
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Let Her Die!

"Really, you can't perform a magic contract?" I asked with an awkward smile.

Yolina, who had just given a long and detailed explanation, raised one eyebrow with a strange expression as if to say, 'Was my explanation not clear enough?' Then she sighed.

"I can't," Yolina answered, changing her expression to a neutral one.

Well, forgive me. I just took the information from the game at face value and didn't verify it myself. After seeing Professor Drows during the Applied War Magic class on Monday and watching Alfred cast a magic contract, I thought almost everyone could perform a magic contract if they had the knowledge.

With such a hasty conclusion, I admit I was a bit careless and impulsive.

I sighed and saw Yolina standing there, extending her right hand to me. I looked at her hand.

"So, what will you do? The same as when you examined my soul?" I asked.

Yolina raised her left hand, her index finger touching her cheek while she tilted her head slightly upwards, her gaze looking up. After a moment, she looked at me again.

Then she answered, "The method is almost the same. With this, you can feel my intentions, whether I mean to harm you or not. How should I say it, like a soul connection? I'm not as skilled as Mother, but I can still do it."

"So, a mind reader?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

Yolina nodded and then said, "Something like that. It's basically the same as when I examined your soul last Sunday. If last Sunday was one-way, this time it's more two-way because it involves trust."

This method is indeed good. But I doubt if the truth about Dark Saber will be revealed. I guess it's okay, I already told her it was a vision dream. I actually doubted she believed it immediately at that time. But according to her, my soul is a stronger Edward's soul. With that, she trusted my words, right?

"How about it? Do you want to do it or wait for Mother to mediate the magic contract?" Yolina asked when I remained silent for a while.

"Let's do it your way," I answered without hesitation and extended my hand.

Yolina then smiled and held my right wrist. Then a strange flow entered my body through Yolina's grip. It felt comfortable and cool. Feeling the comfort, I closed my eyes.

As if lulled by the comfort, I reflexively held her wrist too. Then I opened my eyes. When I looked at her face, for some reason, there was a slight change in her expression. Then she immediately showed her calm expression. I didn't know what that was earlier.

'I hope you don't break, sister,' I thought.

As if knowing my thoughts, Yolina's forehead wrinkled. Her expression was disgusted as if looking down on me.

'That's rude, you know? I'm not like that!' Yolina's angry voice echoed in my head.

I was a little shocked by the response I heard in my head. Not just a little shocked, more like very shocked. Just by holding hands, she could read thoughts. That's a very strong skill.

'Ahem. I just made a random conclusion when your expression changed earlier, sister. Rest assured, I'm not like that either. And your skill is very strong to be able to read thoughts,' I said in my mind.

'Hmph! If that's the case, I can be calm too. And this skill isn't that strong. It can only happen because we once built a soul connection and weakened each other's soul guard. Once a soul connection is established, our subconscious will accept the flow of soul power with low soul guard. Unless we consciously restore our soul guard against someone, you need to lower your soul guard again if you want to connect again,' Yolina explained.

Yolina continued, 'And the fact that we can connect easily proves that our soul defenses are both still willing to accept each other's soul power because our soul defenses are low. You can't lie if you use soul connection. Because if there's a lie, there will be a strange jolt and an uncomfortable feeling in your heart. In other words...'

I then continued Yolina's explanation, 'This method alone is enough to prove trust in someone. Is this your method?'

'Exactly. Did you feel the cool sensation earlier when my soul power flowed into you?' she answered with a bright smile.

'Yes, I felt it and unconsciously held your wrist too,' I said.

'Cool sensation means comfort and trust. And if there's discomfort, it means I can't be trusted,' Yolina answered.

'Okay. You said earlier it's two-way, so what did you feel from my soul?' I asked.

'There's a cool sensation. But actually, I'm not sure,' Yolina answered.

I was silent for a moment and didn't answer. Cool means trust. That's what Yolina said. Indeed, I trusted her initially. But I questioned her loyalty earlier to test if Yolina was really involved in Edward's suicide. I guess it's something complicated so Yolina is not sure. So let's get straight to it.

