
Snow Trap

Caught in a storm six college students find themselves trapped in a game they don't understand. They'll have to get close to survive. The bigger question is why the Watchers chose them? * This story is sexually explicit. 18+ only. Proceed at your own risk.

RedPandaOona · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 27: Rushed for Time

Most of dinner is spent in silence while they focus on satisfying their stomachs. Fia starts to realize the time as they get through half their meal. Taking a sip of her red wine she muses aloud, "The others probably think we're in some horrible death trap or something we've been isolated so long. Think they're doing alright?"

"I-I don't know." Kai says looking worried before the wall that faces the others has screens appear on it showing different camera angles on the others. Kai feels a shiver down his spine realizing every moment they were here has been caught on film. He figured this was the case but that confirmed it. For a second he wonders if the others were given a peek into his last humiliation. These drapes were only a false sense of privacy and security. 

On the screens they see Kisho on the bed beside Tamaya. Laying on his side his hands nervously start to caress up her legs slowly pulling down her panties. Face bright red. They see one screen zoomed in on the actions of his hand while others show close ups of their nervous blushing faces. Fia and Kai can't hear any sound thankfully but can see Kisho mouthing an apology to Tamaya who looks eager from his actions. They see a discarded piece of paper on the bed beside his hand that has their one word instruction.

Now the screens focus on what Asher and Evelyn are up to. They see Asher laying on the bed eerily still. His breathing slowed. For a moment Kai thought Asher might be dead but realizes the guy is just that pale as he catches one of Asher's shallow breaths. Evelyn holds a vile of red liquid in her hands with a note crumpled in her hand. She looks nervous popping the cap off whispering something to herself.

"When did they get clothes?!" Fia asks a little miffed especially since she just lost her pants. "How-" It's then then screens cut to a wide angle and show the fact that neither pairs screens were transparent. "Oh..oh god!" She looks over at Kisho realizing he's doing his best to hide his actions from the other pair. Evelyn's back is to Kisho.

"We have to hurry!" Kai says before quickly stuffing his face. Sure he wanted to enjoy the steak but there was still whatever Waxing Dressing means left. He only had a little bit of the wine but now downs a big swig of it scrunching his nose.

Fia looks worried saying, "Slow down a little Kai! I don't want you choking on the steak. Chew thoroughly. We'll get the rest done as fast as possible." She takes a large gulp finishing off the rest of her red wine working on her steak. How did they manage to make them regret choosing a delicious meal?! This was the best steak she's ever had and now it was a race against time. 

It doesn't take long before both their plates are cleared. "Alright bring us back! Let us pick our next number." Kai glares at the wall facing the others having put the dishes back in the drawer that appeared. It opens up again as Fia reads aloud the wall's message, "Don't forget the Wax Dressing. You both agreed to whatever we ask." The images in the menu flash into her mind realizing what was coming next. Her body shivers before she tries calming herself with steady breaths.

Kai finds in the drawer some candles and remembers the lighter he saw. His hands start to shake as he feels the wine start to hit his head. "Ooh no…"

"Let's get this over with. We have to help our friends." She stands up from her chair and sees the room shift before them. The bed appears again though the room keeps the spa look. Staring at the bed for a moment she says, "Alright let's be quick about this. I refuse to be the reason Kisho and Tamaya don't get to have privacy for their first time." She goes to sit up on the table and gets a harsh zap, "OWW!!"

"A-Are you okay?" Kai quickly comes over. 

"You sat in the servant chair. Enjoy the comfy bed Kai." Fia reads from behind him. 

"W-Wait.." his face turns red, realizing they changed it up on them again. He quickly gets on the bed and hands the candles to Fia feeling a little more relaxed. "Alright let's do this!" There's an adorable boyish blush on his cheeks as he lays back. His head was already spinning from the wine. Kai was terrified of hurting Fia with wax, especially being a lightweight. Fia's already shown how gentle she can be. Honestly he knew they were better with her in the driver's seat.

She's a bit surprised by how eager he is as he holds up the candles to her as she grabs the lighter. "Ooh eager pet?" She can't help but grin and breath a sigh of relief. "Question time?" She asks with a gentle smile on her face. She can already see his eyes closed as his body looks the most relaxed she's ever seen him even outside of here.

