
Snow Way


AndrehDukmak · Horror
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4 Chs


Messages are not saved today, especially in this story.

A message came to Jack, they told him Rose was going to fall into their hand and he would kill and torture her. Jack was afraid, but he collapsed and weakened because Rose is his girlfriend and he will marry her.

Jack was angry when he came to university

Rose was 10 minutes late for lecture, but she does not act like her nature, but something has changed in her. Jack passed by her side and said to her, "What is wrong with you, Rose," but when she answered him, Jack pursued her, so he pulled her by her hand.

She was very frightened and her eyes were full of tears.

After a few moments of conversation came a letter to Jack saying this message: Move away from Rose, otherwise we will hurt you and harm her. Rose went and the university semester ended, Jack's father came to take him home. Tell his father about the message, but they should act, but they have to tell police but they wont They were confused about what to do. Jack's father called his friends, asked for help, and they accepted.

Jack and his father arrived at the site, they are still waiting for Jack's father's friends to come, but they are a little late. Jack's father said: Let's start walking, our eyes should not wait any longer.

After 3 minutes of walking, friends of Jack's father came, and when they walked, a group of dogs started barking loudly.  We Dont  have to escape like always.

They kept walking until they got to Rose's house and saw what they shouldn't be seeing

Yes, it is the truth, but her father and her brother to Rose are torturing her, they are a group of savages, but they raped a group of women and Jack saw them torturing , Jack appeared to cry and collapsed, but one of the house keepers heard a movement sound and said: Is there anyone here, then Jack and his father fled, and then  The guard chased them, went to the car, then Jack's father asked for help from the police. Then the police came to the scene of the crime, accompanied by Jack and his father, they went together to Rose's house and saw blood on the ground. Jack was very sad about rose.

The police arrested the criminals and sentenced them violently. Jack took Rose and they went home to rest.

A week after the crime, they heard the news that Rose was very happy, which is that her brother and father were sentenced to life imprisonment.

After 3 months, Jack was on a business trip with his new job, and on his trip, Rose discovered that she was pregnant, and she collapsed and grieved a lot and then killed herself.

Jack returned from his trip, went home, looked at the ground, saw Rose while she was committing suicide, called the police, and Jack went into shock, because of his love for her, He went to her grave and said to her: You are in grave  and I will come to you, then he killed himself.

Note : I learn from this story that he who loves you never forsakes you even if you are in the coffin