
So'Val's Adventures To Become The Strongest!

A young man with the ambition to become the best, and the strongest Mage of all times while upholding his principals, and honor until the end no matter the path he's going to take! Warning: 1- There won't be any villain in the Part 1 of the story. 2- The story is a slow-based story. 3- All characters in the story are important, and none are going to be forgotten. 4- There are going to be a lot of details because I like to explain about everything. 5- This story is going to have 30 seasons. 15 seasons for part 1, and the other 15 seasons for part 2. 6- Twitter account: @SyrinxBlackquil

SyrinxBlackquill · Fantasy
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Songs of joy, and peace from the Head-butler, as well as the song made by Winter Frostbane Mujôna

After everyone presented gifts to congratulate the Marquis and the Marquess Mujôna, they departed for their respective kingdoms. Meanwhile, the families of both Augustine, and Winter chose to stay in the mansion, cherishing additional moments with their grandson.

The night party concluded splendidly, and magically, each side of the family was allocated their own guest rooms for a well-deserved rest. The day had been lengthy, particularly for Augustine Mujôna, and Winter Frostbane Mujôna.

After everyone went to sleep, there was but one who stayed awake, and it was the head-butler of the Mujôna family that's smiling because of the birth of So'Val Mujôna.

He started to hum slowly in the courtyard of the mansion while walking as he's slowly getting in the mood late at night to sing a song which is his favorite since it was what his mother used to sing for him when he was a kid.

"Let's sing this song for today's great atmosphere!"

(Verse 1)

Soraya lumen serin,

Mystique lucenta duin.

Silvaria nocte aria,

Magicae enchantra vium.


Eclipsis astra suuna,

Tenebrae, fulgura bruna.

Illumina ventus alba,

Fantasia, melodia kalba.

(Verse 2)

Drakonum umbra danza,

Elficae folia rianza.

Montis cantus aurum,

Sublime melos aura plum.


Aurora luce resplende,

Silvae et rivus comprehendre.

Fatum astrum entrelace,

Sonus arcana interlace.


Eclipsis astra suuna,

Tenebrae, fulgura bruna.

Illumina ventus alba,

Fantasia, melodia kalba.


In somnium noctis volamus,

In mundo magicum gaudeamus.

Aetheris carmen sylva,

Harmonia, arcana spirita.

(In the English translation)

(Verse 1)

Soraya shining light,

Mystical glow of the dune.

Silvaria's night aria,

Magical enchantment blooms.


Eclipse of astral suns,

Shadows, brown lightning runs.

Wind illuminates in white,

Fantasy, melody takes flight.

(Verse 2)

Shadow dance of the dragons,

Elven laughter in the woods.

Mountain's golden song,

Sublime melody of feathered aura.


Aurora shines bright,

Forests and rivers unite.

Fate intertwines with stars,

Sound of secrets in between.


Eclipse of astral suns,

Shadows, brown lightning runs.

Wind illuminates in white,

Fantasy, melody takes flight.


In the dreams of the night, we fly,

In a magical world, let's rejoice.

Aether's song in the woods,

Harmony, the spirit of arcane.

"I think we need more than just one song, especially for this special occasion!"

(Verse 1)

Lumina rianta, solis aeternum,

Aurora d'oro, felicitas momentum.

Folium danza, per prata ride,

Ventus ridens, per silvas glidens.


Cantus gaudium, in corde splende,

Risus melodia, per terram pende.

Harmonia et risus, coeant felices,

In mundo magico, amicitia delices.

(Verse 2)

Ignis rutilans, in noctis igne,

Stellae gaudentes, chorus consigne.

Fons risus, fontis crepito,

Sylvae saltus, laetus introito.


Aetheris risus, per nubes sereni,

Risus fluit, rivulos amet leni.

Folium aura, carpe risum,

In terra magica, gaudio solum.


Cantus gaudium, in corde splende,

Risus melodia, per terram pende.

Harmonia et risus, coeant felices,

In mundo magico, amicitia delices.


Vita laeta, melodia nova,

Gaudentes omnes, corde nova.

In terra magica, risus perpetuus,

Fantasia cantus, in aeternus.

(English translation!)

(Verse 1)

Shining laughter, eternal sun,

Golden dawn, a moment of joy.

Leaves dance, laughter through meadows,

Smiling wind, gliding through the forests.


Song of joy, shines in the heart,

Laughter's melody, hanging over the land.

Harmony and laughter, unite in happiness,

In the magical world, friendship delights.

(Verse 2)

Radiant fire in the night's flame,

Stars rejoicing, joining the chorus.

Source of laughter, bubbling spring,

Woods jumping with joyful entry.


Laughter of the aether, through serene clouds,

Laughter flows, loves the gentle streams.

Aura of leaves, seize the laughter,

In the magical land, only with joy.


Song of joy, shines in the heart,

Laughter's melody, hanging over the land.

Harmony and laughter, unite in happiness,

In the magical world, friendship delights.


Happy life, a new melody,

All rejoicing, with a new heart.

In the magical land, perpetual laughter,

Fantasy's song, into eternity.

As the Head-butler looked up at the sky, it was already morning due to how much time passed by his singing, and humming with a brimming face full of joy, and happiness.

In the hushed chambers of the mansion, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight seeping through delicate curtains, little So'Val Mujôna stirred in his crib.

A gentle zephyr, seemingly choreographed by unseen spirits, caressed his newborn cheeks, coaxing him into a realm where dreams and reality wove seamlessly.

