
So I'm in another world, huh? - An Adventure Across Worlds

I died? It was instant at least. One second just standing there. The next a blazing heat at my back. Then a second after that darkness. Pure untainted darkness. After an explosion kills Kira, she meets a god named Tinyo who offers her another life she accepts while being skeptical. He then grabs her, and they both disappear, appearing in the orbit of a world like earth but slightly different. But to the shock of Tinyo, She is the worst thing imaginable, Special. Cover: FireGirlSam Writer: Avonturier Chimela Authors; YuiWolf002 AvonturierChimela FireGirlSam Parker3765 CrazyFireCrab This Series is on RoyalRoad, Webnovel and ScribbleHub

Avonturier · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 – A long walk to a nice bed

Excerpt from my group chat:

Avon: Currently bingeing Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares while writing the next part

Fire: Abet in tier bock, no earth miute sooned. Aquas lemos wi baksom. ABBASNOSS!!!


Avon: See what I must deal with.

Parker: How do you think I feel I live with her

A couple of minutes later.

Avon: Parker...???

Crab: Dud

Crab: Hes ded

Wolf: (Death Emoji)

Crab: (Nuclear Detonatin Gif)

Fire: (Frowning Emoji)

Crab: Run

Wolf: (Dog vigourously nodding Gif)

Avon: I'm just gonna ignore you now.

Anyway…on with the Chapter.

Kira's POV:

She began to stir as there was a bird call in the distance. Her eyes slowly fluttering open as she muttered to herself. 'Ow, my head hurts like it just got Wacked with an Iwa.' And a slight chuckle escaped her mouth and permeated through the forest surrounding her.

(A/N: Iwa is Japanese for rock.)

"Now where on earth did that one come from?" She uttered to herself and then realised. 'I guess it's on vivere now.'

"Huh." The sound escaped her gaping mouth as she looked up.

"So, I'm in another world, huh." She muttered quietly while standing up in the crater surrounding her. And staring up to the canopy of the forest seeing a slight green glow in the air.

'So I guess he kind of just chuck me down here.' She said looking down at the crater below her and the small clearing of ash.

She then looks around the forest and just decides to walk in the direction of the sound of a river. As she starts to walk away she points her left arm behind her and raises her middle finger to the sky and then says.

"You could have at least let me keep the dress."

'A dress from your world does not exactly fit in with the cultures of your world.'

A frown forms on her face. With her middle finger still raised to the heavens she is now looking up.

Kira: "Hey, I thought you said bye?"

Tinyo: 'No if a person addresses the gods directly, they can hear you.'

Kira: "Oh. So, no cursing other deities?"

Tinyo: 'Yes. No why only other deities?'

Kira: "Because you left me down here with nothing on."

Tinyo: 'Just head in the direction you are heading, and you will find clothes and some money.

She just shrugged a then continued her epic journey to this epic river in this epic fantasy world.

As she neared the river and it was getting louder, in the corner of her eye there was the sheen of metal. She turned her head while moaning.


She continued to limp towards the metal thing in the distance.

"My feet aren't hardened enough for walking bare foot in the forest."

As she neared it, she stepped on a sharp stick and it went into her skin slightly.


She screamed at the top of her voice, the odd bird slowly taking off in the distance. Then hopping on one leg she finally noticed what the metal sheen was. And she immediately put one hand one the nearest tree and with her bleeding foot in the air she let out a retching sound.

Vomit was now coating that side of the tree's roots, she then looked back up at the metal's sheen and then gagged but there was nothing more to come out.

'Calm Kira, calm.'

She told herself while breathing in and out quickly.

She then looked up again and took in the sight before her. It was grisly there was a corpse wearing medieval-looking clothes, but it was headless, and the hands were missing. As she looked closer with her nose pinched, she saw a small vole with Its head up the previous person's sleeve with a nibbling sound.

"Shoo, shoo." She ushered, but instead of running away it took its head out, looked at her for a second and then continued to nibble.

She sighed and then went up to man and started to remove the blood stained clothes.

