
So, I'm a Dragon, What of it?

It was just supposed to be a regular day in Highschool, but then he woke up in an egg all alone, desperate for anything to happen... Follow our protagonist as he finds out the truth about the world and the reason for his entire existence. No Harem, a Kumo Desu fanfiction.

Dr_Armstrong · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

46 - Jump Her!

Chapter 46 - Jump Her!

Written By Dr Armstrong

->The Wyrm's POV<-< p>

Radiant light enveloped the Wyrm's body as streaks of lightning followed his steps, a magical aura emanated from his pores as heat burned his internal body, accelerating it to unrealistic speeds.

He continuously used [Dimensional Maneuvering], skipping as many steps and hurdles as possible as he barreled his way into the Spider's direction with [Expel], practically flying to his target.


Dust and rubble exploded into the air as the Wyrm slammed his claws against the wall where the Spider had just stood, completely obliterating the terrain.

This Spider...it wasn't like anything he had ever seen, to have this much speed...

What kind of Skill did it have?


[You cannot use Appraisal on another Ruler.]

What...another Ruler? Wait...was this the bastard who stole [Perserverance]!?

The Wyrm manifested a fireblast in his jaws, simultaneously supercharging it with both [Light Attack] and [Lightning Attack], before dividing it into a dozen or so smaller energy spheres.

Pinpointing the Spider's location with [Detection], a jade-coloured magic circle manifested in his palm before a small, translucent green cube was attached to the Spider's bum.

The Wyrm's quarry had a monumentally shocked expression at his use of [Space Magic] but did not stop in her strategic escape.


A barrage of radiant plasma was rapidly expelled into the Spider's direction, shooting out from the Wyrm's mouth like it was a Railgun.

The energy blasts travelled the air, using the homing effects of [Space Magic] to locate the Spider and change its trajectory to target it.


Lava was splattered on the surroundings as the floor underneath the shallow magma streams cracked and shattered.

Most of the blasts had missed their swift target, the Spider was too agile to even be called a spider, the Wyrm wondered if this one had tapped into the Speed Force.

But it hadn't, and it most certainly didn't have the protagonist plot armour that had been stolen by the Wyrm, so whilst the Spider managed to effortlessly avoid most of the blast...

She could not avoid all of them.


The blast did not do so much damage, the Spider seemed tougher than it looked, but it did send it off course.

And that was more than enough for the Wyrm. Without any delays, he swiftly tore up a hole in space before plunging deep into the portal.

Emerging from under the Spider's form, which was currently flying into the air due to the previous blast, he immediately took the opportunity to strike.

Yet somehow, the Spider seemed to have sensed his presence even before he had emerged as its head reared downwards before giving the Wyrm a cursed glare.

The Wyrm felt his Soul literally shake as a drowning feeling overwhelmed his stomach, briefly distracting the Mind responsible for his senses as the Spider vanished from his sight. 

But with [Detection], he had perceived a spatial disruption taking place, a kind of spatial disruption he was all too familiar with...the Spider, it had used [Dimensional Maneuvering]!

...No, that shouldn't be the case...

Although the spatial disruption felt familiar, it lacked...a certain something. Perhaps the Spider had used a lesser version of [Dimensional Maneuvering]...

But if that's the case, then this Spider must be truly fast! [Dimensional Maneuvering] allows one to travel between the fabrics of space, a lesser version wouldn't be so powerful...

The Wyrm quickly regained his senses, which had been blocked for approximately 0.2 seconds, as he instantly located the Spider's whereabouts.

On the ceiling, and beside it? A pair of huge rotating magic circles.

[Appraisal] revealed that they were a spell derived from [Poison Magic], [Venom Bolt]...

The Wyrm analyzed the various methods he could use to dodge, repel, or at least deal with the incoming airstrike.

Escaping with a portal would take too long...he could explode his surroundings to block the bolts, but they would just vaporize into a still poisonous mist...

If Muc was of a higher level, he could order the Slime to envelop his whole body in its jelly. Muc didn't have [Poison Resistance], but Slimes had the ability to split themselves as if they were mere cells.

If Muc could absorb all the poison and concentrate it into a particular section of gelatinous body, he could then split that part of himself, immediately remedying the issue.

Of course, he would still take damage from the poison, but what was [Healing Magic] for then?

Unfortunately, the pressure from bolts crashing into his body would straight up kill the current Muc, no poison needed...

The Wyrm could just tank the attack out, but as he learned from Muhammad Ali, dodging is always better than blocking.

