
Snow Trap

Caught in a storm six college students find themselves trapped in a game they don't understand. They'll have to get close to survive. The bigger question is why the Watchers chose them? * This story is sexually explicit. 18+ only. Proceed at your own risk.

RedPandaOona · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 13: Tickle Fight

*Trigger warning: Childhood abuse*

Before Kai and Fia can learn what the middle pair get they see it close itself off like Asher and Evelyn's area. "Want to wait out the clock or just go with two?" Kai asis Fia.

She rolls her eyes, "Let's just get this over with."

Kai hits the number two as they hear the click again letting them know the drawer is now open again. They both look down as Fia can feel the restraint around her waist go away. She tries her best to stretch her torso while she can, looking ridiculous. Kai walks over and looks confused. 

In the box is a long ostrich feather, a hairbrush and something that looks like a spur but isn't that sharp. He picks up the objects looking confused, "What do these have in common?" he looks over at Fia and can't help but quirk his brow. He can't help but find her movements a bit of a turn on.

"I have another question, why remove only the waist restraint?" She has a low growl in her voice as it seems like her wrists and ankles are still perfectly pinned. It's then she gazes at the objects trying to figure it out before a few things click, "Oh hell no!" She cusses out as a five minute timer appears.

"What is it? These don't look like torture devices to me." He sets the long feather by her side which causes her to twitch a little as he continues, "What do I brush your hair then put the feather in your hair?" He looks at the last tool saying, "Okay maybe this one looks a little torturous but look," He rolls it along his arm and laughs a little saying, "It's not sharp just tickles! Nothing to worry about Fia!"

She shakes her head, "That's it." The screen above the timer prompts him, "Tickle fight. See who wins." The timer starts.

"Wh-what?" Kai laughs, "Are they serious?" He lets out a sigh of relief, saying, "Well this should be easier than the last box! Not so bad--Fia?" He looks at her seeing her body frozen as she shakes her head muttering a litany of curses under her breath. "Fia? Come on it's just a little feather!" He says putting the other two objects down and picks up the feather.

"No! Fuck this!" She yowls out, "Do NOT tickle me!!" 

He pauses hovering the feather just above her as he looks confused, "What? This is like the tamest thing ever!" Of course Kai has hesitations about doing anything even to Fia without her playing along.

It's then Fia jolts as a zap courses through her, "FUCK!" She screams out, "No! NO! Go ahead zap me fuckers! We're not doing this you sick fucks!" 

Kai this time can hear the crackling move along the restraints. Quickly he puts his hands down over her wrists as he disperses some of the second zap to him, "Aah!" His eyes get wide as he looks at Fia's now teary face, "They're not joking around Fia! Come on! I-I'll be gentle! I can't let you get fried!" He shakes his body in place still feeling a bit of that current before he gently takes the feather and starts to caress her side.

Fia's body tenses up as she seathes at Kai, "Just. Just let them fry me…" 

"No." He says firmly, stopping  for a moment as he glances at the timer. It is down to four minutes. He decides to slowly move down to her feet as she gazes up to the timer snickering, "Not much of a fight when I'm restrained…"

"Why is this your line Fia? You know we're probably going to get worse things." Kai says as he gets down to her bare feet. He decides to gently caress the arch of her feet.

She hisses back at him, "It's none of your business Sol!" Her toes curl as memories of her youth flood her mind. She tries to hold back the images of her father and his friends.

Kai doesn't know what to do as he just wishes the timer will run out. "Mind over matter Fia Sgtyran."

It's then her head snaps up as she tries to kick with her foot to no success, "Don't dare say that name!"

"What? Sgtyran? It's your last name! What's wrong about that?" He goes over to her arm trying to gently rub her arm, but with only the inner arm facing him and her mind on tickling everything is setting her off, "Work with me please! I'm not the bad guy! I'm trying to save both our asses here. Tell me what to do! I can tickle somewhere that doesn't bother you."