'Are you involved in my suicide and want to kill me?' I asked with a firm expression.

'No, and I never will! Of course, if you become a demon or make a pact with a demon, I have to kill you,' Yolina answered quickly and with a serious expression.

I could feel the honesty in her words through the soul connection. There was no discomfort at all. However, I felt uncomfortable about the part where she had to kill me. There was a lie there.

'You...' I said with my eyes slightly widened.

Yolina, realizing what I meant by my expression, looked away.

'Of course, it would be hard for me to kill my own family, but I have to even if I don't want to,' Yolina answered.

I felt flattered by that. But for some reason, I felt something was missing. Not about Yolina, but about me.

'I was too careless,' I thought.

'Exactly. You were too careless. What if I were indeed involved in your murder? Do you think you could run with the difference in our power?' Yolina answered, sighing and looking at me again after looking away.

'Of course not,' I answered with a grin.

I lied. If it were the old Edward, he couldn't escape from Yolina. But now it's different. I have Arkium that I can use to cover the stat difference. I can't defeat Yolina, but I can run. But still, I was careless to come to the suspect's residence alone.

And this lie is also to test the two-way soul connection. Whether it can really detect lies in both directions. Actually, me feeling Yolina's honesty and lies was already enough.

After knowing my answer, Yolina replied, 'You're lying.'

I just shrugged and said nothing.

'You seem confident. I'm curious about your power now,' Yolina answered with an enthusiastic face.

'Not now,' I replied.

Yolina smiled.

'Is this enough?' Yolina asked.

I nodded. Then Yolina let go of her hand and sat back on the sofa and took a macaron. I looked at my right hand and slowly rotated it.

'Is it that easy? Is it really that easy?' I thought with doubt.

Then I stared at Yolina for quite a while, who was sitting and eating her macaron until she swallowed it all. After that, her expression turned serious again and she looked at me.

"So, does that convince you?" Yolina asked.

I discarded my doubts first. After all, the lie detector earlier worked. I could feel Yolina's lies, and she could feel mine.

"It's enough," I replied.

"Then, let's continue our discussion. You said earlier you had talked with Alfred. I understand he's Mother's agent, but can your butler be trusted?" Yolina asked seriously.

Then I explained that I had confirmed it with a magic contract. After listening to my explanation, Yolina looked at me with a strange gaze.

"I could say, you gambled with your life, Edward. I don't know if you're careless or brave," Yolina answered, sighing.

"I'm not afraid of dying," I answered casually.

'I'm not afraid of dying, but I don't want to die. By securing Alfred who is often around me, I get extra security. It sounds like twisted logic, but I had to gamble. After all, I'm still weak at this point,' I thought.

"Well, let the past be the past. Anyway, Alfred is positively on your side. So, what will you do with Mia? Kill her?" Yolina asked.

I was silent for a moment and took the iced tea glass, drinking three gulps. After that, I put it back on the table and leaned back again.

"That's why I came to you before you leave for the heroism practice. I want to ask for your advice and help," I answered.

"You want me to examine her with a soul connection?" Yolina asked.

I nodded with a serious look.

Yolina said after my nod, "Then what are you waiting for?"

"This is the issue. Mia is a weak human. I'm worried there's a soul trap in Mia's body set by the real culprit. Do you think that's possible?" I said.

Yolina put her right hand on her chin and rubbed her left cheek with her index finger.

"It's not impossible. It's very risky for the soul examiner if the examiner's soul power is low. But if I examine her, at most Mia will die if your words are true that Mia is just an ordinary person who intends to kill you," Yolina answered.

"That's what I'm worried about," I replied.

Yolina's gaze became sinister. Her face looked angry.

"You're thinking about your little maid's life? If it's true she's trying to kill you, let her die!" Yolina's voice volume rose when she said this.

'What Yolina said is true. But according to the game's information, Mia had no intention of killing Edward. Of course, I can't take the game's information at face value now because I've been misled once.' I thought.