
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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173 Chs

Xenios Tales(Overlord/WC)-2

The last few hours had been... interesting for the denizens of Nazarick. From the moment their mistress had disappeared from the throne room to the moment of her return and the knowledge that they were in a different world now, that they had appeared around a week later than lady Momonga.

That last tidbit of information had been especially devastating for the floor guardians, with Demiurge and Sebas looking like they were contemplating the merits of taking their own lives due to allowing their mistress to be alone in a potentially hostile world for a full week! Though the rest of the NPCs also had been in a similar mindset, they had all put aside their own sense of failure for the moment due to a simple fact.

Lady Momonga had brought a stranger to Nazarick.

Sure, they all knew that it was her right as Nazarick belonged to her; but considering the fact that the only times someone who wasn't a member of Ainz Ooal Gown had entered their tomb was when they were attempting to invade made the presence of this Zeus somewhat uncomfortable.

The fact that he had been with their mistress for at least a week before they arrived in this world definitely did not help as they could feel their judgements getting clouded by jealousy.

Especially for Albedo and Shalltear, whose imaginations were running wild at the thought of being alone with their mistress for a whole week!

Which was why they had been so excited about the meeting their mistress had called for, thinking that it would be something about her plans for this new world or orders about the stranger. Yet instead...

"Take whichever one you like." Their mistress were offering them jewelry?

"Lady Momonga... what exactly..." Demiurge was not sure how to actually ask his question without sounding rude and could see that he would get no support from the rest of the members of Nazarick around him since they were all on cloud nine due to receiving gifts from their mistress.

"A jewelry gift, it's a custom of my newest friend." She said as she picked up one of the many jewelries in the box in her hand, a ring to be precise. "None of these have any special effects, therefore the only thing that makes them special is the intent behind them; I liked the thought of such a tradition so I adopted it. Let this be a way of me thanking you all for your loyalty to Nazarick." She declared with a small smile on her face and Demiurge accepted one of the rings before he could even realize that he had moved and was putting it on his index finger.

"Now then, onto more important matters, I know that most of you are... uncomfortable when it comes to the subject of Zeus. I understand that it's inevitable due to the fact that he isn't actually a member of Nazarick." Their mistress began as she sat back on her throne. "But I wish for you all to still give him a chance, I owe him quite a lot for the time before I managed to find you all after all." And there went all of his objections about the man. He obviously still didn't entirely trust him, but if his mistress was backing him up then he either wasn't a threat to them or his 'threat' was merely a part of their mistress' plans.

"Now, I will leave for a nearby village that I saw during my travels here with Zeus. Albedo, I want you to come with me and I want everyone else to raise the defenses of Nazarick to maximum." Their mistress declared as she got up from her throne and cast one look down. "After my return, Yuri Alpha, I want you to tend to Zeus during his stay in our tomb with one of the homunculus maids of your choosing." And then teleported away.


"Quite the gathering here." I couldn't help but mutter to myself with a smirk as I looked at the gathering of knights that had just been killing every single villager they could find. Now, they were merely hovering in the air as they futilely tried to escape from my power.

The power of a god, it was intoxicating. It wasn't like the magic and spells that Momonga had or even the skills of the other NPCs, no. My power was far more akin to straight up reality warping.

While the tier magic of Momonga obeyed a set of rules, like MP and levels and cooldown time, my powers were far freer in comparison. Almost like telling reality what I wanted, and the reality obeying. It made me understand why Olympians had such an entitled sense of self, especially since I didn't had to adhere to ridiculous divine laws that they had to with Company having those restrictions taken off.

I wonder what would happen if I took my true divine form here.

"So, anyone who wishes to beg for mercy and admit the wrongs they have done before I vaporize the lot of you and send you to meet your fake gods?" I asked with a smile. Honestly, burning down villages? How more of a cliche medieval villain could they be?

"We have nothing to say to you, you heretic monster?!" With that, apparently. It was almost fascinating how this little moron seemed to think that he was the hero in this situation despite the fact that he was, oh you know, burning down a village.

"That's it from the knights, any thoughts from the two beauties?" I asked with a smile to Momonga and Albedo.

"Just get it over with." And the undead lady's decision was swift and merciless, followed by the succubus immediately agreeing with her.

"Very well." I then clapped my hands and sent the knights flying up to a cloud I had created earlier till they were fully inside it. Then thunder shook the skies and soon a small amount of ash rained over the Carne village. Yet the villagers seemed conflicted.

They likely understood that what I had done was to their benefit; yet seeing actual people just killed off like that, especially with the casual ease and power I used in order to do so, must have put them on the edge.

"Please, be at ease." So I decided to smile at them and clap my hands, dispersing the clouds and the small pile of ash with a gust of wind. "There are a few questions I could like to ask you." Might as well make sure there weren't any huge differences to this world to the point that even these villagers would know.

And during which I would start thinking about how to deal with Albedo, who had been glaring at me at every opportunity where she thought no one was watching. Virgin succubus might need some correction.


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