
so lucky you came

Veera: is a talented Mafia and also a successful businessman. He is insensitive to all girls and is only interested in men. His heart suddenly opened after a one-night stand with Kasem. Kasem: an accountant who started his own company and ran it. After three years of being rejected by his first love, he still hasn't resumed a new relationship. Since meeting Veera has opened up many new things that have never happened to him The story revolves around the love of Veera and Kasem, despite many obstacles and prejudices, they still find each other among thousands of people.

DaoistKXRJnw · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter 23: Side Story (Special)

Although Veera and Kasem's marriage has not been legalized, under the witness of relatives, they have lived a very happy life. What Kasem wants is understanding and helping Veera because Kasem knows there are things Veera has not felt and has to overcome very hard on his own. Both Veera and Kasem have their own companies and jobs, and when they have time, Kasem always supports the work on the farm. Another audit season has passed, everyone in Kasem's company is tired and wants to rest.

-Ken: Kasem, can we rest for a few days? You can take turns taking a break, this time it's really tiring.

-Diny: It's not the same every time, why do you say tired this time. Or is it because she wants to go out with her lover because she is angry. (Diny says in laughter)

-Kasem: So do you guys want to go somewhere to change the atmosphere? He also never organized a trip for the kids.

-Lya: Really?

Gin: Where are we going? When it's hot like this, going to the beach is the best.

-Kasem: You guys choose where, we go for about three to four days. He plans to take both his parents because he hasn't gone anywhere with them for a long time. But you don't go to the sea.

- Diny: What's wrong? Going to the beach is the most fun. (Diny says a little disappointed)

-Kasem: When I was young, I fell into a lake, so I was a bit afraid of such water. But everyone can go wherever they want, you can go. Most importantly, he wanted to bring his parents along.

-Ken: Then go to Pattaya, there is both the sea, the temple and the ecological area.

- Sam: Alright! If you can't get to the sea, there are still temples and ecological zones.

-Kasem: Then let's decide later, when I asked my parents and Mr. Veera.

-Gin: Then we don't need to eat anything.

After Gin's joke, everyone got married. At the end of the work day, Kasem stopped by the house to ask his parents about the trip.

-Kasem's mother: Kasem is there?

-Kasem: Every time you come home, I'm the first one to pick you up.

- Kasem's mother: Just got home from work, are you tired?

-Kasem: The company just finished an audit, so it wants to take a break. I plan to organize the staff to go on a trip to Pattaya, please come with us. Where have the three of us gone in a while?

-Kasem's father: It's fine there, but will you be okay? And when do you plan to go?

-Kasem: I'll be fine, I'll be careful. I plan to give everyone a break on Friday afternoon and move there, but I don't know how your parents and Veera's schedule is.

Kasem's father: Both of my parents are retired, so I have a lot of free time. We haven't done anything this weekend, so we can arrange to go with you.

-Kasem: Then I'll call my parents tonight.

-Mother Kasem: Since the day I married you, my parents have fallen out of favor a lot. (Kasem's mother joking with Kasem)

Kasem: Mom...

- Kasem's mother: Okay, I'm joking with you. I just made a new batch of cakes, please bring some for everyone. And wait for me to get you another one.

-Kasem: What is it, mom?

-Mother Kasem: This is the bracelet that my grandmother left me as a dowry. Unfortunately, I don't have a daughter-in-law, so I left it to you. Who knows, if the two later adopt a child, they will leave it to him.

Kasem ran to hug her mother because of her parents' approval, after talking to her parents, she moved back to Veera's house. Kasem is always the one who comes home before Veera so Kasem usually goes to the kitchen and prepares dinner with Aunt Nahm. Today, Thany stayed at his grandfather's house to have a meal, so dinner was only Kasem and Veera. During the meal, Kasem mentioned travel.

-Kasem: Veera, are you busy this Friday?

Veera: What's wrong? There's not much work on weekends, so I can arrange it, and I don't have any appointments.

-Kasem: My company has just finished work, so I will organize a trip, I want my parents and you to go with me. If possible, he arranges for everyone in the house to participate.

-Veera: Fine, I'll arrange it. But I'm so afraid of the sea, why choose places with the sea?

-Kasem: I can't ban people because I'm afraid.

-Veera: A little at a time, can you help me overcome that fear? At that time, I saved you, you should believe in me and you should give it a try.