There was a Light brown now dark red arm length loose tunic.

A loose brown leather vest with two pockets.

A pair of black leather boots.

A yellow-brown pair of trousers.

Some grey wads of cloth, two on his feet and one on his groin area.

And finally, a brown leather belt.

She took this all off while still holding her nose and then picked up the pile of bloody laundry. She then said. "Thanks for the clothes, I guess."

She then continued to limp towards the now nearby river as she broke the tree line. She was blinded momentarily and closed her eyes while turning her head away. Before her was a slowly flowing river about 20m wide and with a 2 or 3m gravel bank on either side before the forest.

She continued to the river and then started to wash the blood-ridden clothes, the shirt was thin and as she washed it she noticed there was a hole where the previous occupant's heart would have been. The hole was like a long cut that would be made from a sword or large knife. But it did not come out the other side.

After getting the majority of the blood off she then wrung it out and continued with the rest of the non-leather clothes she then started rubbing the blood off the leather boots and jacket after rifling through its pockets and belt pouches.

Inside there was a handful of coins, A small strip of leather with markings on it, A little blue stone, a small knife about 7cm long and had a wood and leather handle with a leather sheath, and finally there was a small canteen. Inside another leather pouch. On the belt where a few iron clips could probably take some more pouches. She then put the boots on, they were slightly too big and they went halfway up her calf muscle. she Then went into the woods to looked for some dry wood.

A few hours later, Kira had collected some sticks from dead trees that would be enough to start a fire this evening. She went to check the clothes that she had left in the sun to find out that they were now mostly dry, they just had that rough feeling you get from line dried clothes.

'I'm going to miss earth.' She thought to herself while reminiscing on the feeling of dryer dried clothed. She wiped the single tear that had managed to escape from her eye. But now was not the time to mourn as she heard a loud explosion in the distance on the other side of the river and picked up the clothes.

Her eyes narrowed as she began to figure out what to do next. And thought to herself. 'That's either a freak phenomenon of this world or there lies civilization.'

She picked up all the clothes and pouches that she had after taking off her boots and put them on top of her head as she began to cross the river. It only looked to be about a meter and a half deep as she waded through it while taking care not to slip on the moss coated rocks below.

After she made it across, she shook as much water off as possible and wringed out her hair. Afterward she slipped the shirt and boots on as she ran off In the direction of the explosion this had taken about a minute. After about another minute of running she started to hear shouts and cries of fight that sounded intense she ran for another three or so minutes.

The trees had begun to thin for about a minute until she stopped and saw that she was now standing on an about ten meter sheer cliff made of a light brown rock and down below she could see a four open carts, two cloth-top wagons, and a wood and metal carriage that was painted a light blue. The carts and wagons were being pulled by horses but the carriage was being pulled by what looked to be…

'Wait…are those raptors?'

She shook her head and look a down the road about fifty meters where the noise of fighting was coming from. She suppressed a gag as she just saw corpses strewn all over the road. Their looked to be about a dozen men a horseback some with bows others with sword, spears, and other melee weapons.

It seems to be that bandits attacked this caravan.

'Oh, well their idiots.'

She thought to herself because even if the bandits had a numerical advantage the mounted guard could easily take on multiple unarmored bandits. And after shaking her head she started away and starting to walk back towards the river where the rest of her clothes were. She had read enough history books to know that what those bandits did was idiotic. Yes, they had attacked a numerically superior force but, the guards of the caravan seem to have all been trained to fight on horseback. And from the sound of the odd explosion, she assumed they had some form of sorcerer with them.

After walking back to the river she took off the shirt and boots. She then started to wrap one of the pieces of cloth tightly around her sufficient chest. And after slipping the shirt back on she wrapped the other two pieces around her feet, she had seen how to do this after watching a YouTube video about how the some soldiers in Russian soldiers didn't have socks and had to do portyanki or foot wraps after taking these to off the corpse's feet she thought that this might be the normal for this world so she just follow the tutorial she roughly remembered.

