
So I'm in another world, huh? - An Adventure Across Worlds

I died? It was instant at least. One second just standing there. The next a blazing heat at my back. Then a second after that darkness. Pure untainted darkness. After an explosion kills Kira, she meets a god named Tinyo who offers her another life she accepts while being skeptical. He then grabs her, and they both disappear, appearing in the orbit of a world like earth but slightly different. But to the shock of Tinyo, She is the worst thing imaginable, Special. Cover: FireGirlSam Writer: Avonturier Chimela Authors; YuiWolf002 AvonturierChimela FireGirlSam Parker3765 CrazyFireCrab This Series is on RoyalRoad, Webnovel and ScribbleHub

Avonturier · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - An Unsettling Truth

Kira's POV:

There was nothing but black. Pure untainted Darkness. Not the darkness produced by a lack of light, but by the nothingness surrounding the object.

The object was floating in and endless void that went on for eternity. The object was in the shape of a clay doll. It had subtle feminine curves but was transparent with a blue hue. It was curled up in a foetal position.

A subtle sob could be heard with minute tears coming off its featureless face.

She was scared. She could not think straight. It was like she was experiencing everything she had ever been through in her seventeen years of life, simultaneously. She remembered it all.

She felt her mother's warm embrace after scrapping her knee, the feeling of holding her father's hand as the light left his eyes, the taste of her aunt's bland rice pudding, the words of that science textbook she had crammed in a few days before that exam, the dread of having to tell her mum she had failed that exam, the joy when she passed the re-sits, the smell of those damn tutti-fruit vapes as she left her college's entrance, the hours spent reading web novels. That dreaded night in that place, the night terrors and eternity of court rooms, interviews, and therapy. Her first steps as a baby. That feeling of dread as she realised, she loved him.

'So, it is true your life does flash before your eyes when you die,' She thought to herself while continuing silently to weep.

She looked around while trying to figure out what was happening to her. It was dark as she looked down and saw straight through her body. She shivered and thought to herself, 'guess I am a ghost now.'

She chuckled lightly too herself, as she began to feel a pull towards something. She instinctively uncurled from her position and started to swim towards a light in the distance. All that was currently on their mind was that they could feel a slow devouring of her very existence deep within herself. And the only hope of not perishing was to swim towards this light in the distance.

As she swam, she began to become just a tiny bit peeved at her old world. For all the spiritual crap that there was, and the millions of lives given in the name of religious zeal this was it just swimming for eternity. 'So is this just it, is this the afterlife no heaven, hell, reincarnation, it is not like I'm even asleep I'm just in this place wherever it is. Eternally swimming.'

She then thought to herself, 'How did I even die anyway, I was up and heading to the door because Jim was only a few seconds away. I remember opening the door and spotting Jim calling out to him and waving him looking up and smiling for a split second then the sheer horror on his face. Then a blazing heat at my back. Then this blackness. So, an explosion maybe, whatever it was, at least I died and did not end up in the hospital for months again.'

She then remembered that moment the night before as she cursed at herself, 'Fuck, I never got to give him my answer.'

The little white light was getting closer and closer as she swam towards it then she felt like something was pulling her towards it she turns her body as she stopped swimming but continued towards it at a steady pace. Her body was upright facing towards the light her hair suspended behind her like it was underwater, her arms floating forward and suspended in at angle her legs straight down and at her knees bending back slightly.

'Hello there little one,' came a voice straight into her head.

'Who are you?' she responded.

'That does not matter currently, do you my want help?'

'That would be appreciated, I'm getting kind of bored of this and I'm getting weaker and weaker.' She replies as she feels her mind going increasingly hazy.

'Very well.' Came the voice as a smaller orb came rocketing towards the bigger orb in the distance. As it approached her, she clasped the orb with both hands, it being the size of a cricket ball, she brought it to her chest where there were just two slight bumps crossed her arms over it hugging it like there was nothing she wanted more in the world.

'Thank you' she said.

'You seem lost would you like to come to my world' Came the disembodied voice.