-Kasem: I'll try, but don't tease me or leave me halfway.

-Veera: Other things I don't know, but your life, I won't bet.

Kasem: I believe you. I'll report back to my parents soon.

At the end of the meal, Veera went up to his room to continue working and Kasem as promised, called his parents and planned places to go on this occasion.

As planned, at 2pm on Friday, everyone set off for Pattaya. After nearly three hours, they also arrived in Pattaya. Because they had gone on a long trip, they had dinner together and walked around the beach in the evening.

Kasem had planned ahead of schedule and also let his parents rest and relax, so Kasem took everyone to Wat Phra Yai to celebrate the ceremony and to Nong Nooch Tropical Garden because Kasem's father loved to plant trees.

Kasem's father: This place is so beautiful and has a lot of shade, I also want a garden like that.

-Kasem: Is that too tiring to take care of? Please take care of your little garden.

-Dad Kasem: I heard Veera also has a flower farm?

Kasem's mother: Is that right, son?

-Veera: Yes, I do, I will take my parents there to see the flowers.

-Sam: Being able to go to the temple to pray makes me feel very comfortable.

-Ken: Then you should go to the temple more Sam.

-Sam: What do you mean, Ken?

In the afternoon, Kasem let everyone have fun on the beach.

-Veera: Kasem, give me your hand, come down with me slowly.

-Sam: Mr. Kasem just slowly get acquainted, we go down to play first. Once you get used to it, come and play with us.

-Veera: Let the water reach your ankles, I'll stop. If I'm fine, I'll continue.

Although Kasem was still scared, seeing everyone having fun Kasem really wanted to play with them. Kasem mustered the courage to hold Veera's hand and slowly descend to the sea. Making cool water reach Kasem's feet made Kasem both excited and shivered.

-Veera: I'm still holding your hand so please relax your body to feel it.

Following Veera's words, Kasem relaxed himself and felt the clear blue water of the sea. Kasem's parents are also more secure when next to Kasem has Veera and Kasem is also ready to overcome fear. Gradually, Kasem's sense of fear disappeared, he moved further so that the water reached his knees.

-Veera: I just got used to it, so I'll stop at this level today. You can play with everyone, I'll be watching from the back.

When he saw that Kasem was familiar with the sea, Thany and New ran over to drag Kasem to play. They played together like children who never wanted to grow up. For the first time, Kasme felt that water was no longer scary and that he could actually have fun with people. When it started to rain, they returned to the hotel together to change and prepare for dinner.

-Kasem: Veera, I'm sorry. Saying that I'm going on a vacation to rest, you bother me like that.

-Veera: I don't mind, as long as you're happy. But if you want to make up for it, I'm willing to accept it.

Veera approached and pressed Kasem against the wall, one hand supported Kasem's head, the other hugged Kasem's small waist and placed a kiss on Kasem's lips. Kasem reflexively wrapped her arms around Veera close to her body. Veera seemed to want to go deeper but was stopped by Kasem.

-Kasem: Everyone is waiting for us to have dinner. Let the night come, I will make up for you.

-Veera: I was just joking with you, but you really did it. Since when have you been so active?

-Kasem: Isn't that okay?

-Veera: So I can't even want you to leave me, I won't be able to escape tonight.

At dinner, they choose a restaurant outside the beach to enjoy food while watching the sea at night. Everyone seemed to be happy, so they drank too much and were all drunk. With peace of mind that everyone had returned to their safe rooms, Veera and Kaseem went for a walk along the beach.

-Veera: Even though you're afraid of water, you seem to like walking around the beach?

-Kasem: I like it, now I like it even more. Because I am no longer afraid of water as before and I have you by my side.

-Veera: It's getting colder, I didn't bring my coat here, so I went back to my room to avoid getting sick.

Returning to the room, when the door was just closed, Veera grabbed Kasem's hand as if holding it tight and pressed against the wall to kiss Kasem's neck. Kasem also understood because he promised before dinner. Kasem becomes Veera's night food. Just like that, the kiss lasted from the door until they were both on the bed. Buttons were undone slowly, Veera grabbed Kasem's hand and pulled it up, bringing his lips to touch every part of Kasem's body. Kasem could only purse his lips and enjoy each kiss, his breath on his body. Veera's arm teased Kasem's body, making Kasem tickle but he didn't scream, just a low sound in his throat. It was only when Veera's boy was brought into Kasem's body that Kasem groaned softly in Veera's ear. Veera's arm touched her chest and then moved down to Kasem's waist, "peach" pair and legs.

