
So'Val's Adventures To Become The Strongest!

A young man with the ambition to become the best, and the strongest Mage of all times while upholding his principals, and honor until the end no matter the path he's going to take! Warning: 1- There won't be any villain in the Part 1 of the story. 2- The story is a slow-based story. 3- All characters in the story are important, and none are going to be forgotten. 4- There are going to be a lot of details because I like to explain about everything. 5- This story is going to have 30 seasons. 15 seasons for part 1, and the other 15 seasons for part 2. 6- Twitter account: @SyrinxBlackquil

SyrinxBlackquill · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Intelligence went over level 40! Rewards + Revealing a bit of his past.

[Name: So'Val Mujôna]

[Age: 6 month old]

[Race: Human]

[Main-Class: Mage(Upgradable)]

[Sub-Class: Copy Class]

[Health: 200/200]

[Mana: 100/200]

[Stamina: 2]

[Strength: 4]

[Speed: 2]

[Intelligence: 40]

[Language: Professional Level]

[Skills: Active Skills:

-Eye of Truth - Level 1(Upgradable)

-Pocket Dimension - Level 1(Upgradable)

Passively Skills: 

-Anti-Poison - Level 1(Upgradable)]


-Heavenly Leather Flask Wineskin - Level Max(Not Upgradable)

-Crystal Amulet (Yet to claim)

-Tome of Ancient Eldorian Literature (Yet to claim)

-Cloak Woven from Threads of Pure Magic (Yet to claim)

-Staff of Pure Crystal (Yet to claim.

Free to use attributes: 0

Upon achieving the foundational milestone of intelligence at level 40 and harnessing a formidable pool of 200 mana points, So'Val's journey into the realm of magic was met with extraordinary rewards, each imbued with the essence of Eldoria's arcane energies.

With his attribute points meticulously allocated and his mana reserves brimming with potent energy, the fabric of reality itself seemed to pulse with anticipation, awaiting the unveiling of the wonders that awaited him.

-Aurora's Embrace:

Description: As So'Val's intellect blossoms, he is enveloped by Aurora's Embrace, a radiant aura that emanates from within him, manifesting as shimmering ribbons of light that dance and intertwine around his form.

This ethereal manifestation of his heightened intelligence serves as a beacon of enlightenment, illuminating the path before him with clarity and insight.

Within the embrace of Aurora's light, So'Val gains heightened perception and intuition, allowing him to perceive the subtle energies that permeate the world around him and to navigate the complexities of magic with unparalleled acuity.

-Mystic Resonance Core:

Description: Deep within the recesses of So'Val's being, a Mystic Resonance Core awakens, pulsating with the raw power of Eldoria's arcane energies.

This mystical core serves as a conduit for the manipulation of mana, enabling So'Val to harness and channel the potent energies of the universe with precision and control.

As So'Val attunes himself to the Mystic Resonance Core, he gains mastery over the flow of mana, shaping it into spells and incantations that bend reality to his will.

With each manipulation of mana, the core resonates with harmonic vibrations, amplifying So'Val's magical prowess and imbuing his spells with unrivaled potency.

-Eidolon's Insight Shard:

Description: Deep within the depths of So'Val's consciousness, an Eidolon's Insight Shard awakens, granting him access to the ancient wisdom of Eldoria's mystical guardians.

This shard of ethereal knowledge serves as a repository of arcane lore, containing the secrets of the universe and the mysteries of magic.

As So'Val communes with the Eidolon's Insight Shard, he gains access to a vast reservoir of knowledge, unlocking insights into the nature of reality and the workings of the arcane arts.

With each revelation, the shard resonates with a celestial glow, illuminating So'Val's mind with boundless wisdom and guiding him on his journey to mastery.

As So'Val embraces the extraordinary rewards bestowed upon him, he embarks upon a path of enlightenment and discovery, wielding the power of Eldoria's arcane energies with unparalleled skill and wisdom.