A dull, greyish aura erupted from his chest before staining his mostly blue form in grey matter.

[Heavy Attack]!

Contrary to its name, this Skill could not only make him heavier, but it could also make him as light as a Goose's feather!

The Wyrm then [Expelled] himself in a downward motion, launching his body into the magma river below.


Lava was thrown up in the air as the Wyrm's body dived deep beneath the surface, just in time for the pair of [Venom Bolts] to come crashing down, creating a violent upheaval in the magma.

While any large body of liquid could protect the Wyrm from the bolt's impact, lava could also protect him from the poison, it would just evaporate upon impact.

The Wyrm vanished under the magma as it suddenly erupted in an electric burst of energy...


A series of violent thunderstrikes was sent out from the lava stream, covering any and all of the surfaces, and trapping the Spider in a cage of lightning.

This time, no amount of poison could solve this problem as every liquid in this world was a conductor of electricity.

The Spider seeing this, was about to release another Spell that most likely would have been able to counter the lightning cage, but before she could even do so...


It was as if a Colossal Titan had spontaneously spawned into existence out in the far distance as the loud rumbling simply couldn't be ignored, it was also accompanied by a goliathic flash of multicoloured light.

The Spider couldn't even hold on to the ceiling as its form fell from the rocky roof as if it was an Ant launched into the air after some kid stomped the ground beside it.

Unfortunately, the Spider managed to web itself up into the ceiling before it could be submerged in the lava, looking like a monsterized Ghost Spider.

Even more unfortunately, that rumble had dissipated his lightning cage, setting the Spider free from the Wyrm's avaricious grasp.

The Wyrm's body floated to the river surface, his snout poking out like how a Crocodile's would as the rest of his body was obscured under the lava.

And then...he made eye contact with the Spider, which had one of its eight eyes glowing a dark shade of red...

"Hold it." The Wyrm acknowledged his opponent as he sent a telepathic one-way connection into its brain.

This Spider had a rather impressive battle IQ, comparable to that of a young Dragon like Gairasa...the Wyrm hoped it would also translate to general IQ.

The Spider seemed rightfully shocked at his words, the Wyrm wouldn't blame it, his booming voice was too much for the average Soul, after all.

"I know who is causing these kabooms...I know one of them, at least..." He said before sending the mental image of Rend over the telepathic transmission.

It couldn't be anyone else, Rend should be the strongest non-wandering Dragon here in the middle stratum.

He was the Overlord, for Dragon God's sake!

"Those noises must be a fight, and for such a fight to last this long and on this scale...the opponent must be someone we should avoid." He was saying to battle at another time, essentially putting the bout on pause.

The Spider might have some good Skills—scratch that, it definitely had great Skills, but the Wyrm still valued his life more!

To his bewilderment, the Spider reacted by moving her arms frantically in the air as if a mute person trying very hard to convey something really important, very humanlike...

In his curiosity and amusement, the Wyrm established a more...equal mind connection.

"...Known you're a damn chunnibyo, it's me you schizophrenic loser!" He heard her say something wild, though only the latter half of her sentence.

...Pardon, homie?

But those words...chunnibyo, that's literally a Japanese-only slang and schizophrenic...how could a monster of the dungeon know about such a word!?

"What are you talking about?" The Wyrm was confused as his entire body broke through the surface, looking at the Spider hanging from the ceiling by a thread with a neutral gaze.

He did not recognize her voice, like at all...so why was she even saying "It's me!"?

"Sakurazaki-san!" The Wyrm froze.

This Spider...that was his fucking real name, his surname at that!

No one, no one in this world except for Larry had known his name. The Wyrm had told him out of boredom once, but it had been his personal name, not his surname!


"God damn it, at least we're both inhuman..." The Spider seemed to enjoy this fact deeply for some reason.

"...Do I know you?" He did not remember this voice in his previous life, so it couldn't have been someone close to him, right?

Was it an old acquaintance he had forgotten about...? Maybe, a friend from primary school who still remembered him for some reason...?

Whatever it may be, this Spider was definitely like him, an Earthling!

"Did you get sucked into a black hole? It's me, your—"


A sudden eruption of magma stopped her in her tracks, a ginormous champion of draconic might emerging not so far away from the Wyrm.




"Turns out, you shouldn't download 2 massive games from steamunlocked, that shit is full of viruses. Thankfully, I managed to delete all of the malware from my laptop before it could do anything dangerous, peace be upon my Asus Vivobook." -Remark

Stones = Cookies?