
So'Val's Adventures To Become The Strongest!

A young man with the ambition to become the best, and the strongest Mage of all times while upholding his principals, and honor until the end no matter the path he's going to take! Warning: 1- There won't be any villain in the Part 1 of the story. 2- The story is a slow-based story. 3- All characters in the story are important, and none are going to be forgotten. 4- There are going to be a lot of details because I like to explain about everything. 5- This story is going to have 30 seasons. 15 seasons for part 1, and the other 15 seasons for part 2. 6- Twitter account: @SyrinxBlackquil

SyrinxBlackquill · Fantasy
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Finally, the time for So'Val's appearance to the world!!

After the gathering of all the people involved in the invitational letters to attend the celebration of So'Val's appearance into the world as he's now two days old, they were holding conversations with each other, met one another, and started to understand each other's culture in the meantime.

As twilight draped its velvety shroud over the towering spires of Valoria, the Marquis Augustine Mujôna, a figure of regal presence, stood in the heart of his opulent mansion.

A soft hum of anticipation filled the air as the time for revelation drew near.

With a wave of his hand, Augustine summoned ancient incantations, causing the crystal chandeliers to cast a radiant glow.

Shadows danced along the walls, creating an otherworldly ambiance. As the luminous energy swirled, a portal materialized, adorned with ornate runes that spoke of lineage and legacy.

From this magical gateway, Augustine emerged, draped in robes woven from the essence of twilight itself.

His eyes sparkled with the wisdom of ages, and a circlet of starlight adorned his brow, signifying his dominion over the Human Empire.

With a commanding presence, he raised his hands, and the room fell into an expectant hush.

In that mystical moment, the doors flung open to reveal his wife, Winter Forstbane Mujôna, resplendent in a gown that echoed the frost-kissed wonders of Eldoria.

Cradled in her arms was So'Val, their son, the heir to the Mujôna legacy. The child's attire mirrored his father's, a symphony of celestial hues and enchanting details.

In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where enchantment flows like a river, So'Val Mujôna, the 2-day-old harbinger of joy, is adorned in a celestial ensemble.

His attire, woven by the hands of moonlight weavers, boasts a delicate fabric that shifts between shades of twilight and dawn as he moves.

Tiny, luminescent runes dance along the hem, telling tales of his future adventures.

A miniature crown, fashioned from enchanted silver and studded with ethereal sapphires, perches upon So'Val's silvery curls, reflecting the wisdom of the ancient stars.

The ensemble is completed with tiny boots, each step leaving a trail of stardust that glimmers in his wake.

Winter Forstbane Mujôna, his mother and guardian, dons a gown crafted from the breath of frosty zephyrs and adorned with crystalline patterns that echo the delicate frost forming on the petals of winter blooms.

The gown seems to capture the essence of the Northern Lights, with every movement sending shimmering reflections across the hall.

As they make their entrance into the Grand Hall, a hushed awe blankets the onlookers from the twenty-five Kingdoms.

Mother and son, a harmonious embodiment of Eldoria's magic, cast a spell of wonder, their matching attire an ethereal tapestry that weaves together past, present, and the promise of an enchanted future.

As Augustine and his family stepped forward, the mansion echoed with ethereal music, an unseen orchestra playing a melody that resonated with the magic coursing through their veins.

The gathered dignitaries and emissaries from distant lands stood in awe, witnessing the unveiling of the future Marquis, a moment both mysterious and special, woven with the threads of Eldoria's enchantment.

As the Grand Hall awaited the entrance of the esteemed head-butler, another hushed anticipation settled like a gossamer veil.

Suddenly, an arcane ripple traversed the air, and there, in the midst of a subtle wisp of silver mist, the head-butler materialized.

Clad in a suit that seemed to be spun from the shadows of the moonlit night, the head-butler exuded an aura of dignified mystery.

His eyes, pools of deep obsidian, held the secrets of centuries served in the Mujôna lineage.

