
Snowfall adventures

The story is about a man being tasked by a god to form a peerage. He became a fate version of jon snow and was tasked with visiting worlds with a servant so as to complete the story and recruit one individual to join the peerage. The first world is Harry Potter Pls check out my patr eon. Smithsonian86_

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Disney gonna sue!

Hagrid was on his way to greet this years first year students but was snapped away when he heard a strange purring noise. He looked up and saw a red flying car that made him very envious. "Why canna have 'ice tings" he mumbled to himself as he stomped toward the station. At least he'll get to enjoy the first years shivering from the cold of the lake. He secretly hopes one braggart falls into the water so they can get rescued by the kraken.

Jon began working the gears like he was about to cast a Jutsu. The car slowly lowered itself into one of the courtyards of Hogwarts. Jon engages the handbreak then removed the keys from the ignition before calmly exiting the car and removing his shades. He took a deep inhale off the fresh air, Paris and London couldn't match the air quality of Hogwarts.

Followed by Jon was Harry who took his shrunken luggage and hedwigs cage out swiftly as his plotter senses were tingling. Ron just harrumphed about how he didn't drive so the car threw him out through the roof. He squealed as he soared into a throng rose bush. Harry struggled to contain his laughter while his owl cackles at his misery.

Jon however was confused "I didn't make it a convertible? It's a nice touch though. Thanks for the ride". As if saying your welcome the cars headlights flashed before drifting away. The music was still blasting as the car vanished into the woods.

Ron managed to get out of the bush before squealing "The Car?!??! Mums gonna kill me!" Jon thought it would be impolite to say sucks to suck. He was drawn out of his musing when he heard a *wreowww*. A red eyed cat by the name of Mrs Norris approached them.

While Harry went to pick up some of Ron's Jettisoned luggage Jon went to the cat. After a brief inspection he smirked "you know the maledictus curse can be broken by doing the animagus ritual, during the thunder storm just say the words backward".

The cat seemed to freeze before slowly looking him dead in the eyes as if to say " Are you fucking serious?!?!?" Jon in response opened his mouth and partially transformed his mouth to have his Pterolycus fangs. The cats body trembled as if realising that there may be some truth to the boys words.

"Oh deary me, what are you boys doing here so early" said a hunched back old man with lots of sarcasm. Jon didn't hesitate to respond while Potter and Weasely froze up in fear.

"We took an alternative route to get to Hogwarts caretaker. The headmaster shut the floo lines for some reason and the barrier closed a few minutes early because some idiot mentioned muggles at kings cross. It's well within the rules to take an alternate route, ours was just more stylish".

Filch just stared into Jon's soul as if assessing whether he should take him in. The boy knew the rules and was true to his word, and if the runours are true he's a foreign royal meaning big trouble for himself if he steps over the line. Filch felt the familiar touch of Mrs Norris against his leg.

His cat was a woman he loved in his younger years named Amelia Norris, she was a maledictus so was cursed to change into a cat permanently one day. As a squib he shared a similar position within the wizarding societies eyes as someone to be sneered at constantly. They bonded and became intimate, it broke his heart when she changed into this form but he chose to keep her close for as long as they both should live.

He even went as far as to learn both caitlik and nekomarian which were magical cat languages just so he could still understand her. He can't speak it himself as a squib but understanding is enough. He felt that she showed a lot of hope as she rubbed against his leg. When he looked down he saw her begging to leave for somewhere private so they could "talk". Well more her meow and he interprets as best he can. So he decided to let the boys off for once. They'll surely mess up some other time~

"Very well, you boys can go and unload your laughs at the Gryffindor dorm. After that go the great hall, by the time your sorted out the first years will have arrived". Without arguing with the man the three left Filch to his own devices. Later that night Filch would be seen sprinting towards Professor Sprout and Professor Snape to cache in a favour for a particular potion to be brewed. Two months later Mrs Norris would walk on two legs again.

But enough about those two, after the group did as Filch instructed and went to the great hall. The older students were settled in and the boys year group had also arrived. Jon noticed that Mordred was not wearing that silly cone hat. Dumbledore loves torturing the students in unseen ways so making them all wear a dunce cap is one of his favourite methods.