With each step forward, he ascends to greater heights of magical prowess, shaping the very fabric of reality according to his will.

As Marquis Augustine Mujôna and Marquess Winter Frostbane Mujôna, leaders of the esteemed Mujôna family, witnessed their nine-month-old son, So'Val, a whirlwind of emotions swept through their noble hearts, leaving them awestruck and brimming with pride.

Standing amidst the opulent grandeur of their ancestral library of the Mujôna family, nestled within the heart of their ancestral estate, stood as a testament to the grandeur and magnificence of their lineage.

As one crossed the threshold into this hallowed chamber, they were greeted by a sight that left even the most seasoned scholars in awe.

Stretching across multiple levels, the library boasted towering shelves crafted from the finest mahogany, their rich hues gleaming in the soft light that filtered through stained glass windows adorned with intricate motifs of Eldoria's storied history.

The shelves groaned under the weight of countless tomes, their leather-bound spines bearing the wisdom of ages past and the promise of untold adventures.

Every corner of the library seemed to hold its own secrets, its own mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

From the grand central atrium, where an ornate chandelier bathed the room in a warm, golden glow, to the secluded alcoves tucked away in the shadows, where ancient scrolls whispered of forgotten legends and arcane rituals.

The air hummed with a palpable energy, as if the very walls themselves were alive with the echoes of countless voices that had passed through its halls.

Scholars, mages, and adventurers alike were drawn to this sacred sanctuary, their footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors as they sought knowledge, enlightenment, and the thrill of discovery.

But what truly set the Mujôna family library apart was its inherent magic, woven into the very fabric of its existence. Rare tomes whispered arcane secrets to those who dared to listen, their pages shimmering with eldritch energy that danced beneath the flickering candlelight.

Hidden passages revealed themselves to those with the keen eye and the courage to seek them out, leading to realms unknown and adventures untold.

In this vast and wondrous repository of knowledge, the Mujôna family's legacy lived on, a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness, offering solace, wisdom, and the promise of endless possibilities to all who dared to step foot within its hallowed halls.

And as the sun set beyond the stained glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns of light and shadow upon the shelves, the library of the Mujôna family stood as a testament to the enduring power of knowledge, magic, and the timeless legacy of a noble lineage.

The Marquis and Marquess observed with a profound sense of wonder as So'Val, their beloved son, embraced his newfound abilities.

As the radiant aura of Aurora's Embrace enveloped him, and the mystical resonance of the Mystic Resonance Core pulsed within him, they were overcome by a profound sense of admiration for his innate brilliance and indomitable spirit.

The shimmering Eidolon's Insight Shard, nestled deep within So'Val's consciousness, spoke of ancient wisdom passed down through generations of Eldorian sorcery, filling the hearts of the Marquis and Marquess with reverence for their family's legacy.

With each step So'Val took on his journey to greatness, the Marquis and Marquess felt a swell of pride unlike any they had ever known, and let's not forget that he was able to walk at just the age of seven month old while he's now a nine month old kid.

They marveled at the depth of his intellect, the magnitude of his magical prowess, and the unwavering determination that burned within him.

In the presence of their son's extraordinary achievements, the Marquis and Marquess felt their hearts swell with pride, their noble lineage enriched by So'Val's boundless potential.

They knew that he was destined for greatness, destined to carry on the legacy of the Mujôna family with honor and distinction.

As they embraced So'Val, surrounded by the echoes of ancient enchantments and the whispers of Eldoria's mystical realm, the Marquis and Marquess knew that their son was a beacon of hope and inspiration, a testament to the enduring strength of their noble bloodline.

And as they gazed upon him with tears of joy in their eyes, they pledged to support him on his journey, guiding him with love and wisdom as he forged his own path in the world.

In the serene sanctum of the Mujôna ancestral manor, So'Val, the esteemed scion of the noble lineage, summoned the courage to reveal his true origins and the profound journey that had led him to his family.