-Veera: If it hurts you can tell me.

-Kasem: Because it's you, I can endure it all. It doesn't hurt but it's really great.

-Veera: Thank you for accepting me for who I am, loving and caring for me.

Veera's sweet words made Kasem happier. Veera often uses actions to prove instead of words, so when he says it, it's all true. And then Kasem fell asleep in Veera's arms. Although last night made Kasem quite tired, he still woke up to watch the sunrise with everyone.

-Lya: Normally I can't get up early. So today this scene is so beautiful.

-Gin: Aren't you Veera and the bodyguards now, Mr. Kasem? Don't say they can't get up.

Sam: Is that all you can think of?

-Kasem: I heard that they had something to do, so they stayed at the hotel.

-Diny: From early in the morning? That's when I see how hard the job is.

-New: It's been a long time since I've seen the sunrise, I can't see it like that in the city.

-Ken: Mr. Kasem, now you can go into the water comfortably, right.

-Kasem: It may be more comfortable than before, but it's still a bit shaky when it's too deep.

-Thany: That's when I saw that I and Veera were born for each other, making up for what the other lacked.

After watching the sunrise, they played together on the sea for a bit, then went to have breakfast and continued today's schedule. They enjoy breakfast at the floating market on the Pattaya boat. Then they went together to 3D Art In Paradise Museum and Underwater World Aquarium.

-New: There are many kinds of fish here, they are so beautiful.

Tan: How can you be so childish.

-Diny: If you're beautiful, you'll be beautiful, Mr. Tan can't call Mr. New a child.

-Kasem: In such places, no matter how old you are, you will turn into a child.

-Tan: Can you not join them. How can the boss accept this childish personality of yours.

-Veera: So you don't accept New's childish personality?

They finished their schedule at five o'clock in the afternoon and visited to buy some specialties as gifts for everyone in Bangkok and ended the trip back to each other's homes when the clock struck ten. The next morning everyone had work so they finished to prepare for the new day.

-Kasem: Veera, did you notice during the few days we were in Pattaya that someone always noticed us?

-Veera: So you're not the only one who sees it. I don't know what that person meant. I'll find out later, if there's no problem, don't worry.

Kasem: Veera, I'm not asking this to make you angry. But…

Veera approached Kasem, grabbed her hand and hugged Kasem in her lap.

-Veera: Whatever you say, I won't be mad at you.

-Kasem: Before you were not qualified, but now you are full, have you ever thought about finding your parents like Thany?

-Veera: I don't think about it, because it doesn't matter anymore.

-Kasem: You didn't realize it right? His eyes were sad when he saw Thany with his family or when he saw his parents taking care of him. He wished he could have that, too.

-Veera: I already have you and everyone is family, so I don't want to look for them anymore. Maybe it's just pain.

Kasem: You understand what I mean, right? If you don't want to talk about it anymore, then we'll stop here.

Veera and Kasem end the story there. In the following days Kasem did not mention it because he did not want Veera to get hurt. Until the woman who always noticed them in Pattaya came to see Kasem.

Kosum: Are you Kasem? Can I see you for a while?

- Kasem: Okay. But she is…

-Kosum: I'm the maid in Somsri's house.

-Kasem: Do I know them? I have never heard of their names.

-Kosum: I came because I wanted to ask a little information about Mr. Veera. Maybe he's the last drop of the Somsri's blood.

-Kasem: How do I know if he is or not and if you are telling the truth?

-Kosum: I also can't be sure if Mr. Veera is Master Sunan or not. That year, I took him to the orphanage but when I came back they said they didn't know where Master Sunan had gone. When I took him to the orphanage, he had a carnation engraved bracelet in his hand. And when I happened to meet Mr. Veera in Pattaya, I found him very similar to the boss when he was young.

-Kasem: What you said, I really don't know. Why don't you meet him in person. Please give me a way to contact when Mr. Veera wants to meet.

Kasem is sure that this is the only person who knows Veera's true identity, but without Veera's permission, Kasem absolutely does not reveal it. The day Veera visited the orphanage, Kasem went with him and went to see Phille's mother.

-Kasem: Mother Phille! Can I ask you a question?

- Phille: Is that Kasem, what do you call me?

-Kasem: Did someone come looking for Mr. Veera?