Once Jon sat down he was kicked under the table, he looked up and saw a pissed of Mordred. "You prick, if I knew you were going to fix up the car I would have driven myself. Do you have any idea what it was like to listen to the girls squeal about how cool you and Potter looked and the boys envious looks at the car."

"Like you made one of the biggest mistakes of your life~". "Fuck yourself with yourself Jon". "Wanna help?" He retorted causing her to freeze and go red "you bastard!" She kicked him under the table again. Jon just chuckled annoying her so she started kicking again until she accidentally hit Seamus and cracked his shin bone because of her strength.

Coincidentally he was eating some wizarding world Taffy that practically glued his mouth together so the scream was greatly muffled. Mordred stopped and panicked at what happened while Jon's laughter only increased. She then got pissed and tried to punch him so he leaned back and let Neville tank the hit. He lost his buck teeth! though no one besides the people responsible noticed as he was also trying the taffy.

Suddenly dumbledore clapped and gave a similar speech to last year with minor changes. Like a different death threat to a certain area and the annual replacing of the dark arts teacher.

Jon and Mordred cringed at Lockeheart's behaviour. Mordred even said that he was more conceited that Tristan which is really saying something. Watching the girls swoon over his immaculate hair care made most want to vomit.

Jon tried to distract himself so looked around to the first years to see how he recognised. He spotted a Loli Luna, a loli Astoria greengrass and a loli Ginny weasely. Using mana burst on his eyes and he could see the mild bewitchment over the poor girl but he chose to do nothing. He can't open the damn vault! and he can't just point the thing out to Harry cause that would be suspicious as fuck.

Once Dumbledore investigates himself he'll mind fuck everybody to make it so Harry or himself were the ones to discover the chamber. If he used Harry then neither Jon nor Mordred could fight the baselisk without an audience. So they had to reluctantly wait.

Jon continued scanning the first years when he spotted a certain group of kids which would have made him spit take if he was drinking. Mordred noticed and asked what was wrong. "What's wrong?! The fucking mouse will attack if he learns they are here!" Was what he replied. Mordred was confused so watched the students Jon pointed out.

Two boys and four girls, Mordred could sense that this group was different somehow. So when the sorting began she laid more attention after the hats song ended. Once the names were called out Jon began to sweat thinking a mouse was going to attack. This confused Mordred so she decided to ask him to clarify later.

The names of the students? Well they were definitely different compared to what they had both seen so far. Still though Mordred made a note of them similar to what she did last year. Her eavesdropping is legendary grade.

Hiccup Devast- hufflepuff. The boy seems to be from a Scottish clan and has some form of obsession towards dragons from what I can gather. He idolises Newt Scamander who once studied here in Hogwarts so chose to come here to study himself. So he definitely will be aiming for a masters in Care of magical creatures.

Jack Lefrost- Slytherin. The boy is a polish nobleman who is rather wild compare to the other snakes. Came here to get away from his family and possibly find a wife? He seems to be interested in pranking and cryomancy. Perhaps he should be a Gryffindor instead.

Elsa Oldenburg- Slytherin. This girl hails from Denmark and is from a rather strong noble family there. Similar to jack she has an interest in cryomancy, she keeps sending glances his way indicating they may become a couple. Her sister however seems vastly different to her.

Anna Oldenburg- Gryffindor. Sister of Elsa so shares the same origins. Seems to bond with hiccup over creatures. Based on what she's said she loves runes and magical creatures ever since she met some pebble trolls when she was young. She also has a passion for pranking.

Rapunzel Corona- ravenclaw. Has very long blonde hair and comes from the island of corona which is similar to Jon's fake backstory of Westeros as it is a closed magical community. She aims to be a potions mistress so she can brew her own beauty products. I noticed Lockeheart staring at her every so often, the girls around me mentioned her family producing a lot of premium beauty products.

Merida Macguffin- Gryffindor. Like Hiccup she comes from a Scottish clan, she seems to be his childhood friend. She's as ginger as a weasely but seems to have more spine than the entire family. Her fingers show she's trained in archery, impressive considering this worlds standards. She also has aspirations to be the quidditch queen?

After the ceremony and we went back to the dorms I pulled Jon aside to ask about those six. He then said the words "movie night" to me which cause me to furrow my brows. Are they some similar universe or something. I quickly changed my tune in that after watching their series throughout the week back in school. Jon was right to be worried as that mouse may come to collect.