She then put the trousers back on with the belt. Along with the boots and jacket. She also tied up her long black now tangled black hair into a ponytail with a strip of cloth she had ripped from her makeshift bra. And then walked back in the direction of the road after filling her canteen with some water.

She watched from a place slightly further along the cliff. She saw that the guards had moved all the bodies of the bandits to the middle of the road and they suddenly all burst into flames. She watched dazed for a moment then the smell reached her, and she couldn't help but again turn around and as quietly as possible vomit. She guessed she had to stay hidden since she might be confused by one of the bandits.

She hid there for about five minutes until the bodies had stopped burning and then watched as the guards moved some of the debris out the way and then remounted their horses and motioned for the caravan to continue.

A few hours later…

She was glad she had remembered how to wrap her feet or her soft and now scabbed feet would not have made the about five-hour trek when she saw in the distance a gate along with about five-meter-high walls made of the same light-brown stone.

She smiled knowing what she would do next. As she took the last sip of the now empty canteen.

"Finally, civilization." She said in relief as she wiped the sweat off her forehead and the small smirk that had appeared on her face disappeared as she continued to walk down the dirt road.

The caravan ahead of her was headed towards the large opening in the wall that was covered by a portcullis, as they neared it opened and then closed after them.

'I wonder why there hasn't been any monsters or something.'

'Maybe this isn't a fantasy world but just one with magic.'

This thought left her mind as she was nearing a smaller gate to the side of the portcullis only about three tall and about enough for a pack animal to pass through. She had noticed that one of the two guards who were at the small gate had fox ears and looked to be about forty she was trying to not stare at as she entered a queue, the other was a young looking human in front of her was what looked to be a middle age man standing to the side of a mule holding it's rains.

Another person with a pack something walked out of the gate from the town's side. It looked like a furry salamander. She shook her head as she tried not to act surprised.


Shouted the human guard as a group of about twenty people carrying farm equipment and swords stepped forward. They each took out a piece of leather with some words ingrained on it. The guard put his spear to one side and picked up a short stick from a pouch on his side and held it to each person's piece of leather and then let them enter the city.

After that, the man with the donkey stepped forward towards the guards as the human one repeated himself.


The guard then stepped forward and had a quick snoop around the donkey. The fox guard coughed with her hand over her mouth and the guard jumped back from the donkey slightly. He then stated.

"That'll be two silvers for entry and another 10 for the mule."

The older man went to a pouch under a few clothes on the donkey and pulled out a big silver and two small silver coins. The guard then took out one of those leather strips and handed it to the man after scanning it with the stick and then touching the man's hand. While she thought to herself.

'Sweet that God didn't lie I can actually speak this. That makes four; English, Japanese, Spanish and whatever this is. Thought this seems remarkably like Spanish.'


Said the guard who then looked at her face made a split-second glance down her body and then went back to her face.

"Two silver."

She went down into the pouch and grabbed two of the small silver coins that she had. In total in the bag where; one big silver coin, four now two small, a small green coin, big copper one and seven small copper ones.

He took them and repeated what he did to the old man. She then asked.

"Know a good place to sleep?"

The man frowned but the fox woman then said.

"The Goblin's Nest is Affordable but for a lass like you go down the main street take your third left and at the end attached to the wall on the right side of the road is The Merry Hunter."


She replied as she then headed through the gate. She assumed that there were not many people on the street. She continued to walk as she passed a number of shops and homes. They were all made of wood and stone with a variety of roofs from thatch to wood to tiles.

A group of three walked past her on the other side of the road it was two muscular guys flanking a woman with a blue and white gown holding a staff of the same colour scheme with a giant ice shard in the middle. She tried not to gawk as an elf walked past her with antlers coming out of their head. She shook her head as she focused and told herself.

'Focus keeps your head down, and do not interact unless necessary. Because as much as I would like to assume that I could know lot's about this world from anime this is the real world but it has mages and probably other things that could kill me instantly. So just follow my favourite saying. "Fake it till you make it." It is work for years now.'

She then spotted the sign saying The Merry Hunter. As much as she was scared, she was equal amounts excited for what was to come.