"Suure." Kai can feel his body swimming a little as he starts humming, "I-I'm just glad you're back in charge Fia...I like that." His cheeks burn a little brighter as he realizes his lips are a little looser.

"Well there goes one of my questions." She can't help but grin back at him as she works on lighting one of the candles wondering where she's supposed to use this. "Would this kind of wax fun be written in one of your fantasies? Is that why you're so eager?" She decides to do some test drips on her hand to figure out the distancing so she doesn't hurt him.

He opens his eyes looking surprised saying, "No! I mean I didn't even know this was a thing until that well...that menu." Behind him he sees his prompt. Before he can overthink it Kai takes off his shirt getting a little tangled in it before tossing it to the side. Quickly he lies back down with nervous eyes gazing at Fia's reaction to his bare torso. He always felt insecure about his pale skin and lack of a six pack.

"Just relax Kai." She lets her hands gently caress down his chest feeling him shiver a little. Her eyes flick up behind him and see what the observers want. "We promised to make this quick to get back to the others." She pulls her hand away and starts dripping a few drops along his collarbone, down to his nipples making sure to keep proper distance as she asks, attempting to distract him, "Are you a lightweight with alcohol?"

"Ow! Ooh…" Kai let out the ow reflexively expecting it to hurt but is surprised when he enjoys the almost burn as he lets his eyes close taking in the sensation and her advice to relax. He barely hears her question and waits till she stops asking, "What tipped you off? Imma lil tipsy. That's why I'm glad it's your steady hand Fia…" It's then he sees his prompt and shivers, "Ooh no…" he lets out a nervous shiver as he awkwardly pulls down his pants and underwear to his knees.

"What are you-" she starts to ask before she sees her prompt. "Of course. Whatever they ask. Sorry I picked option four Kai. If I knew--"

"Fia, it's okay. I trust you." his eyes flick to her hollow black eyes and her thin lips. He thinks back on that lip nibble where they started wishing he could do those dice now. He feels the slow dripps going up his inner right thigh before they stop. His body tenses before feeling her making a path on his other thigh. For a moment he hears Fia's breath before feeling her drip it on his member. Biting his lower lip he tries to hold in his noises as his body reacts with a shiver. He can feel her unsteady hand as the drops go down his shaft before the last drop hits right on his circumcised tip. Finally she stops.

He feels her breath gently blow on his cock making it twitch as the sensations get to him. His eyes flutter as he groans out, "I-I'm good Fia…"

Her breath stops as she catches his eyes with worry as her hands douse the flame. A sorry comes to her lips as he shrugs saying, "You didn't light my dick on fire. Thanks." That joke snaps Fia out of it as she quickly grabs a towel handing it to Kai as she turns away from him putting the candles and lighter in the drawer. The partitions start to change as she quickly stands where she blocks Kai's nudity.

He made quick work of getting the wax off his dick but left it on his thighs not wanting to pull hairs. "Oh shit!" Quickly he pulls up his pants and sits up as he looks around, "Where's my shirt?"

The scene before them is quite lewd and bizarre. They see Tamaya on her back with her panties cast aside. One of Kisho's hands under her skirt. The other slid under her thin shirt palming her breast. Kisho is on his side, pants already unzipped and shirtless. One of Tamaya's hands is caressing his arm, the other palming his mound over his underwear for now. Both their eyes closed desperately trying to focus on the other's hands because the sounds near Asher and Evelyn are strange and confusing.

Evelyn has the vial at her feet now. She is groaning holding her stomach, the other massaging her jaw. She finally stands letting out a hiss as Fia asks, "Are those fangs?!" Fia sees a nervous eerie looking grin on Ivory's face. 

Kai stood quickly realizing his shirt was gone for good. He saw Kisho open his eyes. The friends lock eyes nervously as Kisho's hands freeze. Kai notices their boxes glow and randomize. He quickly reaches out choosing at random. Already he felt bad about what he's seen of what should be Kis and Maya's private moment. Part of the reason Kai and Fia hung out even though they, well used to despise each other was because they were friends with Kisho and Tamaya. This whole thing in Kai's mind is worth it if it brings his two best friends together finally. 

"Sixteen!" Kai calls out as all the drapes thankfully turn opaque.