A monocle adorned his eye, a lens through which he perceived the arcane threads that intertwined the fates of his household.

With a subtle inclination of his head, he summoned his cadre of ten butlers, each stepping forth with an uncanny synchronicity.

They moved like phantoms, their steps unheard, and their presence felt only through the residual traces of enchantment left in their wake.

The head-butler, a master of both the seen and the unseen, gestured with a gloved hand, and the Grand Hall's chandeliers dimmed momentarily, replaced by a constellation of floating orbs that bathed the space in a soft, ambient glow.

A murmuring incantation echoed through the hall, as if the very air responded to the butler's command.

As the ensemble of butlers arranged themselves in a formation, their hands interweaving an intricate dance of arcane gestures, the invited guests from the twenty-five Kingdoms witnessed a display of elegance and mystique unparalleled.

The head-butler, an enigmatic maestro, orchestrated the unseen symphony of Eldoria's magic, leaving an indelible impression of sophistication and intrigue upon all who beheld the spectacle.

"Silence! Be sure to welcome the Marquis Augustine Mujôna, the Marquess Winter Frostbane Mujôna, and their first born So'Val Mujôna!"

As the hallowed moment unfolded in the Grand Hall, where whispers of Eldoria's enchantments lingered in the air, So'Val Mujôna, a mere 2 days old, made his debut into the world.

Cradled in the arms of his mother, Winter Forstbane Mujôna, the infant emitted an ethereal glow that seemed to transcend the physical realm.

A delicate mist, opalescent and iridescent, began to coalesce around So'Val, forming an ephemeral aura that mirrored the hues of dawn's first light.

This mystic emanation pulsed gently, echoing the heartbeat of the newborn and resonating with the ancient magic woven into his very essence.

As the luminescent mist enveloped So'Val, it cast subtle reflections on the faces of the onlookers, creating an atmosphere of hushed reverence.

Eldorian runes, invisible to the naked eye, flickered within the aura, inscribing a tale of destiny and promise for the young heir.

The ambient sounds of the Grand Hall softened, replaced by a melodic hum that seemed to emanate from the very soul of the infant.

Time itself seemed to bow in deference to this celestial arrival, as if acknowledging the convergence of past, present, and a future bathed in magical legacy.

The guests from the twenty-five Kingdoms, gathered in awe, felt an inexplicable connection to the infant's aura, as though witnessing the inception of a saga written in the stars.

So'Val Mujôna's 2-day-old presence radiated a mysterious and special aura, a symphony of enchantment that left an indelible mark on the collective memory of Eldoria's Grand Hall.

As that was happening, So'Val stared in awe at the different kinds of species around him, and infront of him, since he was in a world where only humans existed, his Sapphire-blue eye, and Crimson-red eye glowed brightly at them with a smile coming from his lips.

(So this is the new world I've been born in, and these people are the species of this world, interesting.)

So'Val Mujôna's smile, a radiant crescent of pure innocence, held the enchantment of a thousand stars.

As his tiny lips curved upward, the room itself seemed to respond, bathed in a gentle, iridescent glow.

The aura of his smile was not merely a reflection of joy but a manifestation of the magic inherent in his lineage.

Eldorian whispers of ancient tales and future wonders resonated within that smile, captivating the onlookers with a profound sense of wonder.

Each glimmer in his eyes mirrored the promise of a myriad of adventures yet to unfold.

The air, touched by the ethereal essence of his expression, shimmered with a subtle energy that transcended the mundane.

As So'Val's smile illuminated the Grand Hall, the audience, representatives from the twenty-five Kingdoms, found themselves awestruck in a magical suspension of time.

It wasn't just a child's smile; it was a celestial melody, a glimpse into the mystic legacy of the Mujôna family, leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of the enchanted gathering.

Sorry for the late upload but I have a busy week especially this time of the month where it's Christmas, and also not having time since I have scouts as well!

If you like it? Add it to your library!

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