
so lucky you came

Veera: is a talented Mafia and also a successful businessman. He is insensitive to all girls and is only interested in men. His heart suddenly opened after a one-night stand with Kasem. Kasem: an accountant who started his own company and ran it. After three years of being rejected by his first love, he still hasn't resumed a new relationship. Since meeting Veera has opened up many new things that have never happened to him The story revolves around the love of Veera and Kasem, despite many obstacles and prejudices, they still find each other among thousands of people.

DaoistKXRJnw · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter 12

Returning from the day at the small camp, Veera is constantly busy with work from the company to the bar, each short business flight to complete the hotel acquisition project.

At this moment Veera received a call from Khan:

-Khan: Veera, to achieve your goal you not only follow the plan but also need to have tricks.

-Veera: What do you mean by that?

-Khan: The investor in Japan has a party tomorrow night, you have to go with a girl who plays the role of your lover to join. Or a real couple, this investor's wife pays close attention to the happiness between couples.

-Veera: You know this is impossible.

-Khan: So do you have another way to be chosen by investors? As long as his wife opens the door, how much do you think he will win.

-Veera: I see what you mean, I'll go.

Since Veera was busy, Kasem didn't want to disturb him much, only occasionally calling to remind him to eat, get enough rest, say goodbye and ask him to pay attention to safety. It seems that happiness will happen like that, but every fun has its end, in love there will be a couple of quarrels and separations.

That night, Kasem only had time to call to ask if Veera was back because Kasem had not slept in Veera's arms for a long time, Kasem began to miss that scent. But just receive the word will be finished soon, told to go to sleep first, don't wait.

-Kasem: When will you come back?

(-Veera: Is something wrong at home or at work?)

-Kasem: No… just…

(-Karawek: there will be a meeting with the project person in Korea in thirty minutes

-Veera: Kasem, do you have something to say?

-Kasem: If you're busy, work, but please pay attention to your health.

(-Veera: You're missing me, aren't you?)

-Kasem: Don't be narcissistic, I just called to check on you. … Miss your scent because I'm used to having you by my side.

(-Veera: The project is in the final stages, so it's a lot of work. I don't know when I'll be able to come back, but I'll come back to you when I'm done so you just go to sleep.)

-Kasem: Okay, you can't stay up too late either.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, Han's phone number appeared on the screen. Why is Han calling Kasem now, what's the matter. Kasem picked up the phone, the other end rang

Staff: Are you Kasem? The owner of this phone was so drunk, I saw his number so I called. You can come pick him up because the shop is closing soon.

-Kasem: Okay, give me the address. I will come pick him up.

-Kasem: Lop brought me to this place.

-Lop: It's already late, you should stay at home. If the boss knows, he will be angry.

-Kasem: I just went to pick up my friend, he was too drunk but no one brought him back so… Let's go Lop, I will be responsible if your boss scolds you.

-Lop: But… All right.

Meanwhile, Kasem awkwardly called Tan, although he didn't want to bother, but wanted to ask for Han's lover's number, so he had to call. However, Kasem couldn't get her number so I went to pick up Han myself. Most of the bodyguards followed to work with Veera, leaving only Lop. Veera ordered Lop to go with Kasem at all times, so when he went to pick up Han, Lop followed. Arriving, seeing Han drunk, unconscious, Kasem hastily apologized to the shop and brought Han back. Fortunately, Han hadn't changed his address and room password, so Kasem easily brought Han up to his room. Kasem asks Lop to wait downstairs, Kasem will go up there for a while and then come down.

-Kasem: Lop, wait for me below. I'll take Han up to his room and come down right away.

-Lop: I should still bring him up, so my boss knows you're out this late, I can't bear it and now I'm taking it up to my room.

-Kasem: Han is just my friend, so absolutely nothing happens.

-Lop: Mr. Kasem, he is also the boss's rival at work. I…

Kasem: You think I'm going to reveal something and make Veera fail?

-Lop: I didn't mean that… but…

-Kasem: If not, wait for me here.

Despite Lop's advice, Kasem insisted on taking Han to his room himself. What Kasem didn't anticipate was that Han wouldn't let Kasem leave. Han says he regrets leaving Kasem and wants Kasem back. The party was worth it, if it was three years ago, Kasem wholeheartedly agreed, now Kasem only cares about Veera.

-Han: Kasem, can you come back to me? I was stupid to leave you.

-Kasem: If it was said then, I would have accepted it but now I have someone else.

-Han: Veera is just playing with you, he already has many servants.

-Kasem: Everyone has a past, that's his past. And now Veera is just me. Let go.

-Han: Don't underestimate him, sooner or later you will be left like everyone else. You have a bet with me, after tonight you will no longer belong to him...