- Phille: Yes, how did you know that? I didn't say that to anyone, for Veera himself didn't want to look for them. Though I hope Veera can find her birth parents.

-Kasem: That woman came to her son to ask about him as if to confirm something that could not be obtained from the orphanage.

-Veera: What are you and Kasem talking about?

Phille: Veera, they came looking for you. Do you want to meet them?

-Veera: They?

-Kasem: The woman who noticed us in Pattaya claimed to be Somsri's maid, that's probably his last name.

-Veera: How can you believe that?

- Phille: That woman came to find me and mentioned the carnation-engraved bracelet that I wore, the day I was placed in front of the orphanage. I didn't tell you that because I was afraid like before, you would get mad at me without talking because I always remind you to find your roots.

-Kasem: I promised not to bring this up again, but I really hope you give yourself a chance to find a family.

-Veera: Mom give me the bracelet, I also want to know why they left me that day. It's been so long gone, but now it reappears for what purpose.

Phille: I'll give it to you, but stay calm. I'm also happy when you accept to find them but not to know the truth and then avenge it.

-Veera: Mom, I'm no longer in that industry. Every problem will have its own solution.

- Phille: So I believe, Kasem made you leave that industry. So can Kasem go with Veera to help me?

-Kasem: Okay, ma'am.

Following Veera's wishes, Kasem contacted Kosum to make an appointment.

-Kosum: Indeed you are very similar, the boss's sharp eyes and the mistress's high nose. He grew up handsome.

-Veera: How can you be sure it's me?

-Kosum: Do you keep the bracelet?

-Veera: It's here.

Veera opened the handkerchief and handed the gold bracelet to the woman.

-Kosum: That's it, you are Master Sunan.

-Veera: Something happened, why did they send me to the orphanage? (Veera said in an angry, steely voice)

Kosum: Please don't misunderstand. His parents didn't want to put him in an orphanage if that year hadn't happened...

-Veera: What happened? (Veera could barely contain her anger and shouted loudly)

-Kosum: That year, the Somsri family did well and had many enemies. In a delivery to a customer but was found to contain banned substances inside. So the shipment was detained for investigation. During the investigation, the police found many problems and had evidence to prove that the owners were innocent. That person was not satisfied, so on the day of giving birth to the owner, they set fire to the house. The owner just handed him over to me and told me to take good care of him. And the whole Somsri family, old and young, big and small, were burned down in that house. I'm so sorry to my parents for not being able to take care of him, so I sent him to an orphanage.

Veera's hand seemed to tighten, his teeth clenched, which made Veera seem to want to kill those who lost his family. Kasem saw that, grabbed Veera's hand as if to stop the anger and hatred in Veera. By holding hands, Kasem's gaze softened Veera's current feelings.

-Veera: So do they have their graves?

- Kosum: Yes, sir. After taking him to the orphanage, I went back to the house and with my family and neighbors gathered what was left and built graves for them.

-Veera: Give me the address, I will visit them.

-Kosum: Thank you for forgiving me and accepting to visit their graves.

-Veera: If I didn't know this, I would really hate them for the rest of my life and don't even want to talk about them. So when it's over, there's nothing I can do about it.

As soon as he knew the address of the grave, Veera drove back to the farm to pick carnations and then bundle them up and bring them to the grave. Veera didn't say anything the whole way, Kasem didn't say anything, just silently looked at Veera. Arriving there, Veera went to the family grave to clean up the altar, offered flowers and knelt down to bow. Veera's reverence made Kasem's heart ache.

Back in the car, Veera was still staring silently at the grave. Kasem and I went to Veera's side to hug, pat and comfort Veera.

-Kasem: In front of me, you don't need to be too strong. If you want to cry, lean on my shoulder and cry. I won't laugh at you. He had suppressed it for a long time.

After Kasem's words, Veera actually burst into tears.

-Veera: If it was me before, I really want to find out who that person is and kill them. But you changed my way of thinking. Thank you for always trying to make me find out who I am.

-Kasem: What they did, they certainly paid for it. I just want you to be happy and open the knot in your heart. And every time I go to the farm, I don't have nightmares when I sleep again.

Veera put her hand on Kasem's neck and kissed Kasem's lips as a sincere thank you. And Kasem has always never refused Veera. Veera becomes happier and changes herself. When we love the right person, we will not have to change, but that person will help you to be yourself and have the right behavior.