Kasem at the end of the day, is enough to revive Veera's spirit after tiring work.