The more Kasem moves, the tighter Han squeezes, the one who regrets this time is Kasem for not letting Lop go with him or take Han to his room on his behalf. Kasem didn't know why his awareness gradually disappeared, Kasem's eyes couldn't even open. Kasem didn't know what to do when he opened his eyes to find himself at Veera's house, and couldn't remember what happened last night.

-Kasem: Lop, what happened last night? Is Veera back yet?

-Lop: It's nothing, the boss is in Japan to discuss business, so he may not be able to return right away.

-Kasem: In Japan? Why didn't he say anything yesterday?

-Lop: I don't know, you should rest more. I go to work

Veera herself, after receiving the phone call from Kasem, just wanted to immediately fly back to Thailand to meet Kasem, but this project is important, so she can only tell herself that she will be back soon.

-Karawek: Tonight, who do you think will come with you as a companion?

-Veera: I still can't choose, if I let Kasem know, she will be very angry with me.

-Manee: While you are here afraid of him getting angry, what are you doing do you know?

-Kit: Boss, there's something wrong with the plan.

Veera: What's wrong?

-Kit: Our data has been leaked and the investor in Korea has decided to invest in support of Han.

-Veera: Find out who leaked it.

-Manee: Who else could come in here?

-Veera: What do you mean by that?

-Manee: Look at these pictures and you'll understand. Are you still there to take care of him?

-Karawek: This… Mr. Kasem has never been involved in these works so he can't have documents.

-Veera: Tonight, you join me in the investor's party. Join as my companion until the end of the project.

-Kit: Boss, Mr. Kasem won't do that.

-Veera: Prepare for the next plan.

Veera was clearly angry but still chose to finish the project and then think about it. Von Manee smiled, thinking that he had won and was about to become Veera's man in the right way. Karawek and Kit worry about Kasem because Veera has never cared for a person so much, never let people find out when there is a problem. In the evening, the party went smoothly, Veera received the trust of the Japanese investor and signed the contract. The next morning, he flew back to Thailand.

Upon hearing the news of Veera's return, Kasem happily ran down to meet him. But Veera did not come alone, next to him was Manee confidently walking along and holding Veera's hand. Although Kasem's eyes showed sadness and disappointment, he only received Veera's coldness and response.

-Veera: Since this auction is important and needs a real companion, Manee will stay with me until the job is done. I'm just saying that so you know.

Before Kasem could reply, Veera quickly left and Manee walked away with a satisfied smile. What's going on, after just one day, everything is chaotic. Kasem didn't know what to do, just frantically looking for Lop to ask but Lop just shook his head and didn't tell Kasme anything more. Kasem didn't get to see Veera for a whole day even though he lived in the same house, everything around him grew and isolated Kasem in one place. At this time, only Aunt Nahm comes to comfort and encourage

-Aunt Nahm: Uncle Kasem is a good person, nothing will happen. Mr. Veera is busy right now so that's new. Atid, if you're not busy, come and talk to Kasem.

- Atid: Do you want to go out in the yard for a walk, I'll go with you.

Kasem walks around the yard with Atid, Kasem just asks about Atid's homework and general problems to forget his doubts about Veera's attitude all day. Seeming to sense Kasem's sadness, Atid timidly asked

-Atid: Are you okay, Kasem? If possible, please share with me.

-Kasem: Atid, do you know what happened, tell me.

-Atid: I don't know, when I woke up in the morning I felt the atmosphere was tense, I didn't dare to ask.

-Kasem: Well then, just leave me alone. It's okay. Then it will be better.

Kasem went back to the bedroom but the space was still the same, the silence made Kasem wonder what Veera and Manee were doing and where to rest tonight. Kasem kept turning around and as expected, Veera did not return to the room. The next morning, Kasem heard the car engine, rushed down to meet Veera. In exchange for nothing but hopelessness, Kasem ran after the car without Veera looking back even once. Once again Kasem returned to the house, unlike the first day Kasem came here, Kasem now feels cold and wants to run away from this place. The days after that got worse, Veera didn't even come home like before Kasem showed up.

-Kasem: He won't come back tonight, right?

(-Karawek: There are only a few days left of the auction, so the boss is busy and can't come home in time.)

-Kasem: Is Manee always by Veera's side?

(-Karawek: Miss Manee has gone home to rest)

-Kasem: That means they are always together, can I go there to meet him?

(-Karawek: Still not recommended, you won't see your boss so stay home and wait.)

-Kasem: Then I won't bother you anymore, go do your job.

The next auction and project meeting are opened one after another. This was the only chance for Kasem to meet Veera, but by his side was always Manee and there was no time when Kasem could approach and talk to Veera. They are close, laugh and talk so much that everyone thinks they are a good match. That long-lasting pain reappeared. Even if Veera noticed Kasem was right there, Veera wouldn't even look at Kasme once. Was Veera changed or their feelings no longer the same.