'Sure' She replied in a tired voice as her mind started to fall into sleep and she felt the orb continue to drag her towards the big orb.

It then asks, 'My names Tinyo, what is yours?' As the voice resounded in her head again, she replied, 'Kira.'

Tinyo's POV: Tinyo had been bored, it had been that way for eons. He was just sitting there in his divine realm doing nothing but staring at the world below and the void above when he noticed something coming towards the world.

After looking at it for a while he realised that it was a soul heading towards his world, so he reached out to it to see if it was still sane. Though it would take a lot of energy he was to use the human expression "Bored as Fuck." So, he decided to grab it and when his influence reached it, he realised even with this soul's impressive even for him energy replenishment rate it would soon run out of energy to sustain itself from the ravages of the void.

'Hello there little one,' he projected into its soul.

'Who are you?' it responded.

'That does not matter currently, do you my want help?' he asked, and it replied with 'That would be appreciated, I'm getting kind of bored of this and I'm getting weaker and weaker.'

As it said this he chuckled internally and thought to himself, 'since it still has a sense of humour, I'm going to guess it has not gone insane.

He then sent a familiar spirit to shield it because a few more minutes of this would most likely begin to erode its soul. When it arrived in front of the soul it embraced the spirit and then he began to hear snoring over the link he had established.

Kira's POV:

She woke up as the orb slowed down and found herself now in orbit of a world unknown to her. Between her and the world was a man in his mid-fifties wearing white robes with greying hair and brown eyes with a sharp European facial structure.

She stretched her arms as she yawned and looked down see her body now in a white summer dress.

"The dress is an illusion, but your body is real I can assure that." It came from the man in front of her.

"My head, sore still duell like jigoku." She mumbled as she tried to formulate word in her head.

"Your mind must be in confusion still; please rest we have much to discuss, and it would be better if you are focused when we speak." Said the figure in a concerned voice with a slight frown on his face as his hand went to cup his chin in contemplation.

Kira felt drowsy as the glass like substance underneath her turned into the softest thing she could think of she then collapsed as her mind began to shut down from exhaustion again. She felt a soft blanket envelope her as her mind went into dreamland.

Tinyo's POV:

He walked towards her and placed a blanket over her now very much real body and then moved his index and middle fingers of his left hand towards her forehead and the tips touched her smooth skin.

The frown on his face disappeared and was replaced with a smirk as he thought to himself 'So, my hunch was right, she is a soul chimera. Maybe if she descends to this world I will final have something to entertain me.'

He turned his glance away from her forehead while a slight chuckle escaped and then walked off into the distance while contemplating what he would and would not tell her. He then thought to himself, 'She is extremely potent due to the fact that she could still have a conversation with my before passing out. If I tell the others that a feeble soul from that seismically unstable, irradiated, godless dirtball that its inhabitants are all this strong then well there will be another Kerocide.' He decided to continue his work while letting her sleep for her soul to recover.

Kira's POV:

The headache was gone as she rubbed her eyes and then glanced around, she tossed the blanket off her and got up first testing if there was still a floor before standing up. She stretched her limbs and back while glancing around all she saw was the planet below. a blue and green world with the occasional desert and ice patch but there were also patches of purple red and orange randomly scattered everywhere. A slight smile escaped her façade as she was mesmerized by the world below her.

"Good Nap?" She heard from behind her as her instincts kicked in and she spun kick towards the head of whoever was behind her and before she realised who was behind her, her foot connected with the side of his head and there was a crunch as she screamed in pain which quickly went away.

She was rubbing her ankle as muttered quietly, "Thanks." And glanced at him he had not even moved or flinched a nano metre.

As she heard him say "You have impressive strength for you to shatter all the bones in your leg with that kick as someone who comes from a magicless world."

"So, you can read my mind." She continued to mutter quietly.

"No, I can only read a small portion off your memories when you were asleep. Which is unusual but makes sense considering what you are." Replied Tinyo to the accusation.

'That's a relief.' She thought to herself as she stood up while putting all her weight on her healed ankle.

