
The sorting ceremony!

As whispers began to spread about who is going to which house Albus Dumbledore stood up in a slow dramatic fashion crisply drawing everyone's attention. He spoke just above the tone of a whisper "let the ceremony begin!" And with that McGonagall began reciting names.

"Hannah Abbott !!!" Called out the old witch as a young blonde girl waddled up to the sorting hat, clearly a little frightened Minerva chose to flash her a grandmotherly smile to relax her. The hat was placed on her head and it began to mumble to her until is raised its head. "HUFFLEPUFF!!!" Causing the yellow tied students to erupt into cheers.

The list continued with 42 students being named, Jon and mordred chose to remember each one as they felt it best to recruit someone from their year as a peerage member. Jon tossed around the idea of Alastair moody but swiftly ditched it after he was reminded off his wary nature. Stuffing a chess piece into his soul would likely make him attack them. The next name was called so jon zones back in to reality. He watched mordred make notes on their names and add silly comments based on what she's learned. She absorbs information around her to he brought her up to date on this world.

Susan bones- hufflepuff. (Necromancer?)

Trevor boot- ravenclaw. (Meh)

Mandy Brocklehurst- ravenclaw. (Barbie doll)

Lavender brown- Gryffindor (Yandere)

Milicient Bulstrode- Slytherin (Fatty)

Michael Corner- ravenclaw. (Emo)

Stephen Cornfoot- ravenclaw. (Mob)

Vincent Crabbe- slytherin. (Fat bad guy)

Tracey Davis- slytherin. (Glasses girl)

Kevin Entwhistle- hufflepuff. (Mob)

Justin finch-fletchley- hufflepuff (smug face)

Seamus Finnigan- Gryffindor. (Explosive Irish guy)

Anthony Goldstein- ravenclaw. (Jewish American)

Gregory Goyle- Slytherin. (Fat bad guy #2)

Hermione Granger- Gryffindor (beaver teeth- has evil cat- is a nerd) she had no chill with hermione but I'm glad she still got into Gryffindor.

Daphne greengrass- Slytherin (blonde/is educated)

Wayne Hopkins- Hufflepuff (wild hair)

Megan Jones- Hufflepuff (mob)

Sue Li- ravenclaw. (Half Chinese)

Neville Longbottom- Gryffindor (toad boy)

Morag MacDougal- Slytherin. (Mega mob)

Ernie Macmillan- hufflepuff (Jon said Jay inbetweeners? Sounds like a douche)

Draco Malfoy- Slytherin (son of gay pedophile) I noticed that he seemed angry as he put on the hat, it must be mentioning some hidden thoughts that he doesn't want to think about. Like his parents relationship, his comparison to Harry Potter and how he isn't worthy to be the heir to house black.

Theodore Nott- Slytherin. (Rabbit face)

Pansy Parkinson- Slytherin. (Pug face)

Padma and Pavarti Patel- Gryffindor and ravenclaw (twins)

Then came Mordred's turn "mordred Pendragon!" Whispers broke out at the mention of her surname. I noticed even Dumbledore's eyebrows creased. Hermione looked confused until one of her new housemates revealed about the nobility system, pendragon is the royal family which is above their house founders. They are also known to be extinct which was the cause of the whispers.

Mordred didn't give a shit though as she walked towards the hat with her chest raised. To others she walked with the grace of nobility and had a face sculpted through years of training displaying the aura of a queen. To Jon she looked smug and was gloating about her position to all the other nobility in the room, they didn't notice because they were to shocked about the name.

I heard whispers about sending word to their families immediately to arrange a marriage. My eye twitched for a second and I couldn't help but note the faces of the people who said that. Worst part was that it was whispered among all the tables, Jon's mood suddenly dampened thinking about one of these pampered brats with Mordred. Then he felt better imagining Mordred in a wedding dress walking towards him.

"Gryffindor!!!!" Was screamed by the hat causing their table to reach levels of noise much higher than before. The other houses took this assignment much worse than the other times as they glared at Gryffindor.

Mordred just waltzed over to the table and wrote in her little book.

Mordred Pendragon- Gryffindor. (Future ruler of Camelot, most beautiful person in the room). My face blackened after I read that line later.

Sally Anne perks- Gryffindor (mob).

Harry Potter- Gryffindor (chosen one, needs a haircut and possibly medical attention). Harry's sorting was actually the exact same as the movies with people taking the enthusiasm from Mordred's onto his. The last heir of house Potter should be a slytherin by all accounts but alas he became another lion.

Oliver rivers- Slytherin (spiky hair)

Sophie Roper- Gryffindor (mob)

Sally smith- hufflepuff (Unibrow)

Now it was my turn, "Jon Snow!!!" I got up and walked to the hat calmly, the students in the room whispered that they got the same vibe from me as they did Mordred. Girls whispered about my good looks while guys commented on the scars. One had the audacity to say I probably put make up on the look cool or I got it from falling off a bike.

I saw that it was a slytherin who said that so I sent him a discreet letter containing the real reason I got the scar after the dinner. "I got it from falling off your parents bed one to many times. Your mum likes to hog the sheets and your sister likes to spread out much more than I'd prefer". The next three years off his school life where going to be spent in shame as his housemates leaked the response and constantly teased him about it.

Especially when they asked his sister and she said "she'd love to be under me any time~" but that's for later.

As I walked up the hat the heads of houses fastened their gazes on me. They saw I was close to Mordred and ran simulations about me having a connection to the royal family or even more scandalously being her fiancé.

Before I put on the hat I whipped out my wand, McGonagall flinched as she was about to counterattack before I pointed at the hat "scourgify" and caster a cleaning charm on the hat. It became noticeably cleaner and lost the musty leather smell that would normally be found on leather boots. Several of the students noticed the difference in the hat and paled as they recalled putting that old thing on their head. They might get lice or something! The teachers smirked at the clever use of the spell.

