
So'Val's Adventures To Become The Strongest!

A young man with the ambition to become the best, and the strongest Mage of all times while upholding his principals, and honor until the end no matter the path he's going to take! Warning: 1- There won't be any villain in the Part 1 of the story. 2- The story is a slow-based story. 3- All characters in the story are important, and none are going to be forgotten. 4- There are going to be a lot of details because I like to explain about everything. 5- This story is going to have 30 seasons. 15 seasons for part 1, and the other 15 seasons for part 2. 6- Twitter account: @SyrinxBlackquil

SyrinxBlackquill · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Rewards claimed + The start of a new faith in Eldoria!

(Open Data!) 

Numinex aka the blue system nods his head, and turned into a blue panel!

Name: So'Val Mujôna]

[Age: 6 month old]

[Race: Human]

[Main-Class: Mage(Upgradable)]

[Sub-Class: Copy Class]

[Health: 200/200]

[Mana: 100/200]

[Stamina: 2]

[Strength: 4]

[Speed: 2]

[Intelligence: 40]

[Language: Professional Level]

[Skills: Active Skills:

-Eye of Truth - Level 1(Upgradable)

-Pocket Dimension - Level 1(Upgradable)

Passively Skills: 

-Anti-Poison - Level 1(Upgradable)]


-Heavenly Leather Flask Wineskin - Level Max(Not Upgradable)

-Crystal Amulet (Yet to claim)

-Tome of Ancient Eldorian Literature (Yet to claim)

-Cloak Woven from Threads of Pure Magic (Yet to claim)

-Staff of Pure Crystal (Yet to claim.

Free to use attributes: 0

(Show, and the claim the Crystal Amulet reward!!)

+Certainly master!

Level 1: Basic Phonetics

Reward: Crystal Amulet

Description: The crystal amulet bestowed upon So'Val is crafted from a rare, translucent gemstone imbued with mystical properties. It's surface gleams with an iridescent sheen, refracting light in mesmerizing patterns.

Engraved with ancient Eldorian runes, the amulet resonates with a subtle hum of magic, enhancing So'Val's vocal clarity and articulation. When worn, it radiates a gentle warmth, imbuing its wearer with a sense of confidence and authority in speech.

+Claiming Crystal Amulet!

In the serene sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor, amidst the opulent halls adorned with tapestries of ancient battles and chandeliers casting a soft, golden glow, So'Val Mujôna, the esteemed scion of the noble lineage, toddled along with newfound independence.

At just nine months old, he had recently mastered the art of walking, his chubby hands grasping at the air as he navigated the polished marble floors with a determined gait.

So'Val's presence in the ancestral manor was not merely that of a child exploring his surroundings; he bore the weight of his lineage upon his tiny shoulders.

As the son of the Marquis Augustine Mujôna, he was destined for greatness, groomed from birth to uphold the honor and traditions of his noble family.

On this particular day, as So'Val ventured deeper on purpose into the heart of the manor, he reached a chamber adorned with relics of generations past.

Amongst the treasures displayed upon velvet-lined pedestals, he "discovered" a shimmering object that caught his attention—a crystal amulet, suspended from a delicate chain.

The amulet emanated an ethereal glow, it's translucent surface reflecting the ambient light in mesmerizing patterns.

Engraved with ancient Eldorian runes, it seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy, beckoning So'Val with its mystique.

Intrigued, the young scion reached out with chubby fingers and grasped the amulet, feeling its smooth surface beneath his touch.

As he fastened the chain around his neck, a warmth spread throughout his body, suffusing him with a sense of confidence and authority beyond his years.

Unbeknownst to So'Val, the crystal amulet he now wore was no ordinary bauble. Crafted from a rare gemstone imbued with mystical properties, it held within it the power to enhance vocal clarity and articulation.

With each step he took, the amulet resonated with his burgeoning voice, infusing his words with a newfound eloquence.

As So'Val continued his exploration of the ancestral manor, his babbling took on a new resonance, his words flowing effortlessly and with newfound clarity.

The servants and attendants who crossed his path were struck by the poise and confidence with which he spoke, unaware of the magical artifact that adorned his neck.

In the serene sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor, So'Val Mujôna, the esteemed scion of his noble lineage, embarked upon a journey of discovery, guided by the subtle influence of the mystical crystal amulet that adorned him—a symbol of his heritage and a harbinger of greatness yet to come.

After this was done, So'Val decided to claim his second reward.

(Show, and claim Tome of Ancient Eldorian Literature!)

+Certainly master!