As Kira approached the inn, she looked up at the town walls. It was made of hardened dirt. Above the door was a wooden sign hanging creaking in the brisk dusk breeze. There were a few tiny windows along the first floor of the building that were made of large stone bricks. A warm glow seeped out the windows and the crack in the door as she pushed it.

The inside had an atmosphere of warm comfort that was rare even back on earth. There were men and woman with the majority wearing some kind of weapon and Armor. She went to the bar as she took in a whiff of the air. It had a hint of old wood overpowered by the scent of yeast and alcohol. The middle-aged man behind the bar looked at her at then asked.

"What can I get you?"


"Sure, one silver, ten coppers."

She reached into her pouch as she pulled out the money and put it in the man's hand as he put his hand out.

"Up the steps, third door on left."

He stated while pointing towards a staircase on the far wall.


She muttered as she turned away.

She weaved pass tables as two men were arm-wrestling, then a shout comes from the bar guy as he jumped the bar.

"Hey, you better not break that table!"

(Author: Salt your food! Gordon is trying to help you. Oops breaking the furth wall better put that in brackets.)

And with a crash the table collapses, and the barman's face goes blank.

The entire room is quiet and is glancing between him and the two men. He walks across the room and then stares down at the tabletop that has been split in two that is covered in spilled beer and food and then stares at the two men one in plate Armor and other in a patchwork of metal and leather. They flinch as he says.


Kira turns back to head up stairs and as she reaches the top, she hears a thump then the sound of glass breaking and a few seconds later a thump and a clatter.

She just ignores this and continues toward the room she was directed to she opens the door and glances inside.

'It's clean at least.'

She thinks to herself as she steps in and bolts the door behind her. In the room is a bed with a brown sheet with a desk in the corner and a chair.

She then noticed in the far corner of a room was a standing mirror. Above the desk was a box mounted to the wall and on it was a strip emitting light. She walked up to it and touched it and there was no heat.

'Cool, magic LED.'

She then touched it and thought about it turning off and she was then bathed in darkness, she then thought about it turning on and she squinted her eyes as her eyes readjusted to the light. She then went into the pouch and puled out the blue stone and wondered. 'What If I?' And She then noticed a faint glow coming off the stone then she turned the light off and the little pebble lit up the room enough to make out the walls and furniture. She then turned it off and made the wall light turn back on.

She loosened her hair from the cloth, then took off her jacket, boots and belt then she sat on the bed and unwrapped her feet and then lifted her shirt and removed the makeshift bra her. She then touched a spot on her stomach as moved her hand up and down she then quickly got up and lifted the back of her shirt as she turned her back to the mirror and looked back she then put a hand on the lower part of her back as she let a minute tear slide down her cheek.

"No, nonononono."

She muttered to herself as she slid to the floor while holding her head.

She was there again with HIM that night at that place.


She whispered while slowly muttering to herself with fear in her eyes. She fought with all her strength to not scream at the top of her lungs. In her mind she flashed the moments again and again stuck on repeat. She was now curled on ball on the dried wood floor slowly muttering to herself while sobbing.

That sadistic grin from behind the glass, and the stare as it continued to pierce his very soul. Then a warm hand on her shoulder as she feels a warm embrace envelope her.

She woke and stood up and stretched her back and twisted her neck from the pain of sleeping on the floor. She looked in the mirror as she wiped the muck and dried tears from her face, she opened her mouth and looked at her teeth for fillings. She then thought to herself.

'Well, that's that this is definitely a new body since that tooths now back and my two fillings are gone.'

She shrugged and then went over to her clothes to get dressed and then she heard it, but it was not a sound but a voice of a gender-neutral monotonous voice.

"Congratulations host for unlocking the intergalactic telecommunications system."

Hope you enjoyed

Hi, I have really enjoyed writing this as well as worldbuilding this world with my friends.

But I've had a look back and have decided to do a rewrite before I go any further and when i come back i hope to continue giving you this story that quite a few of you seem to enjoy.