
So'Val's Adventures To Become The Strongest!

A young man with the ambition to become the best, and the strongest Mage of all times while upholding his principals, and honor until the end no matter the path he's going to take! Warning: 1- There won't be any villain in the Part 1 of the story. 2- The story is a slow-based story. 3- All characters in the story are important, and none are going to be forgotten. 4- There are going to be a lot of details because I like to explain about everything. 5- This story is going to have 30 seasons. 15 seasons for part 1, and the other 15 seasons for part 2. 6- Twitter account: @SyrinxBlackquil

SyrinxBlackquill · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The mansion's imposing presence!

As you approach the Marquis mansion while the son is still focused on his parents on how they look like, an air of grandeur, and mistery envelopes you.

The sprawling estate, nestled amidst rolling hills, and lush gardens, is a testament to opulence, and architectural marvels.

The mansion's exterior is a sight to behold. It's façade, crafted from shimmering obsidian stone, reflects the sunlight in an ethereal dance of shadow, and light.

Elaborate carvings adorn the walls, depicting mythical creatures, and scenes from long forgotten tales.

Intricate stained glass windows, featuring vibrant hues of ruby, sapphire, and emerald, add a touch of enchantment to the mansion's imposing presence.

As you approach the entrance, a pair of colossal iron gates swing open, revealing a pathway lined with ancient oak trees. Their gnarled branches stretch out like skeletal fingers, creating a canopy overhead that filters the sunlight, casting a dappled glow upon the path.

The mansion's courtyard is a symphony of beauty, and elegance. A meticulous manicured garden, bursting with riot of colorful flowers, surrounds a marble fountains as it's center.

The fountain, adorned with intricate sculptures of nymphs, and cherubs, cascades crystal-clear water that sparkles in the sunlight. The sweet scent of blooming roses, and lavender permeates the air, captivating your sense.

Stepping inside, you find yourself in a grand foyer that excuses sophistication. The floor, made of polished marble, reflects the light from a magnificent chandelier hanging overhead. Crystal prisms refract the light, casting shimmering rainbows on the walls, creating a mesmerizing display.

The main hall is a sight to behold. Vaulted ceilings, adorned with frescoes depicting celestial scenes, give an illusion of endless space. Tall, arched windows allow natural light to flood the room, illuminating the intricate tapestries that hangs from the walls. The room is furnished with ornate, velvet-covered chairs, and gilded tables, inviting you to rest, and indulge in the splendor.

As you explore further, you discover a library that seems to hold the knowledge of centuries. Towering bookshelves, filled with leather-bound tomes, and scrolls, stretch from floor to ceiling. The scent of aged parchment fills the air, mingling with the faint aroma of sandalwood.

A crackling fireplace, adorned with a mantle carved with intricate symbols, provides a cozy nook for contemplation, and study which is perfect for their son once he's able to read, and talk.

Venturing into the gardens, you find a maze of hedgerows, meticulous trimmed to perfection. The labyrinthine paths lead you through secret alcoves, and hidden gardens, each with it's own unique charm. A serene pond, adorned with floating lilies, reflects the surrounding greenery, creating a tranquil oasis.

As you enter the Marquis bedroom where the wife, and son are located in, you are transported into a realm of exquisite beauty, and enchantment. The chamber is a sanctuary of opulence, designed to immerse the family in a world of luxury, and comfort.

The walls are adorned with rich tapestries, depicting scenes from ancient legends, and epic battles. The tapestries seem to come alive, as if the characters within them are frozen in time, waiting for their stories to be unfold. The vibrant colors, and intricate details of tapestries create an atmosphere of grandeur, and mystique.

A massive four-poster bed takes center stage in the room. The bedframe, carved from dark mahogany, is adorned with intricate patterns of intertwining vines, and mystical creatures.

The canopy, made of sheer silk hues of deep purple, and gold, billows softly in the gentle breeze, creating an ethereal ambiance. The bedding, made of the finest silk, and velvet, is adorned with golden embroidery, depicting celestial patterns, and symbols of power.

The room is bathed in a soft, warm glow emanating from elegant crystal chandeliers suspended from the ceiling. The chandeliers cast delicate patterns of light, and shadow across the room, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The flickering candlelight in ornate candelabras on the bedside tables adds a touch of intimacy, and romance to the space.

A grand fireplace, carved with intricate motifs of mythical creatures, stands against one wall. It's flames dance, and crackle, casting a cozy warmth throughout the room. Above the fireplace, a large, ornate mirror reflects the room's splendor, seemingly doubling it's magnificence.

A sitting area is nestled in a corner of the room, adorned with plush velvet chairs, and a low table made of polished marbles.

The chairs are upholstered in rich fabrics, embroidered with golden threads, and adorned with delicate tassels.

The table is adorned with an array of precious trinkets, from intricately crafted jewelry boxes to crystal vases filled with freshly picked flowers.

Delicate, hand-painted porcelain plates, and cups rest on a beautiful carved sideboard, showcasing the Marquis's refined taste. The room is filled with aroma of exotic perfumes, and scented candles, creating an intoxicating sensory experience.

As you explore further, you discover a private balcony, accessible through ornate double doors. The balcony overlooks the Marquis's lush gardens, offering a breathtaking view of blooming flowers, majestic fountains, and winding pathways.

A cozy seating area is arranged on the balcony, that's inviting to the family in times of peace to enjoy the serenity of the outdoors while surrounded by the comforts of their luxurious abode.

In this fantasy realm, the Husband, and wife bedroom is a haven of elegance, and indulgence. Every detail, from the intricate carvings to the sumptuous fabrics, is designed to transport the Marquis into the world of enchantment, and pleasure, making it extraordinary space in which dreams can unfolds.

As night falls, the Marquis mansion transforms into a spectacle of enchantment. The windows glow with a soft, golden light, casting long shadows that dance upon the grounds. The stars above seem to twinkle brighter, as if drawn to the mansion's allure.

In this fantastical setting, the Marquis mansion stands as a beacon of elegance, and intrigue. It's grandeur, and magical ambiance make it a place of wonder, and possibility, where secrets are whispered, and dreams take flights.

While you're enjoying the scenery about the Marquis's mansion, in the room where the family are gathered So'Val already finished drinking his milk from his mother's breasts, and his aura already toned down back to normal hours ago.

"Our son must be blessed by the God's grace due to how strong his aura, and mana are!"

//Enjoy this lovely scenery, and information about the Marquis's mansion! It took me a full day to finish this, and I hope you guys liked it!!! ❤️🙏

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