Level 2: Vocabulary Acquisition

Reward: Tome of Ancient Eldorian Literature

Description: The tome presented to So'Val is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, bound in rich, supple leather adorned with intricate Eldorian motifs. 

It's pages, yellowed with age, are filled with tales of heroism and adventure penned by the sages of old. Each story is accompanied by vivid illustrations that leap off the page, bringing the vibrant world of Eldoria to life.

As So'Val delves into it's contents, he finds himself immersed in a realm of magic and wonder, his imagination ignited by the timeless tales contained within.

(Now claim it!)

Returning to the serene sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor, So'Val Mujôna, the esteemed scion of his noble lineage, toddled with newfound confidence amidst the grandeur of his family's heritage.

At nine months old, he had recently mastered the art of walking, his tiny steps echoing softly against the polished marble floors of the ancestral manor.

So'Val's journey through the halls of his ancestral home led him to a chamber filled with treasures of antiquity.

Amongst the artifacts displayed upon velvet-lined shelves, his eyes "alighted" on purpose to not raise suspicion about him having systems, upon a magnificent tome—an ancient relic bound in rich, supple leather and adorned with intricate Eldorian motifs.

The tome, presented to So'Val as a reward from his blue system for his Level 2:

Vocabulary Acquisition, held within its yellowed pages a wealth of knowledge and wisdom passed down through generations.

As he reached out with chubby fingers to grasp the tome, he felt a sense of anticipation stirring within him, as if he were on the cusp of unlocking secrets long forgotten.

With the tome cradled in his arms, So'Val retreated to a quiet corner of the chamber, where shafts of sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting a warm, golden glow upon the pages of the ancient tome.

As he opened the tome, the scent of aged parchment and ink filled the air, transporting him to a realm of magic and wonder. The pages, filled with tales of heroism and adventure penned by the sages of old, beckoned him to explore their depths.

With each turn of the page, So'Val found himself immersed in the vibrant world of Eldoria, where brave warriors battled fierce beasts, and powerful sorcerers wielded magic beyond imagination.

Vivid illustrations accompanied each story, bringing the legendary heroes and mythical creatures to life in breathtaking detail.

As So'Val delved deeper into the tome's contents, his young mind drank in the rich tapestry of words and images, his vocabulary expanding with each new tale he encountered. Words like "valor" and "adventure" took on new meaning as he absorbed the timeless wisdom contained within the pages.

Lost in the pages of the ancient tome, So'Val's imagination soared, fueled by the stories of courage and resilience that filled its hallowed pages.

In that serene sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor, the young scion embarked upon a journey of discovery, guided by the timeless tales of Eldorian literature that now lay open before him—a treasure trove of knowledge that would shape his destiny for years to come.


As So'Val's unbidden entry into the ancestor sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor unfolded in a manner shrouded in mystery, a convergence of subtle forces that seemed to conspire to guide him to his destination.

As the esteemed scion of the noble Mujôna lineage, So'Val was already imbued with an innate sense of belonging within the walls of his ancestral home.

From the moment of his birth, the very essence of the manor seemed to resonate with his presence, as if recognizing him as the rightful heir to its legacy.

Yet, on this particular day, there was an additional element at play—an unseen hand guiding So'Val's steps towards the sanctum of his ancestors.

Some whispered of ancestral spirits watching over the young scion, their ethereal whispers nudging him towards the chamber where the relics of generations past lay enshrined.

Others spoke of ancient wards and enchantments woven into the very fabric of the manor, their purpose shrouded in secrecy but their effects undeniable.

Perhaps these mystical safeguards recognized So'Val's lineage and granted him passage where others would be denied.

Yet, amidst the speculation and conjecture, one truth remained undeniable—So'Val's connection to the ancestral sanctum ran deeper than mere bloodline or inheritance.

It was as if a thread of destiny bound him to the chamber, drawing him inexorably towards the relics of his forebears with an irresistible pull.

And so, guided by forces both seen and unseen, So'Val entered the ancestor sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor without explicit permission, his presence a testament to the enduring bond between past and present, legacy and lineage.

In that mysterious convergence of fate and fortune, the young scion took his first steps towards understanding the true meaning of his noble heritage—a journey that would shape his destiny in ways unforeseen.

While this happening, let's talk about So'Val Mujôna's journey of faith toward Jesus Christ was a profound and transformative one, marked by moments of doubt, questioning, and ultimately, rediscovery.

As a child, So'Val was raised in a devout Christian household. His parents instilled in him a deep reverence for Jesus Christ and the teachings of Christianity.