"Ok I'll get to the point I don't have much time now listen." He said in a voice which had a hint of divinity in it. Sofia felt as if all of what he said was etched permanently into her brain. She just nodded.

"Firstly you are a soul chimera this means you are one soul in multiple bodies, I don't know what caused you to exist but usually you are created but seems unlikely. Second somehow you ended in the void instead of the river of life which should wipe your memories and reincarnated in this case your part of the soul. Instead, you have been in the void and if it wasn't for the fact that you are a soul chimera with by the looks of it the strength of five souls you wouldn't be here. Third You are going to be put on this world below you I have given you the information of how to speak the local language, how to use the link between the other parts of your soul and how to use the magic I have infused you with any questions?" To which he then took in a deep breath.

And she replied "Yes, why couldn't I use magic on earth?"

He answered "Your soul fragment which pretty much functions like a normal soul that was reincarnated to earth is the reason. So you see a world that is awakened has energy in it. Now in worlds like vivere below us all of the races souls are blank slates and can adopt one of the schools of magic changing all of the energy there soul creates to elemental mana of that school. But it seems that all beings on earth lack the ability to gain a school or manipulate that energy easily instead just storing it all there creating a thick barrier that is also the reason I could not read all of your mind. Now next question."

'Geez this guy likes to overexplain stuff.' She thought to herself as she then asks "Ok one more. How have I got magic now.'

He then got a haughty expression as Boasted, "Well, as the god of Yadu I can engrave a rune on this soul fragment which allows you to manipulate your energy but as soon as it leaves your soul it will become Yadu. Now begone with you."

A shocked expression appeared on her face and a scream came out of her mouth as the floor below her disappeared and she began to fall toward the world below. A blue glow enveloped her and the fireball from atmospheric re-entry flared around her. The g force caused her to pass out.

Random POV:

A Leopard had just woken up from a mid-afternoon nap. it was shaking his fur that had an almost unnatural sheen to it and his spots seemed like voids, after he had climbed down from a tree and started licking his paws to clean his face when there was a loud boom and a green and red Starfall flew across the sky and then went over the horizon and a few moments later when there was meant to be a crash from where it hit nothing could be heard. After looking in the direction of It for a while it then returned to cleaning itself and then went in search of food.

Another Random POV:

In a dark room Entirely made of grey stone bricks laid a girl on the cold damp floor with a fever, she looked to be no more than ten years old. Wearing a shredded piece of sackcloth while shivering. All that could be heard was the sound of a water droplet hitting the floor every few seconds.

She was lying there unmoving, unthinking knowing if anything they did would cause extreme pain while a silent thought going in the back of their head saying, 'Please just let me die.'

Another Random POV:

In a large room ornately decorated and brightly lit from lights in the ceiling and streaming in from the windows laying on the bed was a young woman with long blonde hair and short pointed ears. She too had a fever and was sweating profusely. Standing above her was an old man in a long dark green robe. He was holding his hands over her with his eyes closed. In the corner of the room was a middle-aged man sitting in a chair watching the bed intently.

Another Totally Random POV:

In a cave with a dull pink light emanating from a luminescent moss was a wall of cloudy blue ice that blocked anyone from progressing further. If one looked closely towards the ice, one would see a humanoid figure encased about five meters in.

Earth POV:

On a hospital bed surrounded by the blue privacy curtains was a person under the covers wearing a hospital gown. Their face was entirely wrapped in bandages giving them the look of a mummy along with tubes running off his arm into machines. There was also steady beep from one of the machines next to them and a slight hum of noise along with a siren in the distance.

Kira's POV:

There was a crater about a meter deep and six or seven meters wide. Inside it was a nude teenage girl with long black hair, pale pink with a hint of yellow crisp smooth skin. There were the odd bird or other animal noise in the distance along with the gentle sway of branches in the wind. The girl began to stir as the sun hit her face.

Hope You Enjoyed

Sorry for the Long wait for the rewritten Chapters.

Hopefully there will be a chapter every Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:oopm GMT