
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Academy (2)

After identifying several core characters in the game, I sat back, ignoring Ishma who occasionally glanced in my direction.

It seemed she was interested in my sudden changes. Especially with her Identification Eye, my changes would be clear to her. It might not display character information as detailed as mine, but the Identification Eye would surely read the aura changes emanating from my soul.

However, it didn't mean my eyes could see all information about someone. My identification ability only worked on people who were often around me and whom I observed frequently.

So, my family and classmates who had been together for a semester fell within my identification criteria. And in this class, I had some information about people I considered strong and interesting.

I'm sure Edward wouldn't be able to see this information for a long time because there was a trait change when my soul took over this body.

- - -

[Edward Kazan Vallois]

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 16 years

Affiliations: Heroes Department of Sveitmann Academy, House Vallois, House Zefattin, Crimson Butterfly Member, Yefilim Noble Club, **?**?* Soc#*ty, *#$1#827;#0

Strength: 49

Defense: 58

Stamina: 65

Agility: 54

Mana: 0

General Stats Assessment: 45.2 (Elite Warrior)

Unique Stat

Arkium: 107

Traits: Mana Disability, Iron Body, Hardworker, Kleptomaniac, Discipline, Arrogant Aristocrat, Former Player (new), Player's Eye (new), Master of Anetta (new), Dark Saber's Legacy (new), Martial Artist (new)

- - -

I could only sigh as I looked at my stats. I rested my head on my crossed arms.

Having empty mana stats, my overall stats assessment became low.

Moreover, there was an error in the affiliations list. I was sure it was related to Edward's suicide incident and Soul Release Potion.

Those involved in my suicide would surely realize that I was still wandering around with my head intact. Sooner or later, they would surely make contact with me.

Initially, I was worried, but after 3 days of wandering around the city, they didn't contact me at all. So I brushed it off a bit, but still kept my guard up.

'Anetta? Did you manage to recover my blurry memories?'

(Unfortunately, Master. Your blurry memories of your suicide and the Soul Release Potion were not found in your deepest memories. The memories were completely erased. This may have happened due to the low soul level of the previous body owner.)

'Hmmm. I'm somewhat confused now.'

(The soul holds a lot of information about memories. When the soul leaves, it duplicates memories in the brain. That's usually how it goes. However, if the soul has a low level, it becomes vulnerable to external influences. There is a possibility that the culprit manipulated the soul of the previous body owner and transferred memories. It's like the copy, cut, and paste system in a computer.)

So, Edward's soul, which should have copied memories, turned into cutting memories. That explains why my memories are blurry.

Now, that raises another question. Did the culprit anticipate if Edward's body was taken over by 'something'? Or was it just a precaution against investigators reading the dead's memories when Edward's body was found? Both are possible.

My mood is somewhat messy because of this. But my mood is somewhat lifted because Arkium, the energy concept from my old world, is actually nested in my new body. The Dark Saber's soul brought along the remaining energy stored in its final moments.

I have to put aside the pleasure and worry for now, as the professor has arrived.

The first class today is the mandatory course of the Hero Department, Applied War Magic Arts.

And magic is something I can't do and master. More precisely, it's difficult or even impossible.

I'm sure conventional magic here won't suit Arkium. Besides, Arkium isn't an energy designed to use natural blessings like magic with mana assistance. Arkium is an energy that helps maximize human body and mind abilities.

However, I will still seriously consider the courses at the academy.

'I somewhat regret not paying attention and reading seriously during the quest lectures in the game.'

As I ponder, the professor is already on the platform, standing gracefully. His gaze is sharp.

The professor is wearing a gray suit and the typical cloak of one of the wizard guilds on his tall figure. He has black eyes set in a handsome masculine face with glasses on. His brown hair is shoulder-length and tied up.

"Greetings, cadets! I'm sure some of you already know me. But allow me to introduce myself. I am your professor for the Applied War Magic Arts course for one semester, Ignatius Nemertis Drows."