From a young age, he found solace and guidance in prayer, attending church services regularly, and immersing himself in the scriptures.

Throughout his adolescence, So'Val's faith continued to flourish.

He found comfort in times of trouble, strength in moments of weakness, and a sense of purpose in his relationship with God. His faith was not just a set of beliefs but a living, breathing part of his identity.

However, as So'Val entered his teenage years, he began to grapple with existential questions and uncertainties about his faith. He encountered challenges and contradictions that shook the foundation of his beliefs.

He started to question the existence of God, the validity of religious doctrines, and the purpose of his own spiritual journey.

These doubts slowly eroded So'Val's once unwavering faith, leading him down a path of skepticism and disbelief. He found himself drawn to atheistic philosophies and scientific explanations for the mysteries of life.

The allure of rationality and empirical evidence seemed to offer a more concrete understanding of the world than the abstract concepts of religion.

For several years, So'Val identified as an atheist. He embraced a worldview devoid of supernatural beliefs, relying solely on reason and logic to make sense of existence.

Yet, despite his rejection of faith, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of emptiness and longing for something greater than himself.

It wasn't until So'Val reached the age of 20 that he experienced a profound spiritual awakening.

Through a series of personal experiences and encounters, he began to reconsider the possibility of a divine presence in the universe. He felt a stirring in his soul, a yearning for the spiritual connection he had once known.

Slowly but surely, So'Val's faith began to reignite. He revisited the teachings of Christianity with fresh eyes, seeking wisdom and understanding in the scriptures.

He engaged in deep introspection and prayer, opening his heart to the possibility of a transcendent reality beyond the confines of human comprehension.

With each passing day, So'Val's faith in Jesus Christ grew stronger. He found renewed purpose and meaning in his relationship with God, embracing his identity as a beloved child of the divine.

His journey from doubt to faith was not without it's challenges, but it ultimately led him to a deeper understanding of himself and his place in the world.

So'Val, being only nine months old, would not be able to actively engage in spreading the gospel and his faith toward Jesus in the traditional sense.

However, in a fantasy story, there could be fantastical elements that enable him to indirectly influence the population of Eldoria even at such a young age. Here are some creative ways So'Val could potentially spread his message before leaving his mansion:

Magical Influence: So'Val could possess a latent magical ability that subtly influences the emotions and thoughts of those around him.

His presence alone might instill feelings of peace, love, and compassion in others, making them more receptive to the message of Jesus.

Guardian Spirits: So'Val could be protected by guardian spirits or divine entities who recognize his potential importance in spreading faith.

These beings could subtly guide individuals to his mansion, where they might witness acts of kindness or hear snippets of teachings about Jesus.

Dreams and Visions: So'Val's dreams could serve as a conduit for divine messages.

People in Eldoria might start having prophetic dreams or vivid visions that lead them to seek out the source of these visions, ultimately bringing them into contact with So'Val and his teachings.

Symbolism and Omens: Strange occurrences and symbolic events could surround So'Val, serving as omens of his significance.

Perhaps natural phenomena like rainbows or rare celestial events coincide with moments when So'Val's message is particularly potent, drawing the attention of the population.

Divinely Inspired Art: Even at a young age, So'Val might demonstrate remarkable artistic talent. His paintings, songs, or writings could carry subtle yet profound messages about faith and spirituality, resonating deeply with those who encounter them.

Animal Companions: Animals in the vicinity of So'Val could exhibit unusual behavior, perhaps even becoming messengers themselves, carrying small tokens or scrolls with messages about Jesus to distant parts of Eldoria.

Mysterious Healings: So'Val could unknowingly possess the power to heal ailments or injuries. As word spreads of these miraculous occurrences, people might flock to his mansion seeking not only physical healing but also spiritual guidance.

Telepathic Communication: Though unable to speak in the traditional sense, So'Val might possess a telepathic connection with certain individuals, allowing him to communicate his teachings directly to their minds.

Sacred Objects: Objects within So'Val's mansion could hold spiritual significance, radiating a palpable aura of holiness.

Pilgrims might journey from far and wide to witness these artifacts, inadvertently encountering So'Val and his message along the way.

Predestined Encounters: Through a series of seemingly chance encounters, key individuals could find themselves drawn to So'Val's mansion, each one playing a crucial role in the spread of his message throughout Eldoria.

These elements could weave together to create a captivating narrative where So'Val's influence transcends his physical age, ultimately shaping the faith and beliefs of an entire realm.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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I'll be posting once every two weeks or more if I get inspired faster!

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