After putting the hat on I heard "much obliged young man, it's been about seventy years since I've had a good cleaning. Now then let's see what we have here.... oh my~ your royalty. Yes you claimed that title not through blood but battle. Now your younger". I began to panic a little as I underestimated how In-depth the scan is.

"Oh don't worry boy, there's been precedents of men made young entering these walls to learn before. Merlin himself was included along with some easterners who regained their youth and wished to branch out their studies". That did help me calm a little as I thought about it.

"The traits of the hogwarts houses are meant to measure students to the standards of the founders who were dukes. Your blonde friend was royalty and had the ability to enter any of the four houses. She chose the lions cause she's a pendragon." I deadpanned at Mordred's simpleminded thinking.

The hat had a good chuckle "you also share those qualifications. Your determined and accomplished, loyal to a fault and dedicated to your goals, sharp minded thanks to years of battle and most of all your brave and valiant. I'd dare say you'd walk through a storm and come out thinking it was a gentle breeze hahahaha".

I just smirked, I'm not against complements plus the hat is a literal amazing judge of character. "So Gryffindor then boy? You'll need to restrain the cat over there. Not to mention the boy who lived, a man like you would certainly give him an edge. I know dark things are approaching, time in the headmasters office made me privy to quite a few secrets". The hat added ominously before screaming "Gryffindor!!!!"

Getting more cheers from the lions and more flares from the other houses (predominantly women) jon walked to the table and allowed his colours to change on his uniform. Mordred just nodded "as expected you'd follow me!" "Fat chance moe, the hat said I was more qualified than you. It said I should go here to watch over the silly pussycat". She began glaring at the leather hat as it checked Thomas gray- Slytherin (mob).

Lisa Turpin- Ravenclaw (is stroking an older boys broom with a fanatical look in her eyes). I have to explain about quidditch to her more in-depth.

Ronald Weasley- unfortunately Gryffindor (should be shovelling shit in a horse stable not learning magic that he'll never use). I'm not going to critique this comment.

Zabini Blaise- Slytherin (reminds me of merlin a little so he's probably a sexual deviant). Could have been worse, at least everyone is sorted. I read through Mordred's notes as Dumbledore stood up and insulted the houses while acting like a fool. He then made that good awful song play which I refuse to remember.

Next we were led to the Gryffindor common room by Percy, Mordred came up to my ear and whispered. "Is that one any good? Feels like one of those boot lickers I'd often see in my fathers court". "Your instincts truly are remarkable mordred, so there's the twins, the little girl Ginny, the envious one, Percy, Charlie and bill. Charlie and bill left the country because of their mothers nagging to join the ministry. Percy will do the opposite and become so devoted to the ministry he'll abandon his family".

"Ah I see, so they all have mother issues. Then why is Ron so bad if their mother is so hellbent on their improvement?"

"Cause she never focused on him, the first two left so she focused on Percy. After he went to far on the other side she went to the twins who were maniacs in her eyes. They actually become the most successful. Ginny is the only girl so she's spoiled rotten compared to the others. Which means Ron got the least~" Mordred just nodded as we were led in.

The common room looked exactly like the movie depicted it. The sofa is remarkably comfy and the fire place is roaring heat. I couldn't help it compare it to the one back in winterfell. It was like a bonfire was crammed into the corner of the room.

The genders were divided by their rooms, I saw Mordred follow hermione as they decided to share. Hogwarts was built to accommodate a much larger number of students and those numbers greatly reduced due to the war. Meaning that there's spare rooms!

I entered my room and found three other beds, I'm rooming with Harry, Ron and Nevil. I introduced myself "hi my names Jon Snow, what's yours?" The three places their trunks down near their beds and started conversing with me.

Nevil came and said "I'm Nevil Longbottom, it's nice to meet you Jon. Thanks for helping me find Trevor." I just nodded while the other two look confused. "It's his toad, I used a spell to summon it". Harry looked intrigued "really? What's it called". I then pulled out my wand and pointed at my pyjamas "accio pyjamas" and they flew into my hand.

I then explained the spell and they looked impressed and decided to try themselves only to be met with mixed results. Harry tried with his glasses but just ended up cracking them. So I used "occular reparo" fixing them up. I turned to him and sized him up "you know Harry you look a little malnourished. Perhaps you should go to Madame poppy for a check up. She'll fix up any abuse you could take with no issue". He seemed to catch onto what I implied, the abuse signs are obvious once he takes his top off.

Nevil tried to cast the spell but there was no response. I walked to him "nevil is that your wand?" "No it's my dads why?" "Ah then you won't be able to perform many spells with it. Wands are keyed to the person who first uses them. Only an accomplished wizard could use someone else's. I'd suggest sending a letter home requesting to go for a proper wand sizing otherwise you'll probably fail a few classes".

Nevil looked like he was going to cry "but it was my dads". So I nodded in understanding, I know how tragic his home life is. So I offered some persuasion "nevil I'm not saying get rid of it, a wand is a tool to help focus out magic. Getting yourself a personal wand will help you learn to control it then you can use your fathers all you like once your skilled enough. Trust me I don't think you want to learn this lesson after failing a few classes in charms and transfiguration then get a howler about it".

He paled at my words before rushing to write the letter. I let out a chuckle before watching Ron try the same spell. I watched as he whacked himself in the face with a book and knocked himself out. I shook my head in dismay before going to bathe before going to bed.

Every house has a personal bathroom with a massive bath, a flick of the wrist and the place is like a giant hot tub. After my bath I went and unpacked some of my school tools for tomorrow, read some more of the books I brought before going to sleep.

Next chapter