Professor Ignatius Nemertis Drows. He is a Professional Hero with the Wizard class but has a physical body strong enough to be called a Pseudo Magian Knight. His reputation and ranking in the Imperial Ardterion Heroes Guild are quite high.

"As a Pseudo Magian Knight, my fighting style is almost similar to a pure Magian Knight. However, because fundamentally I am a wizard and more skilled in the field of magic, I would still lose to a Magian Knight."

Professor Drows turns on the magic projector. The magic projector displays a Magian Knight fighting in the Demon dimension or Demon Domain.

"As you know, Magian Knights can use two different types of mana. The mana of a wizard and the mana of a knight. Generally, wizards use mana directly and enhance it with knowledge. While a knight's mana is a special type of mana oriented for traditional combat that can be enhanced with knight's physical and mental training. We call it Aura."

The magic projector then displays a Magian Knight chanting fire magic on his great sword already coated with aura. The fire itself is green.

"To become a Magian Knight, a high understanding of magic and aura is required. Magian Knight is a Warrior-class Hero and focuses more on training physical and mental aspects. So their knowledge of magic is limited to one type or one element they master. Although their number of spells is fewer than pure wizards, they maximize the spells they master to a high degree."

Thanks to skilled aura mastery, the speed of the Magian Knight displayed on the magic projector is extremely fast. Not only that, their acrobatic skills are very high. As the great sword with green fire blazes through demons, the demons slashed are burned and eventually charred.

"And coupled with the ability of Magian Knights to assimilate aura and magic," the scene of the Magian Knight's battle on the magic projector ends with an empty slash in the air, "they are one of the strong existences in the Heroes Guild."

The sword's path shoots quickly towards the demon horde in front. The speed of the sword's path causes a sonic boom-like sound effect. As the sword's path touches the demon horde, the horde is cut and instantly burned to ashes. There's no dramatic effect like an explosion or anything. Just silence.

As the recording ends, Professor Drows remains silent, observing the astonished reactions of the students. I also look around and just sigh at my classmates' reactions.

It's not that the students aren't familiar with battles. I'm sure many students at Sveitmann Academy, especially in the Hero Department, have fought monsters, but it's different from fighting in the Demon Domain.

Information about the Demon Domain is top-secret. Even the general public doesn't know about the existence of the Demon Domain. Information about the Demon Domain is released slowly to the public in minimal portions so that the public can adapt and not cause chaos. So the recorded battle shown by Professor Drows is a rare spectacle.

"I'm sure he'll make us keep quiet with a Magic Contract." I muttered.

Ignoring the students' reactions, Professor Drows changes the projection display of the magic projector and continues the lecture.

"But today, I won't discuss how to become a Pseudo Magian Knight or a pure Magian Knight. Today, we'll understand the basic theory of using magic in the context of battle. Although I'll explain it from the Wizard's perspective, I'm sure those of you who don't want to take Wizard classes will also understand."

The professor pauses for a moment, then continues.

"In battle, we don't always have an ideal environment. How will you adapt your magic to ever-changing environmental conditions?"

Professor Drows begins by describing a simulation battle map that includes various environments, ranging from forests to volcanic mountains.

"When facing diverse battlefield terrains, we need to understand how to optimize our magic power and battle tactics."

He presents the first example, a forest.

"In the forest, we may encounter spatial limitations and low visibility. How will we use our magic to fight enemies and keep moving without getting trapped in the foliage?"

The professor asks the students to give their ideas. One student suggests using teleportation magic for fast navigation through trees, while another talks about creating an energy shield to protect against unexpected attacks.

And so, the lecture proceeds with discussions on the application of various types of magic in battles with different terrains.

Fortunately, during the lecture, there is no cliché drama where the professor targets students with a bad reputation like me and asks them to explain things I don't know.

"Oh, before I leave..."

Professor Drows snaps his fingers, and a large shiny scroll appears above his head. It's a Magic Contract.

"I want you to keep quiet about the battle recording earlier."

Listening to Professor Drows' echoing voice in the classroom, I just sigh.