She looks over at him seeing his desperate face as she feels for him, "My right kneecap." She sees him quickly move there and can't feel anything he does as she tries to catch her breath and relax. "It...it's dark shit you don't want or need to know about me Kai. You're a decent guy."

He looks concerned saying, "It's not like we have anywhere to go. Besides this shit might get even darker. Might as well tell someone right? Promise I won't tell anyone." He then looks around saying, "Well besides our evil overlords. Though I imagine they already know."

Sighing she says, "Hell we could be stuck here because of my father. I thought I ran far enough. Never did manage to shake his name."

"What do you mean?" Kai asks cautiously.

"Tickle fights. Innocent enough right? Not when your dad uses them to drop your defenses. I was ..." She turns her face away from Kai, "I was his pretty little girl. I would laugh and love the fights. I didn't know when they started feeling wrong. Maybe I always knew, but when his friends came. They...they played the same games with me…"

Kai's face pales as he connects the implications, "I-I am so sorry!" He gasps.

"Don't give me that goddamn tone of pity Kai Sol!" Fia shouts at him looking back at him with a fire in her eyes, "I am not that weak stupid naieve little girl!"

The timer goes off thankfully interrupting Kai before he could bumble out something stupid. Quickly he collects the three objects bolting it to return the items. He pauses as he sees a note in the box. He sets the items down in the box that doesn't close. Slowly he comes back to Fia and touches her wrist restraints. Quickly they release her.

She gasps as she focuses on rubbing her wrists before she hears two clinks. She pales realizing they have attached themselves to Kai's wrists. She feels her ankle restraints release and move for Kai. She tries to get up and bap the ankle restraints away. Fia forgets how weak her body is. She stumbles to the ground off the bed. "No!" She calls out, unable to swipe them away as Kai lets them get him. Quickly the restraints show how strong they are as they lift Kai up and place him on the bed. The timer resets.

"What the fuck Kai?!" She yells at him angrily.

"It's my turn Fia. Besides now you get your payback." He smiles up at her.

She looks up at the timer then sees Kai wince from a minor shock. "No!" She doesn't pick up anything and decides to pinch his sides in frustration. Already Kai twitches and lets out a nervous laugh saying, "I'm extremely ticklish." His cheeks turn a tinge of red in embarrassment.

"Of course you are." She frowns as she looks down at him asking, "Do you want to be the damsel in distress?" Her fingers continue to play at his sides causing him to jerk and laugh a little.

"N-No! I had to!" He tries to catch his breath. She pauses for a moment, not wanting to hurt him as he says, "Guess this makes it an even fight."

She decides to take off his shoes trying to balance the stripping scales and also get at his feet. She wonders, "So what does the winner get?" Fia can already see Kai's skin pale as a myriad of thoughts rush through both their heads. She picks up the spur looking object and brings it closer to his feet saying with a bit of a grin, "Pretty sure I'm winning…"

The object rolls across the arch of Kai's feet causing his whole body to twitch and convulse as he tries to hold back a peel of laughter. She does it to the other foot and he can't hold back crying tears. "Mercy!" He cries out to Fia as the thought of the loser being trapped here forever enters his mind quickly replaced by the idea of a guillotine dropping on his head.

She lets him take a breath as she comes over to his face saying, "Promise you will stop giving me that poor little girl look?" Kai nods his head vigorously still trying to catch his breath. "Good. Remember we're in this together." It's then she looks over at the stopped timer saying with a grin, "Looks like calling mercy cuts this little party short." They both gaze at the wall as the numbers shift to words that Fia says aloud, "Fia wins. Loser stays restrained."

Kai gulps as the waist restraint wraps around him. There is a little comfort he takes in losing control, though he isn't entirely sure if he can trust Fia's moodiness. "Be kind?" he asks her with a gentle smile. She grins collecting the items saying, "As long as you're not a jerk we should be fine." She puts the toys back and as the drawer closes she comes to his side saying, "Thank you for taking some of the shock earlier Kai. Now let's see what's next."