
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Keep an Eye on Him Again

After returning from Edward's dorm, I walked leisurely back to my own.

"Truly, a very surprising visit."

I sighed and glanced at the package I was carrying in my right hand. The package contained brownies that were currently popular in the academy neighborhood.

I flashbacked for a moment. Initially, I just wanted to visit my annoying little brother to scold him. During this semester break, he didn't come home to visit mother, so I was a bit annoyed.

I would have thought he would be angry and keep blaming mother for the strain in our relationship. But I was wrong. He suddenly changed.

His tone became calm and gentle. His behavior towards the servants also changed. He felt guilty for his past mistakes and even called me "sister" for the first time in years, instead of just Yolina and Yolina.

This sudden change certainly raised suspicions. To change so drastically in such a short time was not enough.

I immediately connected it with the demon contract. It might sound cruel, but I had to ask. It concerned the family's reputation.

I was grateful he denied it, and after I confirmed it, he turned out to be honest. And I found something interesting, his soul was getting stronger. It felt like Edward's soul, but gentler and calmer. Not like Edward.

He said the strengthening of his soul was thanks to enlightenment. I was slightly surprised. Only a few people experience enlightenment in their lives.

But after that, a fairly big bomb fell right in front of my face. He said he got enlightenment after surviving suicide.

I knew he was a bastard. But still, mother and I would surely be sad to lose him. Especially because of suicide.

My anger surged, and I asked harshly. Even to the point of hitting him. Then after asking, I got his reason.

Suicide just because of depression related to his academic performance and class ranking? Are you kidding me?. There must be a solution to that. Why didn't he discuss it with me or mother?

"I felt unworthy after causing so much trouble...so...I buried my problems myself." He said at that moment.

At that moment, my anger subsided, and I realized he had been isolated all this time. Although it was his own fault, still, he had no one to talk to when he was down. My eyes became wet unconsciously.

After that, I heard his story about the dreams he had while in a coma, maybe?

From his endless and repetitive dream stories, I could understand his suffering after losing me and mother.

And at the end of his dream before waking up, he dreamt of being an ordinary, poor person. His family died during an invasion of strange creatures. He lived his life as a mercenary and died with honor. But throughout his life, he felt empty because the people he loved were gone.

I was sure all those dreams made him realize and change drastically. What I didn't expect was the pain he felt after enlightenment. Because I thought enlightenment would make someone feel refreshed and full of energy.

And there was something else that surprised me at that time. The Soul Release Potion. The potion was very familiar in my mother's family, the Zefattin family. Edward used it to commit suicide.

What's strange is his memories related to the Soul Release Potion were very blurry, leaving only the name of the potion.

Honestly, I intended to tell him that the Soul Release Potion is quite familiar in the Zefattin family because I'm sure he doesn't know anything about it. Only I was told by mother because of Edward's bad nature.

I immediately abandoned my intention to tell him and decided to inform him at the right time, when Edward's mental state was stable.

I was afraid Edward would blindly accuse the Zefattin family as the main suspects of manipulating his mind. That ended our conversation about his enlightenment.

After that, we chatted for a while, and then I intended to return to my dorm.

"Wait a minute, sister!"

He stopped me as I opened the door to his dorm. He turned around and took something from the fireplace.

"Here. I bought this for you on the way back to the dorm."

He handed me a gift. I was a little puzzled. I looked between the gift and Edward. Then I opened it. The contents of the package were brownies that were currently popular in the academy neighborhood.

And coincidentally, I liked chocolate and sweet cakes. Since when did my little brother pay attention to me?

"U-Uh! Thank you!"

Edward then smiled.

"You're welcome!"

After that, he escorted me out of the male dormitory area. Actually, it wasn't necessary, but I accepted his kindness.

And here I am, casually walking back to my dorm.

Then I remembered again of our conversation. The Soul Release Potion. The potion should be rare and not freely available to the public. But Edward got it in the academy neighborhood.

'It seems I'll have to contact mother later. Although I don't want to be suspicious, maybe there's a traitor in the Zefattin family or the Vallois family.'

"Well for now..."

I opened Edward's gift again. I couldn't control my smile even though it was just a small smile.

'I'll enjoy it, hehe.'

'Oh...I haven't apologized to Edward for hitting him.'

Edward has changed, at least for now. Because I've never seen him try to be better, there's still a possibility he'll behave badly again even though he's had enlightenment.

'It's not that I've never keep an eye on him, but, I'll do it, again.'


I watched Yolina walk away with a calm demeanor. Everything was going smoothly except for the Soul Release Potion and, of course, the matter of suicide.

I didn't expect my sister to be so angry when my mouth mentioned Edward's old suicide attempt. And, about the Soul Release Potion...

'It seems Yolina knows something. But she doesn't want to tell me.'

The fact that even I, a game player myself, don't know the origins of the Soul Release Potion makes me somewhat uncomfortable.

The details of Edward's character, background, and story are very few. So, what can I do, I can only find out when I investigate later.

Now, then...

"Anetta? Are you 'online'?"

I waited for a response, then...

(Anetta, online! Initiating diagnosis...Anetta-001 hard reset detected on...date...error detected.

Anetta-001 database error. Forced deletion of Anetta-001 database detected. Initiating recovery...failed.

Accessing Galactic Net to retrieve new data...failed. Connection to Galactic Net lost. Galactic Net is out of range.

Accessing local internet...not detected. New database retrieval from the brain is required. Requesting permission to access memory...)

I grinned. Anetta is online now.

Anetta is an AI that I, Dark Saber, created. I implanted it in my brain. An ultimate assistant capable of providing information and helping the brain organize and store memories. In short, it helps and enhances brain performance.

I used to often use Anetta to help me activate my very complicated default skills.

And the main reason I activated Anetta now in my new world is to help activate that skill of mine. I am weak now, so I need to add extra strength.

'I allow it.'

I didn't activate it intentionally. Anetta's voice suddenly echoed 3 days ago after I fully woke up. And it surprised me. However, shortly after, Anetta immediately went offline after detecting my out-of-sync soul and body.

(Permission has been granted. Initiating memory access...)

What actually happened? And how could an AI also move between worlds? My assumption is, Anetta, who was previously an AI, evolved into a skill naturally without me realizing it. And when my soul moved, Anetta also moved.

And that's advantageous in many ways. Besides knowing that the skill is integrated with my soul, I can activate and use my old Galactic Mercenary Dark Saber skill. It will greatly help me as Edward to survive. Besides, Anetta is a powerful AI assistant.

(A new database has been obtained. Anetta-001 was hard reset on September 12, 3227 CE in the Earth calendar and restarted on June 14, 367 in the Nevarun calendar.

Confirming master soul, Darius Gallean with the alias Dark Saber. Significant changes detected in the master's body. Detecting a body that does not match your soul. Please determine how I should act on this change?)

Anetta is able to detect that something is odd about me. And based on her words that she can detect souls, my assumption is correct, Anetta has changed from just an AI to a skill bound to my soul.

'Anetta, note this, this body is now mine. And my name now is Edward Kazan Vallois. So just treat this body like my previous one.'

(Understood, master. I will treat this body as Master Dark Saber's body. And, good afternoon Master Edward!)

I grinned.

"Welcome back, Anetta!"