As the soft notes of a distant melody hummed in the air, tiny silver motes danced around the room, casting a celestial aura.

The air itself held a hint of ancient enchantments, as if the very essence of Eldoria whispered tales of magic and destiny to the infant nestled in the cradle.

So'Val's eyes, still adorned with the innocence of a realm just departed, fluttered open, unveiling orbs infused with the cosmic hues of starlight.

The room responded in kind, as if acknowledging the awakening of a soul destined for extraordinary tales.

Winter Frostbane Mujôna, his mother, watched with a serene gaze, a reflection of the bond that transcended the mortal and touched upon the arcane.

With a celestial grace, So'Val stretched his tiny fingers, sending ripples through the ambient magic that embraced him. The air itself seemed to shimmer, resonating with the latent energy of Eldoria.

In this enchanted moment, the very fabric of reality appeared to quiver as the young one embraced the mystical essence that flowed through his veins.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of lavender and gold, a gentle coo from So'Val echoed in harmony with the awakening world.

The room retained it's otherworldly ambiance, a testament to the extraordinary lineage of the Mujôna family and the magical tapestry woven by Eldoria herself.

As the mother was humming, she started to blur out her very own special song that she created after So'Val Mujôna's birth.

(Verse 1)

Lysaris, kyndar valana,

So'Val, chyld of eldorana.

Lumina cresca, melodia astrum,

Silvani's threnody, in luna's kingdom.


Aldrial, So'Val, lyrar divin,

In nyctus' veil, magia entwin.

Celestis cantus, lullaby arcana,

Eldoria's melos, in stellae dance mana.

(Verse 2)

Sylvara susurrus, elfin cradle,

So'Val's dormire, magicum fable.

Fae's murmur, in nocturne's hymn,

In somnium's realm, mysterium within.


Zephyros ballet, spectral ethere,

Spiritus chorus, astralis tether.

Aetheris lullaby, air enchantare,

So'Val's anima, beyond compare.


Aldrial, So'Val, lyrar divin,

In nyctus' veil, magia entwin.

Celestis cantus, lullaby arcana,

Eldoria's melos, in stellae dance mana.


As aurora breaks, in chroma unknown,

So'Val's vigilia, a saga is sown.

In Eldoria's aembrā, where magia intertwines,

A symphonia for So'Val, spiritus enshrined.

(English translation)

(Verse 1)

Lysaris, realm of wonder,

So'Val, child of ancient lore.

May your light grow, stellar melody,

Silvani's lament, in the kingdom of the moon.


Aldrial, So'Val, divine lyre,

In the veil of night, magic entwined.

Celestial song, arcane lullaby,

Eldoria's melody, in the dance of stars.

(Verse 2)

Sylvara's whispers, elven cradle,

So'Val's slumber, a magical tale.

Fae's murmur in the nocturnal hymn,

In the realm of dreams, mystery within.


Zephyros ballet, spectral ethereal,

Chorus of spirits, astral tether.

Aetherial lullaby, enchanting the air,

So'Val's soul, beyond compare.


Aldrial, So'Val, divine lyre,

In the veil of night, magic entwined.

Celestial song, arcane lullaby,

Eldoria's melody, in the dance of stars.


As dawn breaks, in colors unknown,

So'Val awakens, a saga is woven.

In Eldoria's embrace, where magic entwines,

A symphony for So'Val, spirit enshrined.

As the enchanting melody of Eldoria's song filled the air, So'Val, the little one, lay in his cradle, eyes wide with wonder.

His tiny fingers, resembling delicate petals, began to flutter in rhythm with the celestial tune. A radiant smile, as pure as the morning sun, graced his cherubic face.

The room, attuned to the magic of the song, seemed to shimmer in response to So'Val's delight.

Silver motes of magic danced around him, creating a miniature symphony of their own. The soft coos and gurgles escaping from So'Val formed a harmonious duet with his mother's celestial composition.

Winter Frostbane Mujôna, watching the scene unfold, felt her heart swell with maternal joy.

So'Val's reaction, a magical dance of innocence and happiness, mirrored the very essence of the mystical bonds woven in Eldoria.

It was a moment where the boundaries between the mundane and the magical blurred, leaving only the enchantment of a mother's lullaby and the captivating response of her celestial child.

As the enchanting melody filled the room, Marquis Augustine Mujôna, a figure of dignified authority, found himself drawn to the heartwarming scene.

His stern visage softened into an expression of paternal tenderness as he beheld his newborn son's adorable response to the magical lullaby.

A gentle warmth softened the lines on Augustine's face, revealing a depth of emotion rarely unveiled.

The weight of his responsibilities seemed to momentarily lift, replaced by the sheer joy reflected in his eyes.

The grandeur of his noble stature gave way to the genuine delight of witnessing the precious innocence of So'Val's reaction.

The Marquis, typically reserved and composed, couldn't help but be captivated by the magical dance of his son's tiny fingers, and the coos of delight that harmonized with the celestial melody.

A paternal pride, profound and unspoken, radiated from Augustine as he stood witness to the unfolding enchantment in the room.

In that transcendent moment, where generations converged in the embrace of a shared joy, Augustine Mujôna's heart swelled with a love that surpassed the boundaries of nobility.

The familial tapestry, woven with threads of magic, and genuine affection, painted a portrait of a father momentarily liberated by the sheer magic of his son's adorable response to the mystical song of Eldoria.

Apologies for the late upload but I had to take a small break again to get motivation on what to write in this chapter, hope you enjoy it!!!

Here's the link for the beat for this chapter especially since there are songs!


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