With the flickering candlelight casting an ethereal glow upon the chamber, he stood before his parents, Marquis Augustine and Marquess Winter, with a heart heavy with the weight of his revelation yet buoyed by the boundless love and acceptance he knew they would offer.

"Dearest parents."

Began So'Val, his voice trembling with emotion yet resolute in it's sincerity.

"I must share with you the truth of who I am and whence I come."

With a steady gaze that met theirs, he recounted the extraordinary tale of his soul's journey from another dimension, guided by the luminous grace of the Holy Spirit, to this realm of Eldoria.

"I am not merely of this world," he confessed, "but a traveler from realms beyond where the echoes of our Christian faith resound in harmony with the celestial realms."

As he spoke, he felt the warmth of their love enveloping him, offering solace, and support in the face of his revelation.

So'Val spoke of his unwavering devotion to his Christian faith, rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whose divine grace had illuminated his path and guided him through the depths of eternity.

"Jesus Christ, the Son of God," he proclaimed, "embodied the timeless virtues of love, compassion, and forgiveness, and His teachings continue to inspire and guide me on my journey."

With a solemn reverence, So'Val recounted the sacred commandments of the Bible, engraved upon his soul from his past life, as if etched in the very fabric of his being.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me," he recited, his voice resonating with the weight of divine authority.

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image," he continued, each word carrying the echoes of ancient wisdom.

As he spoke of the commandments, So'Val felt a profound sense of reverence and awe, as if tapping into the divine wisdom that had guided his soul through the aeons.

And as he concluded his revelation, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that he had laid bare the truth of his existence before his beloved parents, who embraced him with unconditional love and acceptance.

In that sacred moment, surrounded by the flickering candlelight and the warmth of familial love, So'Val knew that he had found his true home, where his soul could flourish and his faith could thrive.

And as he gazed into the eyes of his parents, he knew that his journey was only beginning, guided by the luminous grace of the Holy Spirit and the timeless teachings of his Christian faith.

In the quiet sanctity of their family chambers, So'Val, the cherished scion of the Mujôna lineage, shared a profound revelation with his parents, Marquis Augustine and Marquess Winter.

With a tender yet resolute voice, he expressed his deep-seated desire to forge a sacred relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and to illuminate the hearts of the people of Eldoria with the divine teachings revealed in the flesh.

"Dearest parents."

Began So'Val, his voice suffused with a gentle earnestness that mirrored the flickering candlelight dancing across the chamber.

"I am called to embark upon a sacred mission, a mission to cultivate a profound relationship with Jesus Christ, the embodiment of divine love and compassion."

As he spoke, a radiant warmth suffused the room, as if the very air were alive with the presence of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness to So'Val's heartfelt revelation.

"Jesus Christ," he continued, "is the beacon of light that guides my soul, the embodiment of God revealed in the flesh, whose teachings resonate with timeless wisdom and boundless grace."

With each word, So'Val's conviction grew, fueled by the depths of his faith and the unwavering love that bound him to his family.

"I am called to share the sacred teachings of Jesus Christ with the people of Eldoria."

He declared, his voice ringing with a sense of purpose that echoed through the chamber.

"To illuminate their hearts with the transformative power of divine love and to lead them on a journey of spiritual awakening and redemption."

In the tender embrace of his parents' love, So'Val found solace and strength, knowing that they supported him in his sacred calling.


He proclaimed, his voice infused with a quiet resolve.

"We shall spread the message of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to every corner of this realm, so that all may know the boundless love and compassion that he embodies."

And as he stood amidst the flickering candlelight, surrounded by the love and acceptance of his family, So'Val knew that his journey was just beginning, guided by the radiant light of divine grace and the unwavering love of Jesus Christ, the Son of God revealed in the flesh.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Sorry for the delayed publish of this chapter, I had to take a small break because of personal stuff. <3


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